Yeah, I know that it will be hard to contain the band jokes. There are so many to begin with. Near the end of first semester 2001-02, I updated the section frequently. Second semester 01-02 I barely touched it. Enjoy...

Lets see-where to start? I can only think to start from the beginning. Band people:In August of 99. Yes, band. The bus rides-bus #1. All the songs we sang: Old McDonald (had an octopus), you make me feel-you make me feel-you make me feel like a man not a woman,did you ever know that you're my hero?....banner yet wa-a-a-ve-for the land of the free-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-,and the home of the bra-a-a-a-ve, dueling banjos, i live in a white house-a house colored white, william shatner poetic lyrics, will you steal my ford truck?, "tubby, fat cow, i dont know how, if only they'd look closer, would they see a fat boy? no sir ee, i'm not as fat as i used to be", i've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, the gilligans theme which to the day i still do not know the lyrics, a wemo way-a wemo way(sp), lean on me-i'll be your friend, amazing grace, in the middle of the night-in the middle of the night, the play list goes on...........a whiter shade of pale: mother of pearl!

ahhh, mac attack, get up (aka the charlie leslie dance), back to the fuller-owens days, freezing in the north carolina mountains,

sometime in early '00, SM vs MHS home basketball game-the various irish and leperchaun (sp) jokes, brick, i forgot them, but you know them

concert band 99-00! esp the back row, boy was that fun; sea, sea songs, sea songs run; whats the first thing you do in sight reading? spit valve!

marching band 00-01; EXTREME band, those infadels (sp), the rate of decay of Cesium, what happened to our band tower?, mark timing, EXTREME tailgate(grill guards), the conspiracy (OSTREME): evil lewin, crazy upson lee guy, blimpie guy!!!!(do you like girls?), psycho sam, people who stole (duh, duh, duhhhhhhh!)THE BAND TOWER, JSU judges who like schools with dance teams(we are communist too), sound boy!!!; they stole the colors from the guar; because, this year (awww.....) its personal; mr sweat's invisible line!!!!; mr sweat says, mr sweat says; our favorite instructor-lamar-breathing in and breathing out

who is this smackdown character? oh my goodness, YOU dont KNOW who SMACKdown JIMmy MAYo is?; smack attack; golf cart adventures during a certain someone's 16th birthday the subway restaurant in JSU-thats the last straw(to my pun pal- "just chillin").....the fight song formerly known as the former fight song now known as the new fight song.....we're stressed out band freaks........fight song, w/ stinger!, #5 and the short hey song; who run this show? we run this show

(ahmm....tap, tap, tap) a one a, a two a , a three a:column 1, plus 1...; Christmas sing a longs; may-o, we say may-o, jimmy comes and the smackdown on you, SON; whoa, there goes another flash foods; to the glue factory w/you, broncos; we can sum up the night in one word, EXTREME; lunch table 99-00, there he goes to the bathroom throw up his lunch again, more of the lunch table: i dont think you're being tolerant, you are hurting my feelings, and all those other morale-boosting lunch banners; how was math class today?; instead of a dog going bark, what if it was a bark that went dog?; HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

word....the one soccer pep band game i went to , and it rained, and those FC people didnt want yall playing

fueling the conversation; hans und franz-that girley manny; living under a rock, and unearthing various comments



Band Camp Summer 2001!!!!-esp with our extra cool instructors

dont cry for me argentina 2 legit 2 legit to quit the truth is i never missed you 2 legit 2 legit to quit, hey hey........ closing time blah blah blah blah blah blah; cant touch this-hammer time, na-na-na-na-na-na-na gettin jiggy with it........spontaneous meetings afterwards; get off his case, esp. the tubas' new case; the southeast low brass symbol with cap over left ear; pick your nose; invert the weasel, all skate, and couple skate; "rich time" "one more time", "the hand shake".....that is correct, that IS correct....running back mike buck receives the pass, runs it for a touchdown!!!!!!!

