**What A Summer!**

Part 1

Well Jamie and Kate were getting ready for there every year trip to Jamie's dad's summer house on the ocean, because you see Jamie 's mum and dad had gotten a divorce 2 years ago and her dad had a really good job, that pays very highly and Jamie and Kate have been best freinds for 9 years and every year since the divorce Kate has gone with Jamie to her dad's summer house. 'Hey are you already to leave tomorrow' Kate asked Jamie 'Yeah, just about, like every year, I'm always late to meet my dad' Jamie replied and zipped up he suite case 'Ok well lets get this stuff down to the doorway' Kate replied 'You got it, if I can lift my suite case, I mean we are going for 2 weeks and all, I need everything' Jamie replied 'Yeah, same here' Kate replied... The girls took their three suite case each and went down stairs and placed them right at the door, so when they got up at 6:00am they could just get ready and not have to worry about where there bags are.


The girls woke up and got ready for Jamie 's dad to pick them up, but they always had to meet him at the 7-11 (corner store), so they got ready and grabbed their bags*suite cases* and kissed Jamie 's mom goodbye.

-----At the 7-11-----

'He's late this time' Jamie replied 'Yeah, your right, wow, not you this time' Kate replied laughing 'Ok enough, of that, where is he?' Jamie asked out loud 'Maybe he had some stuff to do, before coming to get you, like get you a gift' Kate replied smiling 'Yeah maybe he did' Jamie replied smiling like never before, because if her dad bought her something she always loved it, he knew what to buy her. Just then a silver and black BMW pulled up 'Hey you 2, you know use are gonna break hearts some day soon' the guy yelled 'DAD' Jamie screamed running up to the car 'Hey Mr. McLean' Kate replied smiling and getting into the car 'Dad, you are so late' Jamie replied acting like she was a snob, putting her nose in the air at her dad 'Yeah, Madam, sorry' her dad replied 'Ok, well let's go' Jamie yelled and rolled down her window breathing the fresh air as her dad drove. It took them 4 hours to get to the summer house, it was pretty far, the girls slept on the way there.

-----At the summer house-----

'Wow dad, it's even nicer than before' Jamie told her dad 'Yeah Mr. Northrup, it's so nice' Kate replied ' Kate call me Eric' the dad said 'Ok, Ericccc' Kate replied and walked around the house with Jamie . 'Hey dad, I'm gonna go and check out my room' Jamie replied 'Yeah, I'm gonna go with her' Kate replied and both girls went up stairs.

-----Down Stairs-----

'Hey dad we wanna go swimming' Jamie told her dad 'Ok but be back for dinner because I have a friend I want you to meet, she's coming over with her son' her dad replied and the girls took off outside and down to the beach/ocean that was about 1 minute away *LOL*.

Part 2


'Well we better get back, because my dad probably has dinner ready and is wainting for us, and he hates when we are late' Jamie told her friend 'Yeah, and I wanna she who his friends is' Kate replied 'Who cares, did you hear him, SEE' Jamie replied looking mad 'Sorry, I didn't mean anything by it' Kate replied waorried about if her dad and his she friend were together, because then Jamie would be so mad. The girls walked back to the house and walked in all they could smell was casserole and the 2 girls loved Jamie 's dad's casserole. 'Hey dad that smells so good' Jamie said walking into the kitchen 'I hope so it's us guys favorite' her dad replied smiling, just then the doorbell rang and Jamie said she would get it 'Wait Jamie don't be surprised to see more then 1 person' her dad yelled 'Ok, the dad' she replied and opened the door. 'Hello would Eric be here' A woman with a british accent asked 'Ummm, yeah come on in all 3 of you' Jamie replied and they 3 people came in Jamie stood their looking at the 2 young guys that she thought were pretty hot 'Where is Eric?' the woman asked 'Oh, he's in the kitchen or something' Jamie replied smiling to the 2 guys and waving the woman to the kitchen and just staring at the guys

'Ello, I'm Scott and this is Ritchie ' the guy said in a very sexy british accent holding out his hand to shake yours, you froze for a minute '.......Oh, I'm Jamie and hang on this is Kate my bestfriend' Jamie replied pulling her best friend over to her 'Ello Jamie and Kate nice to meet use' Scott replied 'Yes, yes, yes it is' Ritchie replied with his very very sexy british accent. Shaking both girls hands and giving them both his cheesiest smile 'So use wanna go eat or something? Jamie asked them

'Actually, I'm starving' Ritchie replied and left to go to the kitchen 'Wait for us' Scott replied and grabbed both girls hands and pulled them with him

-----20 minutes later-----

Well everyone had eaten dinner and where all going to the tv room to catch a good movie but the girls said they would be right back they just wanted to get into something more comfortable.

