"Range War: Epilog"
by R. Schultz

Series: Alternate Universe VOYAGER.
Code: F/M
Pairing: Janeway/Harry Kim/Etc.
Rating: R
Spoilers: None.

Disclaimer: Things Trek belong to Paramount and ViaBorgCom.  I am borrowing a few of their abandoned children and giving them a rare fun day out.  They will be returned happy.  This story is mine under common-law copyright.  February, 2002, 6,500 words long.

Summary: Widow Janeway has emerged the unlikely victor in a Range War with her northern neighbor, the Hirogen ranch.  She has lost a husband and two young daughters and two dear friends.  She has survived insanity, a climactic battle and a number of gunshots. She is one tough cookie, when you come right down to it.  She is in town for the wake's of Deputy Tom Paris and new friend Belle Anna Torres.  It is being held in the "Borg Palace", a  bordello (also a classy saloon and restaurant) owned by the tall striking beauty, the Madam Selma Nine, herself also a lover of Belle Anna Torres.

Warning: None.

Special Western Era assistance for this story from Saklani. Posted to CaFF, a group of writers of Internet fiction.  Archived at the CaFF TrekSmut site, and later to the ASCEM.  May be archived elsewhere, but please notify.

Comments to; [email protected]

                  RANGE WAR: EPILOG by R.Schultz

Not much doubt of it, I thought.  I definitely look like something the cat drug in, and he chewed on it a little - a lot - first.  I shook my head and deliberately looked away from the bedraggled bandage covered figure in the saloon mirror.

Of course I now looked at the large painting of two naked nymphs reclining around a woodland pool.  Very realistic, I thought. Excepting the tapered long ears.

At some point in my life a younger me would have been mightily upset by such flaunting of feminine nakedness.  Today it failed to offend me.  Actually I thought it rather pretty and subdued.  The naked female creatures calming rather than immoral.

Actually the entire saloon and bordello was both garish and pleasing.  Red wallpaper and clean waxed wood underneath.  Drapes everywhere to make even the noisest night sound subdued.

Miss Selma Nine ran a classy palace of flaunted sin.  In the Restaurant waiters wore little red jackets, as did the bartenders. The menu's were in red holders, and red rugs were everywhere.

The one jarring note were the two excellent polished wood coffins propped beside the big front windows, inside.  Mr. Tom Paris lay in the one, a real satin shroud covering him south of his hips and pillowing his head.  Eyes closed, he held his trusty Sharps rifle across his chest.

Another coffin stood next to his, where Belle Anna Torres looked so peaceful and finished with life.  There, her hands across her chest, a pistol in each hand.  I suspected it were white silk held and comforted her mortal remains.  The Mortician had probably despaired of ever selling these two fancy and expensive coffins, and must have fairly danced to see them leave his shop.

The papers in Denver and Cheyenne said each had slain a hundred Kazon before they perished.

Did it matter?  They had won my war for me, and had met Jesus by now.  I prayed He had welcomed my heroes with open shining arms.

I continued to the swinging doors, intent on finding some cool air. It was nice to be given room and keep here, besides being economical.  It was luxurious not to have to cook up my own victuals for a change.  Not to mention I felt incredibly sinful to have as a bedroom one of the Presidential Suites.

Such a beautiful and firm bed, soft sheets, rugs underfoot and a little corner behind Chinese screens where I could relieve myself. Plus another nook with a mirrored  table and stuffed chair where I could put on my make-up.  Iff'n I owned any.

Always with a red pattern to everything.  I had sat naked on the little red chair, looking into the mirror.  Imagining myself as an over priced and over-painted hussy.  A thirty-dollar soiled dove preparing to further ensnare some rich and important male.  Another helpless virile man, submissive before my painted and irresistible charms.

The bubble burst when I recollected I was a fifty year old widow. I knew my modest financial condition, not to mention my owning free and clear a good farm did much to make me appear more appetizing to most males in this state.  I dearly wished, though, that the male of the species hereabouts would think foremost of sinfully misusing my willing body than they would of my bank balance.

