Only he who raised the lyre
Even among the shades
Can dispense the infinite praise
("Die sonette an Orpheus", Rainer Maria Rilke)

The lyre (lyra) is the universal symbol for music in Euro- Western culture, and has been since antiquity. It was the most important instrument in Ancient Greece. But like so many other aspects of what we call "Western" culture, its origin was Asian.

The first known examples of the lyre were recovered from 3rd Millenium BC tombs in Mesopotamia. It was the musical instrument of the Assyrians and Hebrews. Archaic in modern Europe, it is a popular folk instrument in Africa.

The lyre was the traditional instrument of the agones, musical competition festivals sponsored by the Greek and Roman cities. For the ancient Greeks, as an attribute of Apollo the god of music, the lyre symbolised wisdom and moderation. Aristotle and Plato saw it as the instrument of the education of the free Athenian citizen.

Against that background, the "Lyra" was the obvious choice of name for the Hungarian Performing Arts Foundation' award for excellence. When the success of those awards led on to the idea of an Olympiad, the choice of 'Five Lyra' symbolising the participation of all five continents, conveys all that we hope for from the essential humanitarian message of music and dance.

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