"Alone Again, Naturally"
by T'Lin

Series: TOS
Pairing: K/Mc
Rating: NC-17
Feedback: gladly accepted ... send to [email protected]
Archiving: Captain Fuh-Q Fest, ASC* and my own web page: http://www.geocities.com/tlin_s/ -- all others, please ask first.

Note: Part of the Captain Fuh-q Fest -http://www.geocities.com/five2goboldly/index.html

Note 2: Part of my ever increasing "Early TREK" series ... an indirect sequel to "For The Love Of ..." which was written for the Doctor Fuh-q Fest. The series can be found on my web site.

Summary: McCoy has been aboard the ENTERPRISE for some time, and longing for the attention of his Captain. The question is, can their on-again/off-again relationship survive the strictures placed on it in the name of discretion, while the Captain seeks companionship elsewhere?

Warning: This story contains m/m sex ... if this isn't your thing, or if you're underage, READ NO FURTHER ... this is fair warning!

Disclaimer: Paramount/Viacom owns all things TREK ... I just borrow their wonderful universe, and all the people in it, for recreational purposes. I promise to put them all away, unharmed, when I am done. No copyright infringement intended, I make no money off of this. This original TREK story is the property of T'Lin, ©February 2002

It took a while, but I finally got settled in ... Piper certainly had an unusual way of setting up his sickbay, not to mention a very odd schedule for his staff. Of course, I couldn't just come in and say 'presto' and move everything around ... oh, no ... I didn't have the luxury of time to spare. No sooner did I come aboard, than we found ourselves in one crisis after another.

After being confronted by the First Federation ship, and bluffing our way past Blalok and what looked like certain destruction, our run-in with Harry Mudd, the most insidious scoundrel I had ever come across, seemed almost a relief.  We no sooner got rid of him and his 'cargo' when the transporter accident happened. I was beside myself with worry, but was unable to show more than the usual concern a ships doctor would show under the circumstances.

Forget the fact that my best friend and occasional lover had been split into two beings ... one meek, the other savage. I had to find a way to fix the damage, without letting my feelings get in the way. It was not easy ... and the task was made more daunting by having to deal with that cold-blooded Vulcan. Blast the man, but he is exasperating! I don't know how Jim puts up with him.

In the past week it has been relatively quiet ... no disasters ... no accidents ... no threats of war. The ENTERPRISE has been in the process of charting an area that had been relatively unexplored until recently. Now, this state of 'inactivity' could change at any time, and knowing my luck, it would, but it is my intention to spend some time with Jim, in as intimate a setting as possible, come hell or high water.

~ End Personal Log  ~

As James T. Kirk entered his quarters at the end of the day, he immediately made note of the blinking message light on his computer console. He stretched, as he crossed the room, cursing quietly under his breath, hoping fervently that this wasn't some tedious task that needed his immediate attention.

He was bone tired ... more from the inactivity than anything else. Who would have thought that mapping space could be so tiring. 'Not tiring,' he thought, 'just plain *boring*!' Realizing that he was wishing for some kind of emergency to come up, just to alleviate his boredom, he pushed the replay button.

McCoy's image popped up on the screen, and his voice filled Kirk's cabin. "Hey, Jimmy boy ... don't suppose you'd care ta join me for dinner tonight? I've got a nice bottle of Saurian Brandy I'm dyin' ta open ... with all the inactivity lately, I thought you'd like a little diversion, if ya know what I mean."

Kirk frowned. The look on the doctors face left nothing to the imagination, as far as he was concerned ... he knew exactly what was on the doctor's mind. As a matter of fact, the subject had not been far from Kirk's mind, either... which was part of the reason he had been avoiding McCoy for the past few days.

When he had run into McCoy in 'Dark Passions' -- one of the sleazier places on Deep Space Station 13 -- he was feeling horny, and happy to see a familiar face after his inadvertent sun-in with Sulu and Chekov. In a flash, the idea of renewing their on-again/off-again relationship seemed only logical, under the circumstances.

And when he discovered that McCoy would be available to fill the soon-to-be-vacant position of CMO -- thereby providing a convenient 'fuck-buddy' whenever the need arose -- he was enthusiastic about pushing the transfer through ASAP.