The heart of my dismay lived down the hall right now.  Tonight Mr. Harry Kim had tippled more than he should have, and he no doubt smelled and snored.  Yet every time I saw him today I wanted him back in my bed.  As a husband or not, but surely the Lord would be a mite forgiving of an old woman's lustful sins if they end in marriage.

My one ear near shot off'n, two wounds on my right arm and one in my right foot which I had not even noticed.  A hole in my left hip and my left hand and wrist broken by passing bullets.  Doctor Emil Howard had patched me up as well as he could, but I still looked like something the cat drug in.

One large men's slipper over my bandaged bad foot, a blue ribboned dainty thing on my right.  A black Chinese robe with golden dragons on it, and me hobbling about on a pair of crutches.  The robe stunk of too much Rose water, but it WAS striking.

Outside it was nicer, a faint breeze cooling my brow.

"Can I get you anything, Missus Janeway?"

How can it be that such a large male could move so silently?

It was Bruno Chell, foremost of Miss Nine's bouncers and night watchman.  For all his size, he was a peaceable minded man, ideal for gently tossing rowdy customers out the door just hard enough so they don't really get hurt much.  He worked here, and earned his wages, thank you, but he knew the Bible.

He wore a sawed-off shotgun in his hip holster, and I suspect a derringer or two.  The girls in Miss Nine's bordello thought him a big lovable hound and loved him accordingly.  I suspected more than one took only a few dollars from him and gave him something interesting to remember.

"Can I help you, Missus Janeway?" he carefully asked.

I wondered what to ask.  There were wood benches down each side of the front of the "Borg Palace", but each one seemed filled with a celebrant from the Wake, sleeping off their free whiskey.

"I was going to sit out here and cool down some before I returned to bed," I sadly explained.  "But all the benches out here seem to be filled with those who couldn't get much further."

Bruno looked at me with a faint smile on his lips.  "Do you want to sit in a cool breeze for a while?  I think I can accommodate that.

"First off, though, do you mind if I carry you for a little while?" he asked.  "Seeing as how you aren't in any condition to be climbing' stairs, carrying you would be the only solution."

That sounded like an odd kind of fun.  Being carried .... where?

"Where are we going, Mr. Chell?"

"We're going to go up on the roof.  Miss Nine's girls go up there during a hot spell.  They have pallets and everything up there, all the creature comforts.

"Hold tight to your crutches," he warned.

With no more ado he bent and slung my pain filled body over a shoulder, remembering to duck when he came to a doorway.  Otherwise I'm sure I'd had gotten my brains spilled out somewhere inside the depths of the "Borg Palace".

On the third floor he pulled down a smooth working and mostly silent folding stairway.  I suspected it saw much use.  A hot summer's night many of the girls must escape until the cooler open air on top of the building relaxed them.

Without actually stepping out onto the roof, Mr. Chell sat me down, steadying me until I was able to stand on my crutches and feet.

"I'll come by the stairway fairly often, now," he explained.  "Just give me a call, no need to shout, when you see me at the bottom of the stairs.  I'll see you get to your room for the rest of the night."  He then disappeared, leaving me to find my own way.

There seemed two large sheds in the center of the immense roof, one with the doors open and darkness and oddments visible inside.  A dozen women were collapsed on blankets, proving high-flyin' lives of sin don't mean the girls forgot how to sleep hard, as need be. Most of them were probably raised sleepin' on a blanket or hard cramped crowded beds.  Eight chairs and rocking chairs were visible.  Most importantly a cool breeze riffled my moist hair.

Obviously I could spend the night.  An outhouse was in a far corner, and I could see a small pile of overturned chamber pots. All the comforts of home.  By the way the girls were sleeping, obviously the night cooled things down to the point where they rolled themselves in comforting blanket warmth.

A nearby bundle in a large weathered rocking chair was now seen to be a blond woman with a fairly large child in her lap.  My heart strings tugged at the sight of her innocent waif.  I knew I should never be able to become accustomed to the loss of my two beautiful girl children.

