"Courtship Cunning"
by Ainzfern

Series: TNG
Code: Picard/Kurn (Humor & M/M Implied, Challenge response)
Rating: PG (Just to be safe – it's a bit cheeky)
Disclaimer: Paramount owns STAR TREK... etc and so on and so forth! My only pay here is personal joy...and I would NEVER be deliberately rude to the mighty flagship's Captain. But I WOULD like to think he can have a little fun now and then.
Archiving: Cool- if you want to - please let me know.

Summary: Captain Picard introduces a rather baffled Klingon Captain to the finer points of Human courtship. This is definitely a PWP. Do not look for a deeper meaning. There IS none. <EG> It probably takes place after Sin's Of The Father. Erm... sometime.

Feedback: Yes please! [email protected]

Author's Note: This is in response to Saklani's challenge to write a story where my Captain pursues his love interest with a traditional Human style courtship, regardless of the fact that the object of his desires is NOT Human... Mighty thanks be to the The Universal Translator Assistant Project for the invaluable Klingon/English translations list.

Key: **Kahlesste kaase - Kahless' hand, an oath referring to the story of the Emperor Kahless. ** petaQ - %$@$!! (swearing)
**khest't - roughly equal to "damned."(swearing)
**taHqeq - #$!@# (more swearing)

Courtship Cunning.

"Ooof!" The breath whooshed out of Captain Kurn's lungs in a sudden painful rush. For a moment, he lay there on the floor, winded and slightly dazed, wondering what, by the *Kahlesste kaase*, had just happened!

"My apologies, Captain Kurn," the elegant and richly accented voice came from above him, "but that... groping of yours was simply unacceptable."

Kurn rolled his blazing eyes around and focused on the Human standing over him. It was not possible! He measured the man with his gaze. For all that Picard was physically fit, he was still the weaker species... and he was SMALLER than Kurn, for Kahless' sake! How the *petaQ* had he managed to...

Picard smiled pleasantly, as if reading Kurn's thoughts. "You might be the stronger of us, Captain Kurn, but *I* am faster."

The Human reached down and offered his hand. After a moment's consideration, Kurn clasped it firmly. Picard pulled him to his feet and then took a deliberate step back.

Kurn suddenly felt more than a little chastened. And disappointed. The battle earlier today with a rogue convoy of Orian pirate traders had been splendid. The tide had turned when the Enterprise suddenly arrived to enter the fray and Picard had been the consummate warrior. Cool, calm... always one move ahead of their enemy. It had been an honor to battle alongside him. Kurn as master of his own ship and Picard at the helm of the Enterprise. He had been able to see why his brother, Worf, was so loyal.

He had been impressed. And then aroused.

And tonight had seemed like a perfect end for the day's events. When Picard had invited the Klingon Captain to dine in his own quarters, Kurn had been very pleased. They were the two highest-ranking officers on board their respective ships. They were both warriors. They were both available. It would have been an acceptable liaison.

So, Kurn had gone. He had enjoyed the food and the Blood Wine, (he had been impressed that Picard had thought of it), and then, judging that the time was right, he had leapt.

And now this.

He stood and looked with perplexity at this little Human. This man who had somehow managed to kick his Klingon backside halfway across the room without breaking a sweat. He would have been furiously offended and humiliated by this if he hadn't already been so profoundly shocked.

He couldn't understand it. He had acted in a completely proper manner. He had seen the brief flash of heat in Picard's eyes just before he'd been sent flying. Still feeling somewhat confused, he said so...

Picard's expression changed to one of firm, but not unfriendly, resolve. "I quite agree, Captain Kurn. Your actions were entirely appropriate... for a Klingon Captain on his own ship. But you are not on your own ship, Captain, you are on mine. You are also a guest of a Human, not another Klingon, and your ways are not our ways."

Kurn bristled. "Are you daring to imply that *I* could not understand your ways?!"

"I am merely suggesting that perhaps we should re-evaluate this attraction."

"What is to re-evaluate, Picard?" Kurn growled low in his chest and stepped closer, "You desire me... I saw it in your eyes. I desire you. Let us ACT on it!" He lunged again.

The room blurred past.

"Ooof!" Kurn landed on his back once more and lay there, glaring up at his tormentor.

//How in the *petaQ* does he DO that?//

Picard pulled him to his feet again.

Offended and seething with barely controlled rage, Kurn shook off his hand and moved away. He was frustrated beyond words, and it showed. If he was to enjoy the pleasures of knowing Picard's body, it appeared he would have to play along with the Human's rules of engagement. "Very well," he barked, "I will abide by your ways. My ship is remaining on course with yours for the next few days. I will show you how a Klingon adapts to any hardship."

"Kurn, you don't have to do this..."

"Enough!" Kurn bellowed. "The challenge had been made. It is now a matter of honor!"

"Oh, Good Grief," Picard muttered dryly.