But now, Kirk was having second thoughts. Not about having McCoy as his CMO -- he couldn't ask for a better doctor for this ship. No, it was the personal relationship that had him concerned. Although he and McCoy had not engaged in sexual activity since McCoy joined the crew, Kirk had seen the jealousy in McCoy's eyes whenever he looked at someone else.

Case in point, Harry Mudd's 'cargo' -- those lovely ladies were enough to tempt a monk. Hell, even Spock was affected by them, to a degree, so McCoy couldn't blame Kirk for getting all hot and bothered when Eve pursued him.

But the looks ... damn, McCoy knew better than to assume Kirk would be monogamous. After all, they had never had that kind of relationship in the past, and Kirk was not about to change that now. There were too many opportunities out there to tie himself down to one person.

'Well,' he thought, 'I'd better have dinner with him ... time to put an end to this, before things get too messy.' And with that thought, he called McCoy's quarters.

"Hey there, Jimmy-boy," McCoy said, a bit too jovially for Kirk's current mood.

"Bones ..." he said, but got no further, as McCoy enthusiastically interrupted.

"Hey ... looks like you could use a little R&R," and with a lustful grin and a wink, he added, "I think I've got just what ya need, here in my quarters."

'Ah, that look,' Kirk had to smile ... Bones knew just what it took to make him hard and horny. Admitting to himself that maybe McCoy was right, he relented, saying, "I bet you do, Bones." Suddenly eager, Kirk decided to be a bit playful, as he crossed his arms and pulled his tunic over his head. Reaching down to unfasten his pants, he noticed McCoy's eyes widen in anticipation and lust ... Kirk lightly stroked himself, even though he knew the gesture was not picked up on the monitor, he could tell that McCoy knew exactly what he was doing.

All thoughts of 'calling it off' left Kirk's mind. McCoy was a grown man who knew exactly what he had gotten himself into ... there was no need of feeling guilty over the arraignment. "Give me a few minute, Bones ..."

McCoy was breathing heavily, obviously doing a bit of 'stroking' himself, as he said, "Don't take too long ..."

Without another word, Kirk cut the connection. He finished undressing then stepped into the sonic shower ... the sonics always seemed to enhance his skins sensitivity, making him ache for release. But he denied himself ... he'd be in Bones' quarters in a few minutes, and if he read the good doctor correctly, that well skilled and eager mouth would be upon him soon after.


McCoy contemplated greeting Jim at the door in the 'all natural' but then thought better of it. It would be just his luck to have a medical emergency pop up before he arrived. Instead, he poured himself a Saurian Brandy, and made himself comfortable.

The ache in his cock was calling to him, but he resisted touching himself ... he had spent far to many lonely nights lately, without giving himself any relief. He could hold out a bit longer, knowing that Jim would take care of him.

He took another sip of his brandy as the door buzzer sounded. "Come," he said, as the door opened.

Jim entered, and let the door close behind him before he replied, "Don't mind if I do."

They both smiled at the very old joke. McCoy remained seated as he called out, "Privacy lock," then gestured for Jim to help himself to the brandy. As Kirk crossed the room, McCoy gave a low whistle. Jim had worn his green wrap-around tunic, and an extremely tight pair of trousers ... to McCoy, the bulge, which never left much of anything to the imagination, seemed even more pronounced than usual. Smiling, he asked, "Is that a phaser in your pocket, or are you glad to see me?"

Jim smiled, as he poured himself a shot of the potent drink  ... after all, there had been a considerable amount of risk involved in donning these pants, without underwear, while in his current condition. But he thought the effort would be appreciated, and was not disappointed. He drank the shot down in one swallow, then poured himself a more generous amount before turning and taking a step towards McCoy.

Standing so that his bulging cock was just inches away from Bones' face, he ran one finger along the length of it, as he asked, "Do you like what you see?" knowing full well what the answer would be.

McCoy resisted reaching out to follow the path Kirk's finger had taken. Instead, he leaned back in his chair slightly, and finished his brandy. His chair was positioned so that, with little effort, he could stand and face Kirk without Kirk moving. He did so, leaning in to kiss Jim as he said, "Very impressive, as usual." He then grasped Jim's hand, and guided it to his own crotch, saying, "But not as impressive as this."