I sat in another large grayish weathered rocker, next to her, and admired her girl.

"Do you want to hold her?" a spectral whisper said to me.  The mother's eyes were open, awake, almost smiling.  I held out my arms in supplication, and a mumbling seven year old was transferred to me.  As all seven year old's, she was thin and trusting and full of unquestioning love.  Obviously her mother was raising her well.

As I breathed in her familiar girl's scent of sweat, honest dirt and lilac water, her mother unrolled a bundle of blankets onto the roof.

"Madeline went off to Denver to marry a storekeeper," the mother said.  "I'm Sam, Samantha, the little one is Naomi.

"Madeline was one of our fancy girls, but she was proper clean. She left a few blankets on one of these shelves ....  Ah, here they are.  Had ribbons sewn in them, she had a real taste for ribbons, she did.

"Nice gal, sweet disposition, I knew she'd get hitched the first day she walked through the doors of the "Borg Palace".  You can tell sometimes they're going to become proper and married someday.

She bent to me, holding out her hand.  "I'm the cook here, if you're thinking I'm a mite too old and fat and motherly to be one of those make their living here otherwise."

She unrolled two blankets with ribbons on the edges, just like she warned.  The third she left rolled for a pillow for me.

"Here," she whispered, "I'll be honored iff'n you'll cozy up to me. I won't mind if Naomi cozens up to you .... you won't mind, now will you?  I didn't much think so ...."

Sam swept up her child and they laid themselves on their own blankets for the night.

My exhaustion and recent opium drink conspired to make me seek the ribbed blankets next to Sam and child.

I slept within a few minutes.  Only a few noises woke me later, presenting me with a problem.  How to get to my feet so that I could use one of those chamber pots.

On my stomach I debated my possibilities.

Miss Selma came around the sheds wearing not so much as a ribbon in her hair.  Nekkid as all get out.

Behind her came a red head, the Bajoran, Nerys Kira I recalled. Nice appealing girl, rather sharp in the mouth though.  If she were to marry, her husband would probably quickly get the reputation of henpecked.  She was a long way from the Bajoran homelands between France and Spain, or from Quebec.

She was right behind Miss Nine and she was as nekkid as her.  As Miss Nine rummaged in the one shed, Nerys Kira carefully fondled and caressed the bordello owner's butt.  Miss Nine giggled in response.

Nerys raised one foot to her other knee, proving to me that she could be even more nekkid than before.

The red headed woman noticed me looking at her, prompting her to smile, wave at me, and leave herself fully exposed.  She patted Miss Nine on her unclothed shoulder when she came out of the shed. Miss Nine was pulling something out of a supple bag.

With a third moon the something was easily visible.  It was something I'd heard harem women use on each other, their lives in the seraglio one of maybe years between visits of the Caliph.

It was dark wood, shiny and curved.   One end had a copy of a man's erect thing.  It was made to be fitted inside a woman ....

Miss Nine turned to see me now, her face must be turning red to be caught handling such a thing, and the both of them women naked besides.  My own face turned red to be watching them in the midst of something forbidden in the Bible.

Miss Nine was finding her own solace in another woman's arms.  Just as my own grief didn't stop me thinking about dragging Mr. Kim to my own bed again.

We are all such sinners, Lord.  It is a wonder sometimes that you forgive us.

"Miss Nine," I whispered at her and her friend.  "Miss Nine," I repeated.  She looked funny at me, but it was her smaller friend who walked - no, sauntered - over to me.  Obviously she was not particularly shy about flaunting her naked body.  Of course she was a fancy girl, and obviously a lover of women, so I shouldn't have been surprised by her lack of modesty.  Still ....

She leaned over me, letting me notice how her breasts swung with her movements.  I looked away, blushing.  Then swung my eyes forward and up again, determined not to show my disapproval, or shyness.  I should not judge.  And I will NOT be looked down on or made fun of because I was unaccustomed to female nakedness.  I will NOT let this hussy make me look away.