an instrumental person, i used your last straw joke, you can count on spacy

hey will, heres the first one of your senior year: pre-game home dinners at "all" home games

i like it, i like it a lawwwww; not a lill, but a whole lawww;.......oh no, theres doctor octopus, green goblin, venom, kingpin, and carnage!!!.....train to the left, train to the right, train above us.....mike piazza, everyone else, mike piazza, everyone else, young mike piazza, everyone else, ivan rodriguez!!!....THIS IS YOUR ULTIMATE PROJECTION LEVEL...blah blah blah....oh, heads, shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes.....improv raps disturbing the drivers ed do you like intervals?....who does tracy like now? where are you moving? i knew your hair was fake, oh yeah, and will's appendix florida......julio franco, jeff bagwell.....

ok, now that games have started: our new updated song list......lion king, american pie, lost that lovin feelin, national anthem, lion sleeps tonight, lean on me, old mcdonald had a ____________........all those raps.......and i got to get this out: keepin the ice in the ice box, the older grocer knows about it, but not the regular one at our store; having better okra and not switching pans; i guess the ice cream is scooped though there may be a smaller webvan, hopefully it will go down well....tracy is a haas ....why arent you marching piper?, or piper's cookie..........69, dorothy!, ms starr's mill, dorothy!...we-ee-ee-ee, ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-, we-oh-wom-oh way.....nah-za-ven-za....shiela shiela shiela!....and now there's luke, too

after our first compeition...."our cologuard, they're good; they got a ninety six; as for the band;we have some things to fix"....look there's armurchee, wait, maybe not.....the he she it thing....mike's ghetto outfit.....where's hangar number 72?.....the girls from heritage are the best especially when they take the other bathroom.....aaaaaaaa, eeeeeee, iiiiiiii, oooooooo, uuuuuuuuuu, sometimes, yyyyyyyy.........well then, the webvan isnt what we though it would be, eh, but hopefully the frezzer will still go well......"left, left, left right left"...."marking time" rap......oh, de-fense.. oh de-fense.. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh de-fense....right jake?.....hey, what are you eating under there? under where?.......those drum majors "super man and wonder wanda"....geee i wish we could have walkie talkies to find out which songs we're playing......hey decimator, this is from the fractionator

at the freezer mike....going all the way in a circle into the meryl linch parking akward night.....we thought we had those flavors only, but we had to scoop somewhere else...i tried to make the best out of that.....


kazoos on the way to middle of nowhere georgia.....tracys boyfriend "taco".......mike and michelle, plus mufasa and the starrs mill marching bassoons.....those northgate folk who kept stepping on our carpet.....too bad mike, you didnt win majorette or dance line.....duct tape're fat(no, the other phat, thats another student greviance!), wills a republican, i'm a mariners fan, tracys hoss, manolos commie, stacy's short, caitlin's albino, katrina's amish, tiffany is feminine, bendas got red argentina, manolo gets free basses and opens chips weird

competition is hits on mike! as he, the terrorist attacks the vulnerable nation of tina......can you feel the love tonight?....this magic moment....we finally got to play mickey mouse....benda-> bin laden; coincedence? i think not (from physics class).....YUMMY TUMMY cookies at lunch "Hi My name is Chummy! I was born freshly baked in Yummy Tummy Land. Yummy Tummy Cookies and tickled tummies go hand-in-hand. Come join Mr. Troll, Dynomite Dine, Safari Sam, and my other pals in Yummy Tummy Land"; HUGS NOT DRUGS

