Upcoming Movies
City By the Sea....
Release Date: sometime in September...ugh..
Cast: Robert DeNiro, James Franco, Eliza Dushku, Frances McDormand

Premise: This is her first non-teenage role. Based on the true                       story of a police officer (DeNiro) who begins investigating a                       murder only to discover that his son (Franco) is the killer.                           Dushku will play Gina, the struggling-to-stay-sober sometimes                    girlfriend of Franco and mother of their son. The project                            originated from a story written in Esquire magazine.

taken from Faith in Eliza Dushku. Thanks :)
True Lies 2.... Release Date: 2002
  Rumors say that the script is finished, and they just need to get the actors together. Eliza has said that she has NOT signed the contract yet, but is thinking about it.                    
Premise: Eliza returns as Dana Tasker...

From imdb.com: If your parents are secret agents, there is only one way for you to go. Dana Tasker is finally there, and in action, too.
Taking On the Neighborhood....Release Date: Unknown
Cast: Eliza Dushku(in talks); other cast not announced yet.(they dont have anyone else, but all they know is that they want HER, and nobody else to play the starring role!!)

Premise: "Taking On the Neighborhood" follows the untamable Daria Scorza (Dushku) as she stirs up trouble in her tight-knit Irish-American Bronx neighborhood. It's all harmless enough until a murder occurs. Daria is held responsible and pitted against not only her neighborhood, but also her first love.
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