So, you think you are special?



five ones









June 20, 2002

Went to get a job at Manpower today. That in itself was a step that I didn't want to take.. so when I got there, I was a little scared at all the other stuff. First off, there were a couple other people filling out all their paperwork and stuff to join.. which gave me the impression that I wasn't going to get much work. Laws of supply of demand against me and all that. I started filling out forms.. and manpower only said their name once, then referred to themselves as "The Company". Seems like something strait out of 1984.. Then, after filling out about an hour of paperwork, I watched a video in a little room with a window to the office to my back, and the tv in front of me. Just me in front of this little tv in this empty room.. I felt like I was in a movie, that it was all a little melodramatic. I did ok in the tests though. I scored good on typing and knowledge of word.. hopefully I get a nice and easy office job.

Also got all my summer school work. So mind numbingly stupid.. this is stuff we learned back in fifth and sixth grade.



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