"I need to use your facilities on the side there, and I am unable to rise by myself," I explained.  "Please help, I need to take advantage of one of your chamber pots ...."

She smiled as big a smile as I've seen on a woman, but she bent and began to help me to my feet.  In a second Miss Nine had a bag slung around her neck and was by my other side.

A night of .... differences.  I was very much aware of the feel of naked femininity through my shift, turning bright red to understand I could feel naked nipples against my arms.  Yet Miss Nine was kind courtesy herself, lightly touching my arm with her surpassingly gentle hand, and guiding me across the roof to her wooden outhouse. She placed a new chamber pot under the seat and helped me without seeming to give thought to her ministrations or her nakedness.

She stood outside the door and talked in a low murmur to me.  "I did not mean to offend you," she stated.  "This place is largely a world of women.  We are accustomed to viewing each other in our nakedness, since we are all women together and our .... our business calls for much revelation between us."

"You do not offend," I replied.  "Just surprise.  I do not mean to place difficulties in your life's path.  Please forgive me."

I wondered when and how she had acquired that jagged scar above her left eye?

She digested that for some seconds.  Then she astounded me.

"When I heard from Belle Anna Torres that she was riding out to your homestead, to fight for you," Miss Nine explained, "I thought you and her were lovers.

"When I heard she was dead," she said, "I was enraged at you for placing her in harm's way, for letting her die in a cause not her own.

"I drove out to your homestead that night half ready to kill you in revenge.

"Instead, when I saw you lying there, I half-way fell in love with you myself, Missus Janeway.

"Can you forgive me that sin?"

She deeply sighed, continuing.  "I have by now come to realize my error in thinking you another lover of my Klingon girl.  Can you forgive me?"

I was struck dumb.  Having finished my activities, I opened the door, and a Miss Nine, wearing her own robe, helped me to my feet. Behind her I also saw Nerys Kira in another robe, understanding she had brought clothing for Miss Nine.

"I ....," I began, looking up into the unexpectedly gentle face of Miss Nine.  "You owe me no apology.  I let your friend, your lover, die.  I shall be contrite for that lapse for the rest of my life, Miss Nine, and I humbly beg your pardon for what happened."

Selma Nine ran a few fingers through my auburn hair, and I felt not repelled but close.  Did I see tears beginning to pool in her eyes? Like they were in mine?  It had only been hours since I gave Belle Anna Torres a kiss or held her dying flesh

"Belle Anna was a beautiful, beautiful woman, she was full of kindness and goodness and love, I know that, I believe that, I must believe inside my heart that she sped to the arms of my Lord.  I watched her die and I can never forgive myself her death.

"Can you find it in your heart to forgive me, Miss Nine?  After what has transpired, I dearly need all the forgiveness I can get. Please give me yours?

"I am sorry I have taken Miss Torres from you."

She took me in her arms then, pressing my head between her large soft breasts.  Eventually Miss Kira joined us and we all had a good cry together.  It felt oddly right to do that.

      -   -   -   -   -   -  p; -   -   -   -   -   -  p; -

The sight of six carriage's coming from the direction of Fort Morgan failed to surprise me.  It was Miss Nine with a passel of her fancy ladies.  Well, almost all were employees of her emporium of sin.  Samantha Wildman, the cook, and daughter Naomi were also passengers.  Folk like Bruno Chell drove a carriage, then assisted the ladies in getting down.

One carriage driver, Nerys Kira almost brought tears to my eyes, for from her dark boots to wide-brimmed prairie hat and a deerskin jacket in between, she suddenly looked like Belle Anna Torres come back to life.  I had to shake my head to lose the resemblance.  I wonder how much of the striking attire was her own idea, and that of Miss Nine's?

Besides Mr. Chell, the other drivers were Mr. Lessing, the Negro, and his cousin Tuvok, and other males.  One was Mr. Harry Kim, who tipped his bowler at me, then unhitched the horses to place them in my new sod and wood frame stable.  Take care of the horses first was always a good rule to follow.

