Title: Centerfold Author: Silver Rayne Email: silver@intrinsic.8k.com Codes: Sisko/Bashir Series: DS9 Rating: NC-17 Summary: This is my response to Cait's challenge. Captain Sisko has an 'interesting' taste in reading material and while he is looking up pictures of naked men, he stumbles upon a very familiar looking doctor in one of the shots. Disclaimer: Captain Sisko and the concepts of DS9 belong to Paramount/Viacom but Julian Bashir belongs to Captain Sisko – therefore also making him the property of the almighty P/V. ^_^ Copyright December 2001 ~*~*~*~ At 0130 hours when the regular shift had retired for the night, Captain Benjamin Sisko sat alone in his office. He activated the privacy lock on the transparent door leading to Op so that he would not be disturbed. There were only two other officers monitoring things outside that door; he was practically alone. Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, Sisko leaned in towards his view screen; an anxious grin showed his reflection as mischievous and wickedly evil. "Computer. Bring up the menu for Captain's choice." The screen flickered on, showing a long list of hidden files descending according to date and subject. "Go to subsection five - Babes of the Alpha Quadrant. Most recent entries." Slowly, a set of pictures popped up on the screen in rows of four with three columns. Sisko frowned in disappointment, glancing from one dull picture to the next. "Computer. All of these men are nasty looking!" He complained. "Your command was not understood. Please rephrase." Sisko rolled his eyes at the limited comprehension of Deep Space Nine's Cardassian-born computer system. "Computer. Sort these entries based on height, weight and age." He eagerly rubbed his hands together. "I'm in the mood for something tall and thin… the younger the better." "Please enter specifications." Once again, Sisko could not believe that he had to ask for what he wanted – outright. It was plain embarrassing. "Display all males ages twenty to thirty, under one- hundred and sixty pounds, and taller than five-feet eight inches." The display changed for tinier thumbnails to fit more than a hundred men on the screen. This was becoming ridiculous! What could he ask next that would further limit his options? He had better come up with something soon because the unbearable ache in his groin was demanding some attention. If he had only saved his last search… But then Major Kira might have accidentally stumbled upon it and that wouldn't exactly maintain her level of respect for him. "Computer. Eliminate all non-humanoids. Remove all Vulcans." Unemotional drones just weren't his 'thing'. "Get rid of anyone with any hair color other than brown." There! Right in the middle of last month's centerfold; that was him. Sisko's hand slid down between his legs to begin massaging as he enjoyed the sight before him. He couldn't quite make out all the details from such a small thumbnail but he loved the suspense. It built up the tension. The slender young man lay draped across a woven rug by a fully exposed pond, either on Risa or a perfectly recreated Risa inside a holodeck or holosuite. His flesh was absolutely flawless, basking under a scorching hot sun – golden honeyed torso dripping with moisture. The tips of his toes hung into the pond, his long sculptured legs crossed at the ankles. A mess of lightly curled brown hair spilled across his forehead, also damp from a recent swim. Sisko leaned in further, stroking his painfully hard erection, breathing in short gasps. He should have directly asked the computer to find an exotic beauty because that was exactly what this man was. Scrolling down a little, Sisko admired the darker curls that teasingly led down to the young man's glistening cock, semi-erect in the sunshine. "Computer. Enhance image! Full replay!" His throat felt dry and constricted and this reaction tripled when the computer complied. "What the hell?!!" Sisko jumped away from the screen as if he had been burnt, hand falling away from his displeased organ. At full size, the moving figure could not be mistaken for anyone other than Doctor Julian Bashir. A pair of drowsy, hazel eyes looked up at him through fluttering eyelashes; eyelashes so long and thick that Sisko could think of no other purpose for them other than seduction. The doctor's lips were slightly parted as he kicked his feet in and out of the water, splashing droplets onto the video camera that had taped him doing so. "Of all the…!!!" This was worse than insubordination! Worse than any possible offense that Sisko could come up with. Julian Bashir had gone behind his back and posed nude for a sleazy calendar that countless perverted Starfleet captains delighted in at all hours of the night. His Julian. Maybe the young doctor didn't realize it yet but he belonged to Sisko in body and soul. He had just been waiting for the