we're off to the playoffs!.....hey tracy, where is our stadium?...we like to steal chairs from blimpie..... are you looking for wickers and poppy? hugs on mike......hey, that must be katrina's house b/c it doesnt have a tv; and then of course everyone always somehow reading her mind too....mike, its the clemson guy! first, comin home from vtech, then pullin out of my place, then at the play, then the guy moving in, and at the game, hes everywhere!.....manolo was able to figure out the door with his argentinian problem solving skills....and one of the funniest things manolo has said: when we dropped off jake home, dmb's space between us was playing, an acoustic, mellow song; jake has one of those new england esque houses, and the leaves were all on the ground, providing a fall, autumn sceneary; then manolo says how its like the ending of a sad movie b/c jake had his backpack over one shoulder as if he was coming home from war (you really had to be there)......mike, the guacamole manolo is trying to figure out, ha!, his bomb shelter, x marks the spot; i'm sorry i'm opening the ice box too much....that was a good job decorating the tuba room that quick....your driving skills are inversely proportional to the number of people in the car...all those inside jokes at the diviners play; the faulty then, is this the 7th time then tracy? anyways its good that those before school chemistry study sessions work....michael freeman and amanda something...yes will, i'm part of the CIA, now you must terminate

manolo cant figure out the guacamole.....tracy's got the solo at the beginning of closin time(learning btone fast....).....manolo, you know bout the brussel sprouts, right?....cmon will, you had to lose the i love you balloon, eh?.....that was a great card will, for manolo, the ration ticket with stalin and all the pretencious diction......manolo doesnt have the internet, right?....well not anymore with all the screen name stuff; mike's scout stalkers tub of something, and then the fake mike, fpoon916...ha there were two pole cats, really....gee will, that was an interesting 18th bday gettogether.......

wills cute little picutre....holding will at we know what saltpeter is.....mike holding the alien ransom with a quasi crow bar.....nice article on future ichiros and then navel, eh mike....the duck call and all the paper shredder bits...will's greenbrier yearbook........manolo calls it the OMA-orb of mutual appreciation (that pretentious diction(!))......woo hoo we won the first round play offs.....hitting manolo with a bag of clothes....his id card from when he was a baby......the alumni band, ie steve shell, comin to play bud and mickey, tiffany and daniel have a LOT of laps to run next year during band camp....happy bday will on the scoreboard....that was cool mike, fusing together all the dances to smash mouth's all mike, i guess will couldnt go to wendy's since he was depressed and went on a golf cart ride in the rain.....

marching season is officially over now.....boy oh boy mike, do we make a lot of fat jokes towards you....we saw flashfoods down in warner robins....why didnt our crowd cheer and why did we have northside people on our side?.....that final bus ride was a good one, okra free....mike, i guess bad leadership runs in some families....mike and manolo, the ptc community band Christmas concert was fun, especially with all those pictures; and then the story book and such.....will-those sparatic pictures i took of you after the "pumpkin pie" coming from the "delivery truck"....manolo's radishes, baked beans gives the fat man gas, will i wont use the can opener on the artichoke....mike is getting sick of our food code....stacy's yakko's world recitation.....mike and manolo, we sure couldnt get that trunk door will and tracy: a "better" version of santa claus is comin to town and little drummer boy....mike-surround sound singing on the bus....keeping the beat in Christmas Festival and the ho ho ho hand gesture

and then, there was Tuba Christmas........tracy's anorexic just because she ate two donuts instead of the four she was supposed to eat.....for the tubas, the picture with harvey phillips....taking a pic with the cnn talk back live guy....yes, the tuba, public property skit after getting the instruments from the practice place.....what is octubafest? my fellow "tenor tuba":merry Tuba Christmas along with 5 times of jingle bells, each time with a different age group singing....the elevator is broken, it is going up and down....and then to mick's underground.....the free apartment guide book.....tracy's burger is too big, supposedly....mike couldnt find an open stall because of the clemson fan changing and working on his powerpoint.....mike, thanks for my sweater back; the true value of a friend....mike, i know you loved the oreo cheesecake.....and now on to wills party

(the video and soon to be powerpoint tells all, ha!)

exmpting 6th meal at chilis, provided by stacy's gift card (drinks) and giving a tipo of 100% the charge....chris benoit (sp?) at chilis and will being very excited....over to marble slab and music and arts with the billy joel books.....and the plans for "stu"

hey manolo!: i seem to be the only one on your wavelength when you say certain things.....good call, manolo

the adventures of snow days 2002......

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