"Caught in the Act, Vignette Five - DS9"
by T'Lin

Janeway/Chakotay - NC-17
See disclaimer and scenario on pairings page:


Chakotay was a happy man. It had taken time, and perseverance on his part, but he had finally convinced Kathryn that they belonged together ... regulations and protocol be damned.

For the past seven months, they had been lovers. They had been the happiest months in Chakotay's life. The only thing that would make him even happier, aside from getting home, was if she would consent to move in together ... but on that issue, she was adamantly opposed.

As a mater of fact, her insistence that he not spend the night with her one night out of every five was also troubling to him, but he had accepted her terms in order to be with her. At first, he assumed she needed the 'space'... a night to catch up on her rest, as it were.

But after a few months, he started to notice than the mornings after her night alone, she seemed more listless and tired ... unable to comprehend the simplest request or comment until at least her third cup of coffee. It usually only took a cup and a half for the cobwebs to clear.

Curious, he set out to discover what she did on her 'night off' ... after all, as First Officer, it was his duty to see that the Captain was fit for duty at all times. Well, that's the excuse he would use if anyone caught him spying on her.

A simple inquire to the computer informed him that on the nights in question, she had spent several hours in the holodeck. Another search told him the program she was using ... the 'title' was less than helpful. A generic code, with a privacy code number included ... it could only be accessed by Kathryn.

Luckily for him, there was a Jeffries tube access port almost across the hall from the holodeck entrance where he could wait for her to appear. If possible, he would try to sneak in before the door closed ... although that was highly unlikely. It was more likely that he would only observe from a distance tonight ... and maybe confront her about it in the morning.

So he sat, and waited. It didn't take long for him to hear footsteps coming his way. It could only be Kathryn at this hour, but something sounded different about the step ... as she came into view, he realized what it was. She was wearing black leather boots, with very high heals ... the rest of her was engulfed in a flowing black cloak made of some shiny, shimmering material.

He wondered what it concealed.

She stopped at the entrance to the holodeck, and punched in the code to access her program ... "Program running," said the computer, and the door opened. From Chakotay's vantage point, he could see in ... what he saw startled him, and he gasped.

Kathryn turned at the sound. "Who's there?" she asked, as she whirled around in search of the intruder. Chakotay stepped out of his hiding place, curious, and highly aroused by what he saw. "What are you doing here?" she asked, as he came into view.

He noticed that she was blushing, which seemed at odds with the scenery behind her in the holodeck ... leather, chains and devices of bondage. Instead of answering her question, he said, "You're embarrassed. Why? Did you think I wouldn't be interested in your sexual fantasies?"

He watched her face the whole time he spoke ... she could not make eye contact with him. When he realized that she had spotted his arousal, he smiled. "Tell me Kathryn, if it's a bit of Dom/Sub you're looking for, I'm willing to play along." Stepping towards her, he reached out for the front of the cloak, eager to see her dressed as a dominatrix.

As his hand touched the cloak, however, she stepped back. "You may want to reconsider your offer," she said, as her blush seemed to increase. Then, very slowly, she opened the front of the cloak.

Chakotay was looking at her face when she did, lust in his eyes. As his eyes traveled slowly downward, the lust was transformed to puzzlement and curiosity. The woman standing before him was completely transformed ... a black leather vest-like corset was tied tightly enough to render her nearly flat-chested. The leather boots he had noticed before covered her entire leg, to mid-thigh. But most startling of all was the black leather harness, and the large, black dong it held in place.

Suddenly realizing they were still in the hallway, Chakotay stepped forward, grabbed Kathryn and moved them both through the open doorway beyond the sensor, so it could close. As he did this, their bodies came together, and he found the strap-on cock pressed against his own erection, adding to his arousal. He kissed her, hard ... it only took her a second to react and return the kiss.

But she was the first to pull away. "No, Chakotay ... you should go." She knew he would never understand her need to fuck a man, as a man ... he probably thinks she has a female love slave in the program, or something.

"Don't make me go, Kathryn ... I'll do anything you want." Chakotay was eager to be her bottom, if only she would let him. Of course, he had never told her about his male lovers, so she had no way of knowing this.

"Do you have any idea what it is I want to do to you?" she asked.

"Yes," he answered, then dropped to his knees in front of her, as he continued, "it's been far too long since anyone has touched me like that. I'd be more than grateful to you for it."

"Very well." She then turned and walked away. He looked up, curiosity in his eyes, as she turned back to him and ordered, "Strip ... and make it fast."

He obeyed, and allowed her to have her way with him, eager to follow her every command.


Chakotay was a happy man. It had taken time, and perseverance on his part, but he had finally convinced Kathryn that they belonged together ... regulations and protocol be damned.

They had finally 'tied the knot' a few months ago, and all was right with the world. Four nights a week, they spent in Kathryn's quarters, tenderly making love. On the fifth, they were in Chakotay's newly transformed quarters, complete with all the latest in s/m devices.

Who could ask for a better life than that.



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The stories are the intellectual property of the authors. Please do not link to individual stories without the author's consent.

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