right time to approach his beautiful doctor, continuously forgetting the urge whenever a new calendar shot was released. But now… "Computer. Locate Doctor Bashir." "Doctor Bashir is in his quarters." Sisko would teach that little tease a lesson. Once he dealt Julian a swift punishment, the innocent doctor would not dare succumb to the lure of latinum again. Assuming that Julian had done it for latinum. Sisko angrily tapped his comm. badge. "Sisko to Doctor Bashir." Three minutes passed before Julian responded. "Hmm… Bashir…here." He yawned before muting the connection. "Doctor, I want you in my office. NOW!" "Ah… Sir? Uh… yes Sir! Right away!" "Wait!" Sisko could hear the timid acquiescence in Julian's softly accented voice. Maybe this was the opportunity that he had been longing for. "On second thought, report to my quarters." "Okay," Julian agreed reluctantly. "And don't bother changing. If you're not there in two minutes…" "I will be, Captain. I promise." Now Julian sounded like he was about to cry so Sisko cut the connection. Hurrying out of Ops, Sisko was oblivious to the odd looks he received from those two on-duty officers that stared straight at the bulge in his pants. ** When Sisko reached his quarters, he found Julian already there and frantically pushing the door chime. As soon as the younger man noticed his captain approaching, he retreated from the door. "Captain, I thought that you were…" "I just came from Ops," he explained. With unsteady hands, Sisko accessed his quarters and ushered Julian inside. The young doctor looked so sweet in his blue flannel pajamas, hair askew and sleepy eyes bigger than ever. That was exactly how Sisko wanted him. "Have a seat." Julian curled up into the closest chair, puffing a cushion up behind his back. "Tarkalean tea?" "Oh, yes please!" Sisko guessed that Julian would have accepted anything from him right now – although Tarkalean tea was the young man's favorite beverage – anything to ease his unsteady nerves. He was probably wondering why he had been summoned so abruptly at this hour of the night. What could sweet, innocent Julian have possibly done wrong? Sisko ordered up one Tarkalean tea - extra sweet - and one Raktajino coffee from the replicator. He sat on the opposite sofa, patting down the seat beside him. "Come and sit here." "But…" "That's an order, Doctor!" "Yes sir!" Julian quickly switched seats, accepting the hot tea from his commanding officer. "What did you want to see me about, Captain? It sounded pretty urgent." "It is urgent, Lieutenant." He tapped on the view screen situated on top of his coffee table, bringing up the file that he had retrieved earlier. "I was scanning through our calendar database… to plan next month's agenda when I found this as last month's centerfold. Care to explain?" Julian made a startled sound, blushing a distinct shade of red as he recognized the pose. "Captain – Sir – this isn't… I mean it is… but it isn't what you think…" Sisko took the mug of tea from Julian's quivering hands, lest the ruffled doctor burn himself with the contents. "If you're so sure of what it isn't, then tell me what it is!" "Admiral Yerin… he came to me and… well, I said 'no'… but he still…" Julian stammered, nervously avoiding Sisko's intense gaze. As naïve as Julian happened to be, he was far more intelligent than Sisko gave him credit for. He couldn't justify what he had done but neither would he allow his commanding officer to gain the upper hand. "Captain, you say that you were looking to use a new calendar but that doesn't explain your subscription to Captain's choice. I may not be privileged to level five security information but I do know that you must have a special code to access this database. A code only granted to captains that pay their yearly subscription fees to fund this calendar." "Doctor…" Warned Sisko in a dangerous tone. However, Julian wasn't in the mood for obeying misguided threats. "You called me here, in the middle of the night, to reprimand my behavior – Sir?" He added this as an afterthought, not wishing to piss Sisko off too much. "I fail to understand why you're upset with this" he made a wild gesture at the stilled picture on-screen, "harmless picture when you no doubt went browsing through them with the full intention of seeing male nudity." Sisko smiled, a fake expression covering up a tidal wave of fury. "Harmless? You think that this is harmless?" He grabbed hold of Julian's arm and flung him backwards onto the sofa. The younger man lay there, stunned, allowing Sisko to climb atop him. The older man pinned Julian down by his thin wrists, straddling his slim waist with minimal force. After all, he had no intention of hurting Julian. "How many captains do you think subscribe to this?" "I… I don't know." "Have you forgotten that you're speaking to your commanding officer?!!" "I don't know – Sir!" Julian corrected