Hampers were unloaded from the Landau's, and Baroque's, as expected.  It was Sunday, the day of rest, and this was invited company.  It was going to be a day enlivened with picnic's.

Miss Nine was dressed in men's trousers and boots, prairie hat and men's shirt.  Yet still looking the quintessential embodiment of pretty woman.  We hugged, patting and making glad cries, until a chattering Nerys Kira could join us.  She loved to natter, her mind always being outpaced by her mouth.

We were friends, not demanding the other change or alter their lives.  Those in town who looked down their noses at me and turned their backs on me should read their Bibles more.

The two .... girls? .... went off to care for horses, and before I joined them I stopped to greet Mr. Noah Lessing and his cousin Tuvok Lessing.  Mr. Tuvok was a powerful good carpenter, and being a Negro was glad to get steady work at a decent price.  The worker is worthy of his hire, Thesallonians.

I had a large stable up, and two sheds for my farm equipment.  My house had two rooms finished and covered, and it would eventually have two more.  Covered with sod brick, more for the insulation come snow, than anything else.

Bruno Chell sometimes worked for me as well.  It were fortunate the near nine hundred in gold pieces Bruce Hirogen paid his Kazon had been given me.  At the end I'll have just bare enough to pay a worked or two to harvest my wheat.

First off we got the horses put up and fed.

Mr. Noah Lessing delighted in my wheat, he loved to sit by it's ripening glory and read portions of the Good Book which referred to wheat and bread.  Today Noah, his cousin Tuvok and I sat against the cottonwood's under which my husband and children lay.  Noah read from the Book of Job for us, and I felt closer, my Lord, to thee, and much comforted.  My afflictions and losses did not feel any less hurtful, but I felt I could more easily put my life in His hands.

The stables were bereft of Selma and Kira, and most of the horses looked perfectly content.  Evidently I had spent more time in Bible studying than I thought I had.

When I got up I put out cold cornbread, ham, hard-boiled eggs and pan chicken for the men folk.  No one objected to the presence of Negroes eating near white folk, so I felt good about inviting the Lessing's.  They were good Christians, they worked three times as hard as most of the odd-hire men folk I'd seen in this neck of the state and they certainly praised and smacked their lips in appreciation of my pan chicken.

Naomi, with her strawberry-blond hair visible, was sidling near my apple pies.  So I sent her off to get her mother's permission and cut her a nice wedge in anticipation of her gaining such approval. It was a picnic day.

The noises of women greeted me long before I came near what I considered `my' swimming hole, there in the Penance River.  The river might be cold as a Kazon's heart, but everyone seemed to be enjoying being in it.

My clothes left me, including my button shoes, becoming a neat pile by a Willow near the bank.  Neat groupings of women's clothing dotted the entire bank here.  No fancy clothes, just dresses, shifts, light bodice's, summer clothes.

Before I lost my courage I ran and dived into the river, being immersed before my body realized how frigid the river was, and began protesting in vehement tones.  I broke for air, swam from bank to bank thrice and finally allowed my teeth to chattter like a Latin musical instrument.  I spotted a very goose-bumped and naked Sam Wildman, and swam by to say hello.  We were both pleased to see Naomi re-appear, with a single smear of apple pie filling on one cheek.  She was naked and swimming to us in a second.

Of all my visions of what life on the frontier would be like, yea these years past, none of them included the sight of a few dozen naked as all get-out young women enjoying frolicking in my river.

The ways of the Lord are sometimes very involved and confusing.

Suddenly I was held about the legs and I had been turned topsy-turvy.  When I came upright for air, and to spew water from my nose, I realized I had been waylaid by Nerys Kira.  This, of course, called for swift, exact and vengeful action.

My goals, however, were for nothing.  No sooner was I gaining on that laughing red-head than I was pressed to the bottom of my river.  I again came up for air, looking about for my attacker. This time I realized Selma Nine had intervened to dunk me once more.  Unfortunately for Miss Nine she couldn't swim worth a lick. With a whoop of triumph, and with Selma shrieking in protest, I tackled her about her legs.  She went under, just as Kira pulled me over again, head over tea kettle.

