Dear Nash,

Have you ever flirted with Royce?


Dear Rae,

No! Whatever gave you that idea?!


Dear Alex,

Have you ever considered trying to become a Dragonmaster again?


Dear Justin,

When Althena is in need of the Dragonmaster's services, then yes, I will do it.


Dear Everyone,

I do respect you all but I like Nash the best! But here is my problem I CAN"T GET THROUGH THE RED DRAGON CAVE! Please Help.


Dear Drew,

Nash: Thanks, Drew! I am the best! ^^

Jessica: *sweatdrop* I can't believe this...

Nall: *sweatdrop* Like his head isn't big enough already...

Nash: Anyway, the Red Dragon Cave, eh? Well, that one's a toughie... I can't really recommend any help since I don't remember it a whole lot. I'm sure that there are some strategy guides online though. We'll go and search for them and answer you back, Drew!

Jessica and Nall: Correction, you will go and search for them!

Nash, Jessica, and Nall

Dear Alex,

Do you think Heero Yue from Gundam Wing could beat the crap out of you?

Bryan Hurst

Dear Bryan,

Notice that there's a very large difference in time statuses... and Gundam Wing is a show, not a game. Plus, I have never seen this Heero fight so I could not say.


Dear Kyle,

How much do you whant to bet that Dou Maxwell from Gundam Wing could kick your a##?


Dear Anonymous,

How much do you wanna bet that I couldn't spell, speak, look, and fight better than Duo and and you?! Why don't you give me your name so that I can prove to you that I am the best around!

Alex: Calm down, Kyle. It's not worth it...

Kyle: *mutters, anime nerve* Stupid kids..

Kyle and Alex

Dear Nash,

Do you love Mia? I mean is it REAL love, or just a simple crash?


Dear Rushaun,

No, this isn't just an infatuation. I love Mia with all of my heart and soul and would do anything for her just to make sure she's happy.


Dear Luna and Alex,

Luna And Alex, What happen to you two after the game?


Dear Angelina,

Luna: Just as the stories go, we lived happily ever after.


Dear Kyle,

How come when you sleep you have snot bubbles comeing out of your nose?


Dear Angelina,

Because it's the anime way!


Dear Kyle,

How was it like when you dressed up as a girl in the game?


Dear Ayama,

Well, I got to get in touch with my feminine side and it felt a bit strange. How can girls wear all that make up?!


Dear Nash,

So,are you and Mia together now or what? She did tell you that she loved you right after she slapped some sense into you when you were in that chicken costume. Or did she just mean she loved you as a friend. She obviously knows your in love with her. I just hope she's not playing with your emotions buddy.


Dear Leo,

Yes, Mia and I are together and that smack really did hurt. If Mia only loved me as a friend, she would say so, even if it would hurt my feelings that we wouldn't be together, I'd still be glad that we're friends.


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