himself, trembling in Sisko's grasp. "Well, let me tell you. There are at least a hundred captains that have already renewed their membership months in advance for next year's weekly subscription to Captain's choice. And only captains need to register and pay a hefty price for these yearly memberships. Did you know that admirals join up anonymously to enjoy it for free? No, you didn't, did you!?! Can you even guess how many people may have seen your naked ass or forwarded the picture to a friend!?!" This was not a question. "Captain, if you'll just let me explain…" "Go right ahead." That invitation sounded too solicitous for Julian's fragile state of mind but he proceeded anyway. "Admiral Yerin said that Starfleet needed a reprieve from the Dominion war; he told me that the captains wanted more 'recreational' material. When he described what was involved… I refused of course but he insisted. He told me that it was my duty to serve Starfleet, therefore ordering me to send in an application for the calendar. I honestly didn't think that I'd be considered." Julian shyly lowered his gaze from Sisko. "Even now, I wonder why they picked me." "Julian," Sisko spoke gently, disregarding all protocol to address the young doctor as an equal and not a faceless robot to direct as he pleased. "Why did you think that they wouldn't pick you?" "Because… I look funny." "Funny? You're going to have to elaborate on that." "My ears, Sir. I think that they're rather strange." Sisko just stared blankly, not able to see what was wrong with Julian's ears. "And I am somewhat on the thin side. One of my professors used to compare me to a rake – whatever that is." "Go on." "Even Admiral Yerin referred to me as 'girlish'." Julian mused over this one for a moment. "Although, his tone didn't sound particularly condescending when he said it." "I'd imagine it didn't." "To top it all off, I had no idea that I would be stripped naked and stuck inside of a holosuite for three hours doing nothing but posing. It was blatant pornography, Captain. I tried to get out of it afterwards but I had apparently signed away my rights on that application. Admiral Yerin's ethical orientation is highly questionable." "I completely agree with you." Sisko released one of Julian's wrists to absently trace the young man's earlobe with his index finger. "You know, Julian, I think that your ears are enticingly cute." "Cute?" "Indeed." He locked his gaze with Julian's, admiring the big expressive eyes that reminded him of shifting sand in a pale green sea. "And you're right, I am just as bad as those other captains. I searched that database for anyone with your precise stats. Tall, thin… beautiful." Sisko sighed, lightly brushing his lips over Julian's. His young calendar model blushed but did not retreat. Moving down to Julian's neck, he breathed heavily into the left ear that he had begun to play with. "You're not acting very surprised, Lieutenant." Julian shivered, biting his lower lip to prevent himself from gasping aloud. "Captain, is this a good time to be truthful with you?" "Call me Ben, my sweet little pinup." He laughed, a low rumbling in his chest. "Ben." Julian coyly pulled back, taunting Sisko with the new distance between them. "A higher rank doesn't necessarily mean more privileges. Regular officers have their own outlet for sexual frustration." Sisko tenderly nuzzled Julian's throat, nipping down to his collarbone. "So you say." "Have you ever heard of Captain's Exposure?" "Nope. What's that?" Another nip and Julian began to whimper. "Lower ranking officers… they get to… ah… watch…" Julian moaned when Sisko playfully bit down on a sensitive spot at his shoulder, beginning to suck there. "It's live action… ohhh… Ben…" He really started to squirm at the increased pressure, until Sisko stopped – distracted. "What live action?" "Admiral Yerin has hidden cameras installed in every captain's quarters and sometimes even their offices too. He told me not to tell." Divulging secretive information while being seduced apparently did not bother Julian. "I knew that you were looking up these sorts of things. I was… watching." And so the tables were turned. Sisko considered this revelation, but not for long. "Computer. Deactivate all electronic equipment in this room." "Electronic equipment has been deactivated." "Anything else, Julian?" "I don't think so." "Good. Now shut up and undo my pants." Julian set to work relieving Sisko of his confining uniform, tugging the zipper down to the older man's waist. He shyly moved his hands over Sisko's smooth dark skin, delighting in the hard muscles of his captain's chest and arms. Trailing his fingers lightly down to Sisko's stomach, Julian wasted no time in getting more intimately acquainted with his commanding officer. Awkwardly at first, he pushed his hand into the strained lower portion of Sisko's outfit, feeling