Naomi joined in, of course, then her mother, then Nicoletti, then a dozen of the others.  The river rang with cries of outrage, fits of giggling and triumphant or dismayed shrieks.

I hadn't had so much fun in .... years?  Since before the War?

There were two teenage fancy girls who crawled onto the bank in surrender, I had forgotten their names.  They never talked, they had no friends, not even each other.  They were lying to one side of me, and for the first time ever they were smiling, calming a fit of giggles between each other.

We became a trio, drying, warming in the summer heat, flapping at insects.  Talking.  It was like watching a dam break.  I kept my face calm, but inside I was the tree uprooted and washed away..

Miss Nine saw us, she stayed back, her eyes bright to see her two youngest fancy girls finally talking.  It was like hearing the same story in an echo room.  The same pregnancies and abandoned children, the same father's who should never have violated their girl's trust.

I gave them no scathing words from the Good Book about their sinful work in Miss Nine's elegant bordello.  I did not tell them to seek other work.   What other work was there for them?

It was a pair of stories I'd just as soon have never heard.  It was a pair of near-identical stories told to the nearest soul they could find that they could treat as their long absent mother.

We came late back to the meadow by my new house.  We had taken another dip in the river, letting the icy water cleanse more than our bodies.  They were beginning to smile now, they felt the better to have told someone else of their pathetic sins.  Our hairs were wet, my soul was gray, I kept light words and encouragement on my lips.

Nine and Kira had a few bottles of wine, and their faces were full of laughter's.  They made us picnic with them, their hands were busy upon us, their smiles carefully searching our pains.  They fed us baked potatoes and buttermilk, raspberry preserves and bread from the town bakery, and slices from a chocolate cake that had become lop-sided in it's journey to my farm.  They gave too much wine to the girls and left them to doze away some of their pain.

I got more than mildly tipsy from the wine myself.  Nine had found a buggy wheel to lean back against, watching her girls be just ordinary girls for once.  I'd left a good bottle of whiskey by my house door, expecting the men folk to have a snap or two.  The girls passed the bottle around and finished it.

As I sat down in front of Nine, my body between her un-lady-like splayed legs, my back found the softness' of her breasts and her arms.  I needed comforting.  Nine brushed fingers through my hair, pulling out the snarls, touching my neck and ears and arms.  She kissed my neck and my ear, but it was not an untoward gesture.  I was comfortable enfolded by her tall warmth.  I desperately needed the touchings of a friend.  She hugged me.

"What will happen to them?" I asked.

I felt her shrug.  "They will be shot by their boyfriends.  They will get hitched and lead normal lives.  They will end as drunks, dying in the gutter.  They will take cocaine and be found one morning cold and lifeless.  They will catch a disease and die of it.  They will miss a step at the top of the stairs and break their necks.  They will find religion and die in genteel poverty.

"Do you wish the full list of futures they might someday possess?"

I shuddered, then cried.  Nine kept me with her, hugging me closer, kissing my neck and head, once holding my hand up to her lips.  I wiped my eyes on her sleeve and she gave me a small useless frilly kerchief to blow my nose on.   It was a loud honk.

Nine continued brushing my hair.

As was customary with me, the wine and exhaustion and tears put me to grateful sleep.

When I awoke after my short nap, Mr. Kim had settled down next to me.  Apart from a few words, I had neglected him in a dreadful way. He obviously forgave me, because the first thing I realized he was doing was pushing a fancy box of chocolates with creme fillings into my hands.  It was large, wrapped with a bright matching red ribbon, come from Chicago, and must have cost near two dollar, probably at Loewe's.

Now that he had returned to Fort Morgan from Cheyenne, I knew he had been going out of his way to greet me and say hello and make his presence known to me.  I was still a little tiffed at the way he had left Fort Morgan so promptly, months ago.  Still, I had known he was a man who had already journeyed much in his life.  You cannot hold men to be other than they are.  At least not until they'd made their own decisions.  In this case, you had to let them get to the point by themselves where they wanted to settle down.

