"With My Pants Down"
by Kristin Johnson

Codes: Kirk/Khan, m/m, exhibitionism, humor, character death
Rating: R
Email: [email protected]

Summary: When attacked by Khan, Kirk takes advantage of his, ahem, exposed position...An alternate to the "pants down" scene in STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN

"But I wanted to know first who it was that had beaten you!"

Khan smiled on Enterprise's viewscreen with leonine assurance.  Kirk felt as if his uniform pants were down around his ankles.

"Khan," Kirk said calmly, "if it's me you want, I'll have myself beamed aboard.  Spare my crew."

Khan surveyed Kirk possessively as Reliant leisurely circled the captive Enterprise. "I'll make you a counter-proposal.   I'll agree to your terms, if...if..."

<Why is he looking at me like that?>

"If... you strip naked on my bridge and let me ravish you with your entire crew watching."


Kirk couldn't look more stunned.  Saavik looked...intrigued.  Spock just raised an eyebrow.  He studied Khan for any sign of logic. Surely this must be some sort of psychological warfare.

Khan laughed. "You actually looked tempted, Kirk.  I think you must have a closet exhibitionist inside you."

<How the hell did he know?>

Khan continued. "Of course, I would never presume any rights of the victor...even though I have them.  Unless you want to give us all a show, you'll not only beam over, but hand over all data and material regarding the project called Genesis."

"Genesis?" Kirk asked. "What's that?"

Khan bared his teeth. "Don't insult my intelligence, Kirk…or I will make you strip."

Kirk wiped his brow. <Well…I must still have the touch if Khan wants me naked.  Or maybe he's desperate for companionship…best not to think of Lt. McGivers, not here, not now.>

"Give me some time to recall the data from our computers," he said.

"I give you sixty seconds, Admiral." Khan looked like the conqueror, which, at this moment, he was.

Kirk turned to the bridge crew. "Clear the bridge."

As the nonessential personnel left the bridge, Spock said, "Well, at least we know he doesn't have Genesis."

"And we know he's sick," Kirk said. "Just keep nodding as if I'm still giving orders.  Mister Saavik, punch up the data charts of Reliant's command console."

Saavik looked at him provocatively over her shoulder. "Reliant's command…"

"HURRY." Kirk wondered if Khan still intended to make him strip… better not dally.

Khan's seductive, arrogant voice echoed, "Forty-five seconds!"

Either it was just the stress, or it had been a long time, because Kirk found that voice unexpectedly arousing.


"The prefix code?" asked Spock.

"Believe me, it's all we've got."

Saavik looked as if she were about to say something, but stumbled over her words. "The chart's up, sir."

Kirk smiled as Khan demanded his attention. "Admiral."

Kirk snapped to attention with an eagerness that sickened him. "We're finding it."

Khan was ever insistent, a whip cracking. "Admiral!!"

Kirk spread his hands beseechingly. "Please…please…"

God, even begging with emotion.  What was wrong with him?

"You've got to give us time.  The…the bridge is smashed, the computers inoperative…"

<And here I am with my britches down.>

Khan sounded as smooth as ever. "Time is a luxury you don't have, Admiral."

<My britches down…>

James T. Kirk stopped and made a victory fist, causing the bridge crew to look askance at him through the eerie red swirling smoke and devastation.

He suddenly had an idea of how he could regain the advantage over Khan.

"My apologies for the delay, Khan," he said as sincerely as he could. "Perhaps it would help if I…acceded to the rights of the victor?"

Khan leaned forward.  He looked alive and vivid on the viewscreen. He was magnificent, just as he had been on that first encounter.

"You must enjoy humiliation, James."

"I surrender completely to you," Kirk shouted, unbuckling his belt and unsealing his tunic.  He wished he were meeting Khan again during the original five-year mission.  He could just rip his shirt off then.

"Cap---" Saavik began.

Spock stopped her with a very Vulcan look that came from his all-too-human knowledge of Kirk.

Khan looked floored, but he tried to act suave. "A most…intriguing show, James, but…"

"You ain't seen nothing yet," Kirk said.

Spock restrained himself from correcting Kirk's speech, since he agreed with the sentiment.  He glanced at Saavik, and bent his head to hers, explaining to her about the prefix codes.

"You must learn WHY things work on a starship," he said quietly, "and also why commanders do what they do."

Saavik kept her eyes averted from Kirk. "He's so…human."

"Yes," Spock agreed. "Fortunately."