raw steel awaiting him. Exercising his power over Julian had aroused Sisko more quickly than any physical touch could have. The man was about ready to explode. "Julian, you're so arrogant," Sisko chuckled, amusing himself with Julian's eagerness yet lack of confidence. "You thought that I wanted you all along." The young doctor looked up, his fingers wrapping loosely around Sisko's thick shaft, beginning to stroke him. "Didn't you?" "That isn't the point. You think very highly of yourself." "Not really, Ben. You were the one who inspired Admiral Yerin to take pictures of me. He said that you wanted to make me perform a lap dance for you on your birthday. In fact, he also said that if you did manage to convince me, you'd owe him a really big favor." "The things that I say when I'm drunk," Ben muttered. "Admiral Yerin also said --." "I think that I've heard enough about old Yerin." Sisko crushed his body onto Julian's, exploring the doctor's sweet mouth with a bruising kiss. Slipping his tongue between Julian's teeth to glide over his inactive counterpart. His young lover responded at a casual pace, sensuously writhing under Sisko. The hand that had been manipulating Sisko disappeared as Julian raised his hips to begin grinding his own erection into his captain's. Still kissing Julian, determined to continue until his lover became light-headed, Sisko impatiently fumbled with the buttons to Julian's pajamas. He settled for tugging them apart, watching the buttons pop off under his strength. Julian pulled away for air, gasping and moaning softly. Sisko took advantage of the young man's helplessness, lifting Julian's hips off of the sofa to easily maneuver the pajama pants down his long legs. After his own uniform lay in shambles on the floor, Sisko eased his body over Julian's. "Oh god!" Julian moaned, eyes widening at the sensation of Sisko's rigid cock rubbing into him. He looked down to see that the plump head had turned a darker color, the veins flooded with blood. At the very tip, a clear liquid trickled out and down its length. Sisko kissed Julian again, moving back to lounge on the other side of the sofa, his legs spread, appealing to the doctor's innate hunger. "Would you care for a taste, Julian?" The big hazel eyes sparkled lustfully as Julian crawled between Sisko's legs, holding onto his thighs, and dove in. His clever tongue licked at the salty precum, curiously at first, eventually turning into a thirst for more. Sisko tasted so good. Julian lapped at the swollen head, ignoring Sisko's quiet grunts of approval or lewd encouraging remarks. He traced his tongue down to the base, scraping his teeth over the heavy balls there, then back up again. Finally, Julian opened his mouth and engulfed Sisko's impressive cock in a wet haven. He began to suck. "Good, Julian. Sooo good," Sisko praised, sifting his fingers through Julian's curled hair, grasping it tightly to urge his lover onwards. "Suck me! Harder! Take it all in!" He thrust into Julian's mouth, nearly knocking his lover off of the sofa. The hands on Sisko's thighs turned into claws, digging into flesh, attempting to push away. But Sisko thrust again, sighing as his flimsy control escaped him. He came, filling Julian's mouth with his seed. "Drink it," he urged his lover, recognizing uncertainty in those beautiful eyes. "Swallow it all." Julian did his best, choking a little when the creamy fluid escaped his lips. Sisko took no offense, pulling Julian up for another passionate kiss. "Have you done this before?" he asked. "No. Did I do something wrong?" "You couldn't have done it better," the captain reassured him. Reversing their positions, Sisko trapped Julian against the headrest. He slowly brushed his lips down Julian's neck, kissing and sucking, enjoying the little tremors that his caresses produced. And Julian seemed to approve as well, whimpering helplessly at the feel of Sisko's large, dark hands mapping over his body, followed by a hot sandpaper tongue. Sisko rubbed one of Julian's rosy brown nipples with his thumb, pinching it when his lover moaned. It hardened under the attention, further sensitized by the soft flick of Sisko's tongue. "Ahhh! Captain – Ben… please…" Julian cried out, arching into the moist licking that Sisko applied to the sweet bud. His pleas were rewarded with gentle love bites and firmer licks, soon moving the attention to the dry nipple, treating it in the same fashion. Sisko sank lower on the sofa, moving down Julian's body with tender caresses and feathery kisses. He felt the evidence of Julian's hard arousal pressing against his bent arm so he reached down to tenderly stroke it. Even when Julian cried out "harder" and "faster", Sisko proceeded at a leisurely pace. The young doctor was not the only one who knew how to tease. Eventually, Sisko grew bored of watching Julian squirm, satisfying his need for action by