December 4, 2001
Five may be gone but we still be here people.  Long time no see.

our predictions for the lads POST split

July 30, 2001
My god.  The fan fiction satire is over.  Weep with us.  Now we can focus on other pursuits *evil laugh*.  Watch out people.

June 4, 2001
Nothing but some more chapters of our lovely "fanfic" is up.
Our humor will come back we swear.

May 7, 2001
More chapters of our lovely "fanfic" is up.

April 12, 2000
-It's been ages we know!  Blame school!  Blame work!  Blame our computers crashing!  Hey--while you're at it blame Bea!  (HA HA!)  More to come hopefully once Jessilite's new site is online AND we will be unvieiling the new MILLENIUM (now that it really is the REAL MIllenium) layout.  We're talking BLUE colors here people!
Watch this space!--But for now check out the latest chapters of our TALE of Five drama.  Blah.

December 10, 2000
-TOLD you we update!  We have more new stuff up our sleeves!  This time we take a LONG hard look at the brains behind the FACES...the thoughts behind the VOICES...BLAH.  You get it right.  We have the lads comment on themselves and their pictures!

Long time no see.  No we didn't die.  November 28, 2000
-Yes Yes Yes a new section. (CHEER!)  Hey we promised we'd
have those links working eventually right!  RIGHT.  So we've taken
a while.  You know it was worth the wait. (Car *snickers* Bea and D give her a dirty look**)  Anyhow this is our FORAY (ooh a big word must be good stuff) into FAN FICTION.  No you're not seeing things.  We actually did it, but this isn't your MOMMA's fan fiction....

MORE UPDATES!  You just love us right?  March 22, 2000

-We fixed the ALBUM REVIEW Sections (Sounds Like)
After a feedback comment about the clutter we decided Hey
IT WOULD BE EASIER to read if we spaced it out and distinguished who was talking!  So Yeah we did it!  See feedback gets things accomplished!

A NEW SECTION!  We put something NEW up.  Wow.
We're cool like that you know.  It's random quotes from
the guys.  We've analyzed.  We've dissected.  Blah.

WE UPDATED!! ALL REJOICE!!   As of March 18, 2000:
(And more to come SOON!)

-We Fixed The RICHELLE back buttons.
They actually take you to the menu now...Yes! Yes! Yes!
We know.  We know.  We're the best!

-Sounds Like
We finally added the First Album PLUS A BONUS Extras Review!
 You even get some comments on music videos! (OOH!  AAH!)
NOW after reading this you can listen to your CD and ponder our
remarks...or maybe it will cause you to run out and by another copy...
maybe you'll just take the one you have and use it as a coaster...WHATEVER.  We tell it like it is people!

-So You Think
Yes we KNOW we already had it up.  We made it look prettier!
We put cute buttons for better navigation!
Check out the new look!

What we have RIGHT NOW as of Feb 3, 2000:

-We Had To Do It: Our Spokespeople
*One of our priorities was to introduce you to the girls and so we have!*
-So You Talkin to Me?  I Said You Talkin' To Me
*Okay so we're selfish. We want comments before anything else- SUE US*
-Bad Hair Day
*Come on HAIR is LIFE.  Of course it would be up!*
-So You Think
*We thought WHAT THE HELL*
-Take It Off Baby
*Something near and dear to our hearts*
- What Tha
*Someone needs to keep the peace!  We decided we SHOULD*
- Sounds Like
*A review of the Five Albums!  We should be on the Grammy Committee*
-Evertbody Needs Somebody Sometimes
*Our little theories about friendship and love...Deep thoughts*

                                                  VOID believes in the power of an update
                                                    They also believe that some things are worth the wait

Please people TELL us you understand!!!

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