We chatted, I asked about Cheyenne, he was curious how I was doing as a farmer by myself.  Which was an awful polite way of asking if I had any other males sniffin' round.

Miss Nine had given him a third-floor room for the week, for which he was grateful.  He could be thrifty when necessary.  I had to smile to myself that he were surrounded by willing comely females, but he was here with a real box of creme-filled chocolates from Chicago.  It was me he was come courting for.

He was asking, honest as daylight, if he could come around my place more often.  Visit me.  Talk to me.  Court me.

There!  He'd come right out and said it.  He wanted to court me. Which meant he had seriously thought about marriage and not in a negative way, either.

I was very hard reining in my emotions at that point, relishing his attentions.  Remembering his sweet younger body.  Not at all sure if I could remember how to play this courting game.  Realizing I was all feverish and worked up.

Mr. Kim explained how he had been free labor for his Father, back on their spread in New Jersey.  He had enlisted mainly to get away, and lied about his age at the recruiter's.  Going in a round about way he was saying to me we could farm together here, it was a possibility, he wasn't no city slicker unused to hard work.

It was hard to remember it was only afternoon.  This had been a full day already.

It was about that time I realized I had been hearing the arrival of a pair of horsemen.  It was Marshall Chakotay Pointe, and his deputy Mr. Carey.

They were dressed in what was obviously their proper black Sunday-go-to-meetin' clothes.  Unlike their usually calm thin smiles, they was glowering at each other like they was sworn lifelong enemies.

They come directly to me, their eyes trying to cut vicious wounds in Harry Kim's hide.

They each very politely said Hello to both of us, then sat themselves down on either side of me.  Mr. Carey didn't care much that Mr. Kim was between him and me.

All was explained when I realized both lawmen were proffering me presents.  Each was giving me a big gaudy box of creme-filled chocolates with a ribbon around it.

Today was a hundred and twenty days after John Bee died.  I'd said somewhere when asked that my mourning would be four months.  I had things to do.  My official period of mourning was now over.  Unless I wanted to make it six months, or a year, though out west here a year was considered a mite excessive.

No wonder so much glowering was going on.

I had three men come-a-courtin' on my hands.  Or sitting in my new farmyard, I should say.

I was sitting there flabbergasted and incredibly pleased with myself, when another carriage came to my farm.

It was Doc Emil Howard, and he had come a-courtin'.  With a big gaudy ribbon-bedecked box of creme-filled chocolates in his hand. Yup.  I had four identical two-pound boxes of expensive chocolates in front of me.

The first thought I had was that I was REALLY going to pig out that night.  Week.  Maybe month.

My second thought was a thinking frenzy on how to send four courtier's home today without anyone laying an ambush for the other three.

My third thought was to wave Naomi over and have her take one of those boxes to my guests and let them have a special treat.

My fourth thought was to make sure I told Naomi not to have anything from the box except what her mother let.

My fifth thought was that I'd better have her Mother come over and take charge of the box.

My sixth thought was how desirable I felt.  Four men come a'courtin'.

My seventh thought was how I'd like all four strong and presentable men naked in my bed.  Or better yet on the pasture grass down by the river.  Me naked too.  Lots of growling and moaning as they all four rolled me from one end of the prairie to another.  Fresh grass smell in my nostrils, and the sound of my river and four passionate men loud in my ears.  Crying aloud as their men's hands touched my quivering body all over.

I felt warm.

      -   -   -   -   -   -  p; -   -   -   -   -   -  p; -

Nine and Kira stood back, judging their work with a critical eye. They both smiled at each other, then nodded their heads.

"How do I look?" I asked.  Definitely had a high-pitched quiver in my voice.

For answer both women broke out in a fit of giggles.  While it normally please me to see either woman in such a state of high good humor, I thought; not now, please!

I had forgotten about their mirrored alcove.

By cocking my head to the side, I could look square at my rear. Then I look to my front again for a variation of the same spectacle.

