5ive Viruses

WARNING there are 5 new viruses called "5ive Lads" going around and
you should be very wary when recieving emails from people that you dont know
Heres a description of the viruses and what to look out for:

This virus just take over you computer!. The screen will fills with tons of pizza symbols also other candies and sweets! A huge guy other with the face of Scott Robinson will try catch and eat all the food .. he will made it, don't worry! but it will take some time! DO NOT try to click on the food! Scott will think you trying to steal his food!!.

This makes your screen shows pictures about make-up/lipsgloss/hair syles/perfum and other women stuff. You also have to hear a women voice at the background, also known as Ritchie Nevillie from 5ive, who will explain you those stuff above! DO NOT say the name BILLIE in any chance!!! When your computer will hear that word.."Ritchie" will get mad and will destroy your computer!

BE CAREFUL!. This is the most dangerous virus around! When you open the file, a camera will take your photo and despair ... you think that all? well it's NOT! A man ,also known as Abs Breen - The Perfect Eye Brows Guy- from 5ive, will show up in your place at night.. and will do your eye brows... be careul esp. if a guy!

This virus just don't do anything BUT looking at ya! On your screen you find 2 cute eyes which just looking at you, your mouse and everything else! You don't hear voice OR anything else.. we believe that the guy we did this virus is really shy and don't have much self confidence!

The virus will show you a little porno movie whilst filling your hard drive with porn meanwhile a little arm will extend and tattoo your arm. Makes your machine run very fast and the screen will
forever keep changing color when you least expect it .

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