How does this thing work?!?!
Last Updated: 07/08/00

Dear Nash,

Will you go out with me?


Dear Nicky,

Eh, um.. well.. I'm very flattered that you asked me but I love Mia. I'm sorry. *hands her a Nash plush* ^^ Here's one for you to love though!


Dear Alex,

Will you go out with my friend?


Dear Nicky,

I'm sorry, but I love Luna with all of my heart. Please tell your friend I'm sorry and that I hope she does find someone one day.


Dear Nall,

How do you feel being in Eternal Blue? Don't you miss the others?

Dragon Master

Dear Dragon Master,

I think it's awesome that I'm gonna be in Eternal Blue but yeah, I do miss everyone. *sniffle*


Dear Kyle,

How do you get the money for all the beer?

Dragon Master

Dear Dragon Master,

I'm a thief so I steal it all! But I don't steal from women and children... that's just bad.


Dear Jessica,

Will you ever get tired of Kyle being drunk all the time?

Dragon Master

Dear Dragon Master,

I don't think so... it's one of his uh... better sides I guess. And y'know, he has that bad habit and I have mine which is throwing a temper tantrum.


Dear Nall,

How did you come to know Alex, Luna, and Ramus?


Dear Lentic,

Dyne dropped me and the chibi Luna at Alex's home and his parents raised us all. And since Ramus is Alex's friend, that's how I got to know them.


Dear Luna,

did you keep your powers after ghalion was defeted?

The GoldDragon

Dear GoldDragon,

No, the only powers that I kept were the litanies I learned.


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