Kurn stalked past him. "I will return to my ship. Begin your ridiculous Human overtures tomorrow." He reached the door and punched the release panel.

"Kurn... are you quite sure you are ready to experience a Human style courtship?" A slightly wicked glint shone in Picard's shrewd gray eyes.

"I am a Klingon warrior," Kurn declared proudly, "I will rise to this challenge and I WILL succeed."


When Kurn, accompanied by his First Officer, entered the bridge of his Bird Of Prey following morning, his attention was immediately drawn to his crew. They were standing in a loose circle, staring in perplexity at a strange and unfamiliar object on the console by his command chair.

Kurn pointed. "What is that?"

The bridge crew looked at him. "We are not sure, Captain," his Ops Officer reported, "It just arrived by transporter beam from the Enterprise. We assumed that YOU would know its significance."

Kurn's First Officer was peering closely at the beautifully wrapped bunch of Terran Day Lilies. "It appears to be a collection of decapitated vegetation, Sir," he reported.

"I see," Kurn walked over and poked around in the tissue paper for a moment. He extracted a small white card.

For you, Kurn A sign of my regard for you. Jean Luc...

Quickly, he pocketed the card and turned to his crew. "It is a gift," he announced.

"Is it meant to be eaten?" his First Officer asked him.

Kurn stared at him. // *khest't* if I know!//

His Ops Officer saved him." Perhaps it is meant for display, Captain?"

//Ah. Of course. A Human symbol of some kind.// Kurn nodded. "Very well, we will leave them here."

"Will they not wilt?" his Ops Officer asked, "Should we not put them... in... water... um," he met Kurn's blazing eyes quickly moved to his station. "I was just asking," he muttered under his breath.

Kurn took his seat and ordered the first drill of the day. His eyes however, kept straying to the flowers.

An hour later, he sent his Ops Officer down to the Mess to find a jar of water.


As soon as the door slid back, Kurn knew.

Someone had been in his quarters!

His finely honed warrior's instincts were howling at him. For a moment, he considered alerting his Tactical Officer, but quickly dismissed the notion. He was a Klingon warrior. If the intruders where still here, they WOULD die by his hand.

He drew his dagger and moved stealthily into the room.

No one was there.

He made a quick check of the area. Nothing seemed to be disturbed or missing. He went into his bedchamber.

There, in the middle of the hard pallet, was a small, pale pink envelope.

He re-sheathed his dagger and picked it up, turning it over in his big hands, looking at it curiously.

It was scented.

He raised it to his face and took tentative sniff. Then, with the faintest expression of approval, he sniffed it again.

Finally, he opened the envelope and pulled out the folded note, along with another waft of perfume.

My Splendid Warrior, Please do me the honor of accompanying me to the Enterprise's Holosuites this evening. I long to see the silver touch of moonlight shimmering over your silken mane. Jean Luc...

Kurn snorted derisively. "Pah! Ridiculous Human sentiments!"

//He gives me nothing but flattery. It means little,// he sneered at his reflection on the highly polished bronze mirror by his pallet, //THIS is what he thought I would not understand? These transparent attempts to win favors that would have freely been given?//

Kurn looked at himself a little closer. //Why is he bothering with this nonsense? We could have had each other a dozen times over by now. Why does he delay?//

Kurn tucked the letter inside his leather tunic and turned to exit his bedchamber. As he turned, his eyes caught his reflection one more time. He raised one hand to the thick locks that flowed down across his shoulders.

"Silken mane," he murmured thoughtfully, "Hmmmm..."


"Good evening, Kurn," Picard greeted him as he materialized on the Enterprise's transporter pad.

The human stepped up to Kurn and cupped his elbow gently in his palm. For a moment, the big Klingon stared blankly at him, wondering what he was doing. Then, with a chivalrous wave of his other hand, Picard guided him down off the platform and out into the corridor.

As they walked, the strangest conversation Kurn had ever been involved with took place.

"I'm exceedingly pleased that you could make it tonight." Picard told him.

Kurn felt that some sort of response was warranted. He nodded shortly, "As am I."

Picard smiled at him. "You look exceptionally handsome in that outfit."

"It is my uniform, Picard. It is no different to the one I wore yesterday."

Picard ignored that. "I must say, I DO like what you've done with your hair."

"I have done nothing with my hair!"

"And you smell divine. What scent is that you are wearing?"

Kurn snarled at him, "I wear no scent but a warrior's sweat, Picard!"

Unruffled, Picard steered him towards an arch set in the wall of the corridor. "Well, it is most alluring, Kurn. Ah... here we are!"


"The holosuite. I've booked us an hour."

"Only one hour?"

Picard nodded. "Yes, I wanted to take a quiet stroll in the moonlight with you. I hope that is acceptable."

Kurn sighed heavily, reminding himself that it was HIS decision to accept Picard's challenge. He nodded morosely.

As they entered the arch, Kurn turned to Picard again. "Tell me. To what end are we doing this?" He was honestly baffled.