Sulu bowed his head, but Uhura figured she might as well look.  She felt tenderness for the Captain…and amusement.

Kirk slowly stripped, discarding his uniform with the grace of Salome. <And in return, I'll have YOUR head, Khan.>

Finally, he stepped out of his trousers and stood on his bridge, arrayed in nothing but his skin.  The swirling red-hued smoke made a perfect backdrop.  He felt a tremendous rush of power and felt it only right that he should be nude on his bridge.

<Thank God there are no cadets around.  I only wish Bones were here… part of an antiques collection, am I?  Do I LOOK old to you, Khan?>

Khan tried to look nonchalant, but Kirk saw open conqueror's lust in his eyes.  He had debased his enemy!  Khan's pupils were large with intoxication.  Apparently, revenge was not only a dish best served cold, it was also a powerful aphrodisiac.

"You know, James, since you have been so accommodating, and because you have a fine, if aged, body, I may spare your poor ship.  However, I am not there with you, so only half of my request has been fulfilled." Khan looked openly hungry. "If you would continue your performance…touch yourself."

Kirk turned his head slightly.  Saavik nodded, with a raised brow that said clearly, Are you going to do it?

"We mustn't rush your pleasure, Khan," Kirk said in the tone that worked every time on wily women. "Besides…there's the original matter of Genesis.  I'll send it to you, and then I will beam to your bridge."

Khan nodded generously. "I do like that better.  It will be a fitting celebration of my victory."

"Yes, you deserve this." Kirk said quietly to Sulu, "Lock phasers on target and await my command."

Sulu responded with absolute professionalism. "Phasers locked…"

Kirk spread his hands again. "Here it comes. Now, Mr. Spock."

Then, Reliant's shields dropped and the Enterprise let loose with phaser fire.

Kirk knew the lust of the victor himself as he quickly donned his uniform top and watched the battered Reliant retreat.

Sulu was openly relieved. "Sir, you did it!"

Kirk's annoyance now could assert itself, but it did so in a wry way. "I did nothing…except get caught with my britches down."

There was a large silence as the smoke swirled.  Kirk noticed his legs were still bare, and quickly pulled on the rest of his clothing.

Saavik spoke. "Captain…permission to speak freely."

"Granted." Kirk glanced at her, and noticed the same spark of fascination he had seen when he'd talked with her in the turbolift.

"I consider it fortunate that you did, sir.  A most…unconventional maneuver.  You appear to understand Khan well."

Kirk grinned. "Is there a regulation to cover that situation, Mr. Saavik?"

"Not that I am aware of…but I am certain we can create one…now that the situation has been covered."

Uhura muffled a guffaw.

Kirk turned to each one. "If anyone says anything about this…if any of the cadets hear about it…" He shrugged. "Tell them that was my solution to the Kobayashi Maru.  And it still works."

Spock raised a brow.  Uhura actually did laugh.  Sulu chuckled, and Kirk found the tension left him as he laughed too.  Kirk thought he saw Saavik grin, but when he looked twice, she had her head too close to her console.

But she had ogled him.  Uhura, too.  And Khan.  He still had it.

The moment of hilarity was fleeting as Scotty entered the bridge holding the body of Peter Preston.


Kirk felt naked in another way as his closest friend lay dying, separated by that damnable clear wall.  He'd run starkers into the compartment…he'd let Khan ravish him…if only Spock…

"I am---and always will be---your friend…Live. Long. And. Prosper. Admiral."

Spock slumped down, then struggled to sit up once more.  His voice was a wistful whisper. "You…are…beautiful…naked…Jim."

Spock fell as Kirk cried out, "NO!"

McCoy and Scotty held him as he sobbed. "That bastard Khan…had his revenge…"

"No, Jim," McCoy said softly. "Spock made his own choice.  You set an example…you turn death into a fighting chance to live…"

Kirk let McCoy lead him out of Engineering.  McCoy was silent as they walked to Kirk's quarters.  McCoy said gruffly, at last, "Hey, Jim, next time are you going to charge admission?"


McCoy grinned. "Well…we could replicate some old Earth dollars and you could do a striptease again.  Might improve the morale.  I'd love to have seen Spock's face…"

Kirk choked on laughter and tears. "Actually, he thought it was a logical move…"

Laughing and crying, Kirk let McCoy undress him and, naked in his grief, he fell asleep, hearing Spock's words, "You…are…beautiful… naked…Jim."



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