McCoy, of course, was right ... for although he was not as thick as Jim, he was considerably longer. Feeling Jim's hand close on him only made him stiffen more ... the full ten inches pulsing for release. After all the sleepless nights, when he knew that Kirk was 'getting some', McCoy decided he would make Jim take care of him, first.

McCoy unbuttoned his pants, as he said, "On your knees, Jim." For an instant, there was defiance in Jim's eyes, but as McCoy pushed his pants down, releasing the throbbing ten inches of rock-hard cock, he relented. McCoy liked to force a bit of submission out of Kirk once in a while. A bit of 'pay-back' so to speak  ... it served him right for all the times he flaunted his sexual exploits while denying the relationship they supposedly had. The fact that he didn't let Jim remove his own pants first, thereby adding a bit of discomfort to the submission, added to McCoy's pleasure.

The first touch of Jim's tongue to his cock made him gasp ... suddenly banishing all thought of 'revenge' or 'pay-back' from his mind. Kirk knew what he was doing, for sure. As his tongue circled the sensitive head, every ounce of his essence tried to escape through that one point of contact. When he thought he could take no more, Jim must have sensed it, for his mouth closed down over as much of the shaft as he could take in, and the suction began.

McCoy's release was almost instantaneous, as he grasped Jim's shoulders to steady himself, and thrust deeply into the eagerly sucking mouth. When he was spent, Jim released him, and he collapsed into the chair once again.

He closed his eyes, as his breathing returned to normal. Sensing movement, he opened his eyes to see Jim's cock once again in his face ... this time, released from its confines. Oh, how he wished to have that wondrous shaft thrust deep into his bowels ... but he knew that Jim would not stand for any more delays. He was more than ready to shoot his load right now.

Grasping Jim by the hips, he opened his mouth and throat to admit the thick, hard shaft. At once, Jim began to thrust while McCoy applied pressure with his lips. McCoy was impressed with Jim's self-control, but even he could not withstand the constant suction for long. With a thrust and a cry, Jim came... McCoy swallowed convulsively, holding Jim out enough to prevent himself from choking on the salty fluid.

When Jim was completely spent, he crossed the small room and collapsed into the other chair. They both sat in silence for a minute or two, then McCoy said, "Damn, but it's been too long. Thanks."

"Any time, Bones," Jim replied, smiling at McCoy.

But since Jim's eyes were closed, he did not see the look that crossed McCoy's face at his words. With a scowl, McCoy said, "Hardly 'any time' ... after all, it's been months."

The anger and accusation apparent in McCoy's words made Jim open his eyes. Suddenly on the defensive, Jim started, "Bones, you know ..."

But he got no further as McCoy said, "Don't even go there! I'm fed up with you givin me that crap about 'discretion' while you fuck everything that catches your eye."

Kirk looked at McCoy as if he had no idea what he was talking about ... it was a well practiced look, but he could see right away that it was not going to work on McCoy this time. He stood, rearranging his clothing, as he said, "Look, Bones ... we never said our relationship was exclusive. I thought you understood that." In his exasperation, he stated to pace, then continued, "Hell, there's nothing stopping you from getting a little on the side, whenever you want it."

"You know, you're right ... but you see, that's the difference between you and me. I *want* some stability in a relationship, and you don't." McCoy was fully dressed once again as well, and pouring himself another drink as he continued, "I told myself when I saw you in 'Dark Passions' that I would NOT let you mess up my social life again ... and here I am, acting no different than I did when we first met."

He finished his drink, and walked to the door, motioning Jim to follow, as he said, "Jim, I love being CMO on this ship ... and I enjoy being your friend," and as he deactivated the lock, he added, "but I cannot be your lover. Not even part time."

As the door opened, Jim gave him one last look, as he said, "I know ... I figured that out the minute you signed up for this tour." And with a last look, he said, "Good night, Doctor ... thanks for dinner."

McCoy was puzzled, until he saw the pretty young Yeoman walking past, on her way to the turbolift.

As the door closed, McCoy realized that he was alone again ... naturally.



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The stories are the intellectual property of the authors. Please do not link to individual stories without the author's consent.

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