NSYNC/Five: Can’t We All Just Get Along?

It’s come to our attention that well NSYNC and Five have more in common than meets the eye.  Sure we’re bitter American fans who bought tickets to the “Boys of Summer” concert but who’s hopes were dashed when Five bailed out (with LAME excuses no less)...the ones who scalped their NSUCK (I mean NSYNC) tickets to CAR’s Justin infatuated prepubescent sister and her friends because we were not in the mood to see Five guys that were not British....the ones who can’t stand to hear
“I Want You Back” one more time...the ones who blame those....okay enough of our bitterness.  We’re past that now. (Well D isn't...but she's trying!)   We’re too old for childish whims.  We have come off that protest.  Sort of.  The other night we saw the “Bye Bye Bye” video on MTV.  (D thinks Lance and JC are too cool now.  They are off her hate list.  She dug the car scene where JC blows on the CD and Lance looks amused.  You know where the music is paused.  Why?  She thinks JC and Lance are the Scott and Ritchie of NSYNC.  You knew there had to be a catch!)  We know that song.  It sounds a bit like umm FIVE.  You know why?  It was written by the same people at Chieron Studios. we here “Serious” undertones here peoples.  That song could have been written for some English guys, and we’re not talking about A1.  That puts a plus in the NSYNC corner with us!  We like that Five sound!  So it sort of makes us a little sad that  well to put it nicely they HATE EACH OTHER A WHOLE LOT.  Did you see the TOTP article where Abs and J blasted the NSYNCER they described as the "big one"the one who "can't dance" outside of performing cheoreographed routines...and you KNOW that they pulled out of the Boys of Summer Concert for more than just "working on the album"...HELLO they can't stand each other!  So after some deep contemplation we figured NSYNC and Five shouldn’t despise each other as we think they do!  Five and NSYNC should “kiss and make up”.  Everything is water under the bridge fellas!  You USED to share the same label gosh darn it!  We think you guys have more have stuff in common than you think! Let us bring peace into the harsh harsh world of POP MUSIC. We want to promote  “togetherness”.  We want you to stop “killing the vibe”.  “Let’s all be friends”!  Do it for Ritchie! 

We thought you might need some take a look at this:

JC is Scott

JC is Scott.  Scott is JC.  They have the same build.  They’re both STICKS (thanks again BEA!)!  Well they WERE both sticks...that is until JC suddenly buffed it up a bit.   SCOTTIE JC buffed up a little...why can’t you?!  They both have dark hair and blue eyes.   They both have the job of singing the “love ballad” type stuff.  Hey JC used to be an actor too!  He was on the Mickey Mouse Club...oh wait they really sucked at acting didn’t they.   That is another subject entirely!  One last point.  JC makes the same “witty” type of remarks.  Did anyone see the NSYNC official home video?  We unfortunately did (THANKS AGAIN BEA  Can we say OBSESSED?!).  JC does this hand thing where he says their is Five of us....blah blah blah.  Sounded like Scott-Thank you very much.  Another added "coincidence" here is that SCOTT is JC's middle name!  GASP!  JC sang Right Here Waiting for his MMC audition!  He's a Richard Marx Fan!  Lo and behold... SCOTT IS TOO! 

Ritchie...AKA  Lance

Oh you knew this was coming.  Lance and Ritchie the “girly boys” of POP.  They used to have the same hair going on.  Remember when Ritchie highlighted his dark hair blonde!   Didn’t Lance do the same thing!  And hey aren’t they sporting a similar hairdo now?!  Do they share the same stylist OR what.  Lance and Ritchie are supposed to be the “nicest”.   And they both are wannabe actors! ( “If ya wannabe my lover you’ve got to get with my friends!” SPICE GIRL SHOUTOUT FOR YOU ALL courtesy of the one and only BEA!).  We saw Ritchie brooding on the “Until the Time is Through” video.  We felt his pain!  And hey for those of you who saw the VH1 Before they Were Stars...doesn’t Ritchie portray a horse well!  We believed it!  And Lance...Lance...Lance Bass.  He was just on 7th Heaven on the WB delivering those classic lines  “She’s cute isn’t she” and “Friends don’t let friend’s drive drunk!”.  Give the boy an ACADEMY AWARD.  What are they doing wasting their talents in singing!  But it’s not just their acting that these two get into!  They both get into their dancing (Bea: WAY WAY WAY TOO MUCH!!)  Hey Lance impressed us the other night on the American Music Awards!  He actually was in time with the other guys!  What an improvement my boy!  It must have been the rush of acting that just gelled everything together!  Ritchie take notice.  Stop shaking your pelvis during “Everybody Get Up”’re scaring the children! 

Joey and Chris = Sean and J!

It’s the  truth.  What was up with Chris’ hair for a while there!  And Joey umm we know you HAVE to be the “fat one” Abs was referring to in that TOTP article.  You know- the one that “can’t dance” in real life.  Joey matches Ritchie in that over doing it in the dance moves department.  CALM YOURSELF and dye your hair back to its original color DAMNIT.  Chris Chris Chris.  Well there is nothing else to say.  You’re not J.  But hey!  (That rhymed all you all!  We three are so mulit-talented!)  Before J suddenly became a hot stud you and him were on our “scaring the little ones” list.  You still are scary but J,  well J has moved passed it all.  You should too Chris.   And hey J, Chris, and Joey ALL have facial hair!  GASP.  The same hair stylest perhaps?  WHO KNOWS.  But what is uncanny is that Chris and J both like to mouth off.  They both have it seems the same sense of humor...and if anybody saw NSYNC Live on MTV tell me that you didn't think to yourself "J would have said that" every time Chris came out with a sarcastic and harsh comment!!  And you know as an added "coincidence" you know that Sean does Dapper the Rapper?  The annoying voiced character ABS can't stand when he's tired.  Joey does the "Bobby's World" the annoyance of some band mates...PLUS is it not true that J and Sean are the Fivers MOST LIKELY to be forgotten by the teenboppers.  It's always about Scott, Abs, or Ritchie for those girls!  GUESS WHAT Chris and Joey too feel the pain of deprivation because its always Justin, Lance, and JC!  *GASP*  It's a bonding topic!!!

Abs and Justin

No it’s not what you think. They were the only two left!  We had to put them in the same category.  What can we say about these two?  Well boys you both dance the BEST.  You both have gone through BAD BAD BAD hair.  Oh wait you both are still in that phase.  Sorry we forgot for a moment (NOT!).  Justin you need to stop the hair!  It was like Abs back in the day!  And Abs FOR GOODNESS SAKES grow it out!  But wait!  More stuff in common...Justin is into adventurous sports for a date...he says he'd want to take a girl "bungee-jumping"...umm sounding a bit like ABS now aren't we...AND YET ANOTHER THING THAT IS TOO SPOOKY- the rapping thing.  Did we hear Mr Timberlake "rapping" in the new NSYNC album that (BEA YES BEA bought it people....and she's been playing "Bye Bye Bye" a little too much for D's taste.  It was great the first 100 times but now at it's millionth play HEADS WILL ROLL....) like a certain Mr. Breen does.  Oh will the comparisons never end??

                  Let’s take a hint from our friend the Ritch-miester: 
                          "Let’s stop killing the vibe and all be friends”.

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