Title: CAUGHT IN THE ACT - Five Vignettes Author: T'Lin ( LinkyS@aol.com ) Series: ENT, TOS, TNG, DS9 & VOY Code: (ENT) A/T; (TOS)K/S; (TNG)P/C; (DS9)S/Kasidy; (VOY)J/C Parts: 5 Rating: PG-13 - NC-17 Challenge Scenario: Your Captain's love interest catches the Captain doing something very embarrassing. What is it? How does the Captain save the situation? Note: written for the Captain's Fuh-Q Fest - http://www.geocities.com/five2goboldly/index.html http://www.asstr.org/~CaitN/caff/index.html Archiving: ASC*, the CaFF and my own web page - http://www.geocities.com/tlin_s/ - all others, please ask. Disclaimer: Paramount/Viacom own all things TREK, I just borrow from their universe for pleasure. No copyright infringement is intended, nor do I make any money off of this. Notes: Having asked for ideas for 'embarasing situations' I found myself unable to decide on which pairing to use, so I am determined to write 5 different vignettes, one for each series. Wish me luck Vignette One: ENT - Archer/T'Pol [R] Vignette Two: TOS - Kirk/Spock [PG-13] Vignette Three: TNG - Picard/Crusher [PG-13] Vignette Four: DS9 - Sisko/Kasidy [ NC-17] Vignette Five: VOY - Janeway/Chakotay [NC-17] * * * * * * * * * * * Vignette One - ENT Archer/T'Pol [R] ********** Jonathan Archer was horny, no doubt about it. Usually, working in close proximity to T'Pol was not a problem, but in the past few weeks, it had become increasingly more difficult for him to get through the day without a boner. Today had been exceedingly difficult, as they had taken the shuttlepod planet side, and upon their return, spent several hours waiting at the rendezvous spot for ENTERPRISE to return from a survey mission. At first, discussion of their mission kept his mind off of her proximity, but as their conversation moved on to more personal matters, he found himself becoming aroused. He was exceedingly relieved when ENTERPRISE returned. With great haste, he gathered his things and made his way to his quarters ... grateful for the native garments he was wearing, for the voluminous robes hid his state of arousal in a way that his uniform would not have. **** As Archer stripped in preparation for a much needed shower, his thoughts were once again focused on T'Pol. In the months they had served together, he had grown quite fond of her ... and he had a feeling that she had feelings for him as well, even if she would not admit them to anyone, including herself. Of course, as Captain, he could not initiate a relationship with her ... especially with her serving in the capacity of his First Officer. But then again, she technically wasn't, since she was not part of Starfleet ... but that was just a technicality. He *was* her commanding officer; for him to initiate anything besides a working relationship with her would be highly unethical. With these sobering thoughts in mind he showered, and slowly, his erection faded as it had every night for the past week. He dried himself, and donned a loose fitting pair of shorts and a t- shirt. He grabbed a couple of data padd's from his desk, and made himself comfortable on his bed to read the reports from the various departments of the ship. Much to his surprise, the first padd he activated did not have the engineering report that he expected. His mind was slow in reacting, but his body was not ...as the image on the small screen registered, he was instantly hard and aching for the release he had denied himself earlier. Without thought, he took himself in hand, and began to pump ... the image of a nearly naked T'Pol playfully seducing him from his padd. Even in his need, a part of him was analyzing the situation. Obviously, this picture was *not* of T'Pol ... someone had doctored it ... but who? And how had it gotten on his data padd? But in no time, all rational thought left him, as he brought himself ever closer to his release. He could feel his body tightening in preparation. Suddenly, his door buzzer sounded. He swore. Still painfully aroused, yet far from release, he took a few cleansing breaths, before calling out, "Who is it?" He was startled by the sound of his voice, altered as it was by his lust. "It is T'Pol," she said, then there was a slight pause before she added, "may I speak with you a moment?" Archer swore softly to himself, as he pulled himself together. "Yeah ... just a ... just a moment," he said, as he frantically pulled on his robe to hide his state from her. Sensing that something was amiss, T'Pol hesitantly asked, "is everything all right, captain?" But as she finished the question, the door opened. When she saw him, she assumed she had awoken him, and hastily added, "Forgive the intrusion ... I did not realize you were sleeping." "Oh ... I ... um ... wasn't sleeping," he said hesitantly. At his stammered words, T'Pol gave him a closer look. Perhaps he was imagining it, but her gaze seemed to focus on his crotch. Suddenly her eyes lit up, and one brow slowly crept upward as she made eye contact with him. Boldly, she crossed the room and picked up the data padd that he left lying on his bed. As she looked at the image on the tiny screen, she turned back to him, and calmly asked, "Captain, do you indulge in this solo sexual gratification often?" He searched her face for signs of anger, or disgust, but found only curiosity. Knowing that nothing less than the truth would suffice, he said, "Less often than my body demands, yet far more often than I'd like." With nothing to loose, he continued, "Personally, I prefer the company of another warm body when relieving such tensions. What about you?" She hesitated, and he feared he had gone too far. But then she took a step closer to him, placing the padd on the desk as she