Let me describe myself.

>From the front I could see a small woman in a crimson corset and bodice.  My large breasts were contained, tamed and pushed up. My nipples were both prominently displayed and roughed.  I touched them and they felt hard.

Long black gloves were laced above my elbows.  My legs were in black button shoes stretching above my knees.  In addition I wore a pair of opera net hose kept up by four garter straps descending from the corset.

Between my corset and my stockings I wore nothing.

I could see a garter strap stretched across each fat quivering buttcheek.  In front another pair stretched across my belly and thighs.  I blushed deep red and thought myself incredibly beautiful at the same time.

They had worked for ....  For a long time giving a curl to some of my auburn hairs, rubbing oils and exotic Asian scents into my crowning glory.  A dozen ribbons, more, hung in my hair.

My face was carefully painted and colored, smoothed and prepared. My face was now that of a twenty-year-old fancy girl, set to enthrall a saloon full of the largest and most rowdy imaginable crowd of drovers just off a state-wide cattle drive.

A stranger's kohl-daubed eyes fluttered at mine, signaling the possession of unimaginable delights.  I felt as if every one of those cattle drivers would have gladly paid fifty dollars for an hour's pleasure.

I had to stare at my .... lower parts.  Nine and Kira practically had to hold me down to control my agitation as they ....

I guess it was as Nine said, and for once I was dearly and fervently hoping it were true, if I wanted to look like a forty-dollar whore, I had to go through the entire ....  I had to look the part.

So they trimmed me.

Not much I guess.  But I looked different from the last time I saw myself in the altogether in a mirror.

Still beet red in my face, I carefully turned to my ....  My fellow conspirators.  My voice was a mousey squeak when I asked: "Do I look convincing?"

Kira licked her lips at me.  "Me, I would pay fifty dollars to take you to bed and ravish you.  You look worth it."

Nine touched one perfect painted cheek with a caress of what I realized was deepest regret.  "I would pay a thousand and keep you a week."

I was suddenly hugging them and they were hugging me.

"STOP!" Nine shouted.  "Kathryn Janeway, you expensive whore, you, you WILL NOT cry!  Not after all the work I've put into that face of yours.

"Now go, wanton!" she said, pointing at the door.  "Go forth and earn purses of gold for the both of us!

"Always remember!  With you goes the honor and more importantly, the reputation of the "Borg Palace"!  Across five states and Dakota and Wyoming Territories we are known for possessing the prettiest, most ravishing, cutest and most sexy women a man may hold. Provided he has the gold to pay for the earth-shaking pleasures only my girls may deliver."

I think she panted slightly after that speech.  I couldn't tell. My ears were ringing and I was still blushing.  I hoped my entire body wasn't burning into a bright pink.

Nine opened the door, and both Kira and Nine chastely gave me a light buss on the way out.

Outside Nicoletti and one of my teenage girls were holding a fantastic rich light blue silk kimono open for me, helping me into it, belting it and patting me on the shoulder.  Ahead Bruno Chell, in his best and most colorful bouncer's clothes, patiently waited for me.  Looking behind himself now, he smiled a thin loving smile of support and regard in my direction.  He too touched a shoulder. And then we were off.

I was surrounded by people I had come to regard highly, these past few months.  Suddenly I felt a lot more confident.

Two flights of stairs, and then I was facing the door of my first.... client.  Nicoletti took the wrap, and all retreated.  Leaving me alone to face this .... next step.

I knocked,  Knocked again, then opened the door wide, immediately stepping inside.  As the door was firmly closed, I turned to a goggle-eyed Mr. Harry Kim and finally spoke to him.  The man I would make my next husband.

"Well ....  Hi there, cowboy!  I understand you're looking for the most beautiful and absolutely the best and most exciting fancy saloon girl in the entire Wild, Wild West?  Can I see the fifty dollars first?"

I think the part where I hooked one foot onto his cane-bottom chair was the best part.  I didn't fall neither.

I hope Harry understood I had made my choice as to which of my four men I wanted to court me.



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