Picard's eyes softened slightly. "Kurn, I only wish to enhance you understanding of Human relationships."

"I see," Kurn said slowly as they walked through the arch into a moonlit night on Earth, "and when will you judge that my understanding is sufficient, Picard?"

"Jean Luc."


"Call me Jean Luc," Picard smiled and held out his hand.

Kurn stared at it. "What do you want now?"

"I want you to take my hand, Kurn."


"Because it is most pleasant to walk hand in hand through a sweetly scented evening with an attractive companion."

"Oh," Nonplussed, Kurn shrugged and enveloped Picard's elegant hand in his own.

They walked on, side by side, through the gentle evening. As they went, Kurn reflected on Picard's words.

The night was warm. The breeze was scented with wildflowers and Picard's hand in his felt very warm and comfortable.

The Human was right. This WAS most pleasant.


Just over an hour later, Kurn and Picard materialized in the corridor outside Kurn's quarters. The Human had insisted on seeing the Klingon Captain to his door. Kurn had no idea why. It wasn't as if anything was likely to happen to him. Still, he found that the gesture did not displease him.

"Well," Picard reached out and took both of Kurn's large hands in his own, "goodnight, Kurn. It was a lovely evening. Thank you."

Without waiting for a reply, he lifted Kurn's hands to his face and gently brushed a soft kiss across the knuckles of each one. Then he released them, stepped back, tapped his comm badge and beamed back to the Enterprise.

"Captain Kurn?" the First Officer turned the corner of the corridor and walked towards him, "Are you well?" He sounded slightly concerned.

"Of course I am well!" Kurn snapped at him.

The First Officer tilted his head. "What ails your hands?"

Kurn blinked, confused. "There is nothing wrong with my hands!" he declared.

"Then why are you holding them up in front of you like that?"

Flushing slightly, Kurn snapped his arms back down to his sides. "I was..." he shook his head, "Put it from your mind. I am well enough."

His First Officer nodded. "As you say, Captain." With one last puzzled look, he moved away down the corridor.


Kurn awoke the following morning to the high shimmering hum of a transporter beam. Instinctively, he rolled off his pallet, grabbed his disruptor and lunged out into the main room, a Klingon war cry rising from his chest.

The howl faded away. Kurn dropped his weapon. And his jaw.

Astounded, he slowly turned in a full circle.

They were everywhere!

Flowers... blushing, deep red roses. Long stemmed. Kurn did not know their proper name of course, but he knew classy decapitated vegetation when he saw it.

The blooms covered every surface of the room. Crimson petals littered the floor like a delicate blood red carpet. A soft, sweet scent filled the air.

He blinked and then swallowed.


He swallowed again, his hand coming to his neck, thick fingers resting against his throat. By the *Kahlesste kaase*, his throat actually ached! The room suddenly blurred and he blinked again, clearing the sudden mistiness from his eyes.

//TEARS?!// he was suddenly outraged, //Does he WISH for me to behave like a child?!//

Quickly, Kurn returned to his bedchamber and pulled on his uniform. Then, growling savagely, deep in his massive chest, he left his quarters and headed for the transporter bay.

//It has gone too far!// he raged silently as he stormed through the corridors, //I am not some feeble infant, fit to weep at the smallest thing, and HE cannot turn me into one! Either he wants a warrior in his bead, or he does not!//

He materialized in Picard's quarters and was surprised to see the Human calmly waiting for him. He was seated in his armchair, casually sipping his tea and smiling.

"Good morning, Kurn. Did you receive the flowers?"

"Yes, I got your *taHqeq* flowers, Picard!" Kurn glared at him.

"Why the vehemence, Kurn? Didn't you like them?"

"I..." Kurn hesitated. He HAD liked them, that was the problem.

Picard nodded sagely and set aside his cup. "Kurn," he said, rising to his feet, "did they cause and unexpected reaction? Is that why you are so disturbed?"

Kurn sighed, all his anger dissipating under a wave of disappointment. He was not happy to be admitting this, but... "I failed, Jean Luc," he said softly, "I believed I could understand this `courting' of yours, but it eludes me."

Picard moved right up to him and smiled gently. "Kurn... did the gift touch you HERE?" He reached out and tapped the Klingon's chest, just over his first heart.

Kurn was silent for a long time. "It did," he admitted finally.

Picard's smile broadened. "Then you have NOT failed. Not in the slightest. I knew that I aroused your body, but I needed to know that I could also reach your feelings." With that, he tapped his comm badge and gave a brief instruction.

They materialized back in Kurn's rose scented quarters. The Klingon looked at Picard in confusion. "What..?"

"Kurn?" Picard's eyes suddenly grew heated.


"The challenge has been met with honor," Picard intoned, "You have been courted like a Human."

Kurn nodded.

Picard vented a low, deep growl. "Now... we will copulate like Klingons."

This time, the Human leapt.



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