-----In Jamie 's room-----

'Hey Kate those 2 guys are so hot, and their british accents are so sexyyyyyyy' Jamie told her friend 'Yeah, I know wow' Kate replied 'So let's get changed and go back down and see them' Jamie replied and grabbed a light gray pair of cotton pants *like jogging pants but thinner* and a baby tee navy blue top that said *GOTTA LOVE ME* and Kate grabbed a black pair of cotton pants and a white baby tee that said *AND ME TOO*. The girls went back downstairs and all 4 people started laughing at them 'WHAT? Jamie yelled 'Oh, nothing that's just cute' her dad replied 'Oh you mean the tops' Kate replied 'Yeahhhhh' he replied and the girls came over and sat beside the guys in the middle of them, because the guys split apart for the girls to sit.

Part 3

-----At 10:00pm-----

'Hey honey, I'm leaving with Karen to go to the club' Jamie's dad told the girls 'Ok, when will you be back?' Jamie asked him 'Well around 2:00am in the morning, it's this big birthday party for the owner, and we are gonna leave Karen's son and her son's friend here with you two because well because I am' her dad replied 'Ok fine with me' Jamie replied 'Yeah, same here, I don't mind' Kate replied 'Ok well there are movie under there her dad pointed to under the tv cabinet 'Ok thanks' Jamie replied and sat back on the couch and so did Kate . Jamie's dad left with Karen about 5 minutes after and Kate ran over to the movies 'So what kind of movie do use all want to watch?' Kate asked the 2 guys and Jamie 'Well I say comedy' Jamie replied 'No I say horror' Ritchie replied 'Yeah horror' Scott replied 'Ok well I say horror also' Kate replied 'Your out voted' Ritchie teased Jamie 'Whatever' Jamie replied laughing because he was nudging her lightly and wouldn't stop.

'Hahaha, horror' Ritchie said still nudgung her 'STOP' Jamie yelled at Ritchie 'What?' Ritchie asked her 'Your bugging me' Jamie replied laughing 'Oh, ok well horror' Ritchie said one more time and looked at the movie' Kate came back to the couch and sat down Scott grabbed the VCR remote control and fast forward it so they didn't have to read all the people's names and crap. 'Ok stop' Kate told Scott 'Ok' Scott replied and he stopped it and they watched it, half way through the movie the girls were kinda getting scared and were looking around looking for anything that wasn't right because they were scared, the guys were laughing because it was funny, the girls were so freaked.

'Hey there's nothing over there' Ritchie told the girls who were staring at the slidding patio doors 'I thought I seen something' Jamie replied 'Yeah me too' Kate replied 'Ok hey Scott why don't we go check' Ritchie told Scott 'Ok' Scott replied and the guys got up 'WAIT don't go, what if use don't come back?' Kate asked the guys 'Well don't worry about it, we will' Scott replied and the guys walked out about 10 minutes the girls were getting worries and decided to go check and as soon as they opened the slidding doors Scott and Ritchie grabbed them and the girls screamed 'You shitheads!' Jamie yelled 'What?' Ritchie asked her 'Well you scared us to death!' Jamie replied 'Yeah, what's wrong with use?' Kate asked them 'Sorry we thought it was funny' Scott replied and went back into the house and so did Ritchie the girls stood outside 'Did you like when Scott was holding you?' Jamie asked Kate 'Yeah, I think he is so hot, and you did you like when Ritchie was holding you?' Kate replied 'Yeah, I like him, he is so cute' Jamie replied and the girls went back into the house and walked upstairs 'HEY WHERE ARE USE GOING?' Scott asked the girls 'Oh we are going to bed it's like 1:00am' Jamie replied and walked upstairs and so did Kate

-----With the guys-----

'I'm thinking Jamie's dad didn't tell her and Kate that we were in a group' Ritchie told Scott 'I don't think so either' Scott replied 'How could they not tell' Ritchie replied 'I don't know, maybe they know but aren't showing it' Scott replied 'I don't think so' Ritchie replied 'I don't know but you are getting kinda close to Jamie ' Scott told his friend 'Yeah, so and you are getting kinda close to Kate ' Ritchie replied 'Whatever, let's get some sleep' Scott replied and laid on the floor and Ritchie laid on the couch and fell asleep.

Next 4,5,6,7 Parts

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