Five Point Kenpo Karate
9631 Liberty Road, Suite D
   Randallstown, Maryland 21133
(410) 496-1115 

  Five Point Kenpo Karate (FPKK) is a black belt school dedicated to teaching the principles of Mr. Ed Parker's American Kenpo Karate.  Kenpo Karate is an ecclectic martial art.

    FPKK has nine blackbelt instructors dedicated  to promoting the art of Kenpo and sports karate.  Both children and adult classes are scheduled at conveinent times and day's. Our tiny Tiger program is available for children between the ages of 3 1/2 to 5 years of age. In addition to learning self-defense other benefits can be received. Other benefits include improved physical health, increased self-discipline, enhanced self-esteem and self-control. These traits are very important for both our youth and adults in today's society. Most Parents will see almost an immediate improvement in their children's behavior and their attitudes at home and in school.   
   The school is ranked 5th. in the world by the National Blackbelt League and Sport Karate International League. It is the home of one of the world's best sport karate competition teams, The Kenpo Tigers, a non-profit organization dedicated to building strong character and principles in our youth.  The school has four world champions on it's roster that also teach and work with other children at the school. 

   For more information about class schedules and costs please call the school.

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