Carrie and Danae’s take on the lads hair...think of Siskel and Ebert...oh hold on Siskel
died or was it Ebert...wait we didn’t watch that show- dude they gave GHOST DAD with Bill Cosby two thumbs down!  I liked Ghost Dad!  (Stop Bea you’re scaring the crowd....)   Oh...sorry...anyways think that we’re the Pantene people.  You have to impress us because “We’re worth it”.  We’ll use Richelle the “silent member” as the “Academy Award” of good hair.  We mention.  We approve.  If not DUDE get a new stylist or hide your head in a paper bag- better yet just cover it up with a baseball cap like some of us *cough* tend to do every now and then...uhhh wonder why???...ummm *cough* Drew from 98 degrees * cough*  BLAH.


            VOID appreciates the hair advice CAR and D give.  Because "They're worth it"!

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