sliding his hand down the slim erection to clamp firmly at the base, and moving down on him. He swirled his tongue around the moist head, licking at it before enveloping Julian's cock in his hot, wet mouth. "Oh yes! Yes… please… yes!" Julian chanted, throwing his head back to vocalize his urgency, clamping both legs at the sides of Sisko's face, holding him there. But Sisko would not let Julian take control. He stilled Julian's frantic gyrations by grasping the younger man by his hips, therefore slowing the speed. Although Julian moaned in frustration, his excitement built further at the suspense of drawing this out longer. Sisko certainly was good at whatever he put his mind to and he was obviously putting forth his best effort in this task. As the heat and friction of Sisko's firm lips squeezing him nearly drove Julian over the edge, he barely had time to adjust to a new sensation. "Ben!" At the sound of his name being shouted out, Sisko glanced up to find Julian's face constricted from the pleasurable feelings, his eyes tightly shut, and moaning as the rhythm increased yet again. He sucked harder, tracing between Julian's legs with one oiled finger that he had dipped into a lubricant that had been hidden behind one of the cushions. With a little push, he slid his finger into Julian and was rewarded with a hoarse cry and the sudden jerking of his lover's hips. Julian came abruptly and Sisko swallowed all he had to offer, licking him clean afterwards. "Mmm, if I'd know you tasted this good…" He let that thought trail off to continue prodding Julian with his fingers, adding another when his lover's slender legs opened wider. "Come on, Ben. Captain. Just fuck me!" Julian pleaded. "I need to feel you inside me… fuck me!" Sisko stuffed a cushion underneath Julian's lower back and lifted the younger man's legs over his shoulders, allowing for the best access. "You like acting rebellious to your superiors, don't you Julian?" He rubbed his cock against Julian's opening, taking the time to cover his flesh and the surrounding area of Julian's cleft with the scented oil that he had replicated in his office. It hadn't taken long for him to get hard again and he doubted that making love to Julian would satiate his cravings much. In fact, Sisko looked forward to taking advantage of the young doctor several times in the next hour to appease his overactive sex drive. "What's it going to be next, Doctor? A naked photo shoot in the Infirmary with one of your patients?" "Oh no, Captain. I'd never do that. I have you now." Sisko pushed down, penetrating Julian in a long searing stroke. He smiled triumphantly when his lover purred contentment, rising up to meet him halfway. "Don't get confused, Lieutenant. This is your punishment for misbehaving. If you were a good little doctor, we wouldn't be having this discussion." Julian gasped aloud when Sisko thrust powerfully into him and withdrew a little to repeat the movement, harder and faster to match his shouts. "I'll never be good again!" Julian promised, hoping that his innocent mistakes would get noticed more often. If this was punishment, he was one lucky offender. "Harder! Oh, please… harder!" Sisko was more than happy to comply, pumping faster and harder into Julian, hitting a spot inside of his lover that caused Julian to scream. Whatever he had rubbed against was the source of Julian's intense reaction for his lover had hardened instinctively. Sisko plunged in again, stroking that place inside of Julian that brought him to a state of ecstasy. On the fourth contact, Julian shuddered as another orgasm overtook him, his inner muscles clenching and massaging Sisko's cock. Sisko groaned, pulling Julian up by his buttocks to bury himself in as deep as he could go before filling Julian with his essence. Spent and exhausted, Julian collapsed onto the sofa in a twisted pile of limbs with Sisko on top, hugging and kissing him. They were both very hot and sweaty but neither could have been happier. "Julian, about that photo." "Yes?" Searching behind himself for a data padd, he presented it to Julian along with a stylus pen. "Can you please autograph it for me?" The flattery was too much for Julian, added to Sisko's hot and sweaty body trapping his own into the cushions. He couldn't refuse under any conditions, especially not if he wanted to be invited/ordered back for another reprimand. "I would be honored, Captain." Julian signed it and was hauled up for another wet kiss. "You do know that I'm going to use this for blackmail, don't you? If you don't do as I tell you to, this personalized photo just might find its way into the duty roster. Think of what Odo or Major Kira might say. You'd better come back here tomorrow night to discuss this matter with me." "I'll wear my best pajamas," Julian vowed. "You're a fine officer, Julian." "I would do anything to serve you, Ben." - The End. -