did so. As she reached out to lightly touch his face, she said, "Personally, I have had no experience, one way or the other ... yet I have sensed your need in recent days, and I find myself strangely drawn to you." As she touched his face, she had opened her mind to receiving his surface thoughts. His need nearly overwhelmed her, as did her sudden desire to reach out and touch him more intimately. With one hand still on his face, she parted his robe with the other, running her hand down his body until she came to his erection. He gasped at her touch. At the sound, she pulled her hand away, making him moan in protest. He was too far gone now to last more than a few seconds, he was sure. Realizing that she could read something of his thoughts, he brought an image to his mind; T'Pol, on her knees, sucking his cock. No sooner did he think this, than she was kneeling before him, both hands under his waistband, sliding his shorts down to his ankles. His cock was thick and hard and throbbing ... a milky bead of pre cum leaking from the tip. T'Pol was hesitant yet curious. As she looked up into Archer's eyes, her finger circled the bead of moisture on his cock, making him shiver all over in anticipation of her tongue following the same route. No words passed between them, yet everything Archer envisioned her doing to him, she did ... it was amazing! As she opened her throat to his thrusts, he was surprised by the warmth of her mouth ... and the incredible things she was doing with her tongue. When at last he came, she milked him for all he was worth, and then some. He was, as they say, fully satiated as he collapsed on the bed. **** When he awoke several hours later, she was gone. At first, he wondered if he had perhaps dreamt the whole thing. After all, there was absolutely no sign that T'Pol had ever been in his room ... or so he thought at first. But as he looked around, he noticed that the data padd he had been looking at was now propped on the shelf next to his bed, with a blinking indicator, letting him know there was a message waiting for him. Activating the small screen, the image he had seen prior to his sexual encounter popped up, then was quickly replaced with another ... the only difference being that *this* image of T'Pol was completely naked. As his body responded to the image before him, his mind registered the vocal message that was overlying the image: "Never doubt it ... never hesitate to ask." Archer smiled, as he prepared for the day ... looking forward to exploring the night with T'Pol. =================== Vignette Two - TOS K/S - PG-13 ********** Spock made his way to the quarters that had been assigned him. It was, in fact, the first time since his arrival aboard the ENTERPRISE that he had considered the need for rest. He had only set foot in these rooms once before, and that was only long enough to change into the uniform the quartermaster had provided for him. Having left Gol, and Vulcan, rather unexpectedly, he had brought only the clothing he had been wearing ... after all, he had not intended to stay any extended period of time. There was only one goal on his mind ... to make a connection with the entity that had called to him. He *knew* that it would have all the answers he had been seeking. How wrong he was. Not only did V'Ger *not* have any answers, it was asking many of the same questions ... but ultimately, this encounter *did* provide Spock with the answers he had been looking for. They had been before him all along, in the being of James T. Kirk. /~/ ah, James /~/ Spock thought, as he removed his uniform, and donned the black meditation robe he had been wearing when he arrived. Spock knew that his years in the Vulcan desert had not been entirely kind to him ... especially in the face. The lines and wrinkles made him appear far older than was normal for a full-blooded Vulcan of his age, and he could only assume that his human genes were partially to blame. But James ... the years had been kind to him. Spock's first thought upon seeing him on the bridge was that the desk job had been beneficial, after all. He had obviously been finding time to exercise, for he seemed to be in far better shape physically than when the ENTERPRISE had concluded its five-year mission. Just thinking about his trim physique aroused Spock in a way that he had not been aroused for many long years. Until this very moment, he thought he had purged such physical responses from his life ... once again, he was wrong. Deciding a cold shower was called for before he attempted to meditate, he removed his robe, and crossed to the bathroom door. As he reached out to press the door release, a small sound came from the other side, and he had a brief thought that perhaps this ship, like it's predecessor, had shared bathrooms. But it was too late to retreat. As the door opened, Spock instantly took note of the bald man standing at the sink, razor in hand as he shaved the wisps of hair from his chest. Turning at the sound of the door opening, Spock could see the ponch hanging over the towel that was loosely tied around his hips. "Damn," he swore, and turned his back on Spock. It wasn't until he swore that Spock realized that this apparition before him was his Captain, so changed was he from the man he had seen in uniform just hours before. "Jim?" Spock whispered in mild disbelief. "Yes, Spock," was the reluctant reply. Kirk grabbed the robe that was on the hook next to the door, and put it on before turning once again to face Spock. "Damn, I really didn't want you to see me like this." "I do not understand." It was more a statement than a question. Truth be told, no matter how aroused Spock had been by the 'fit' appearance of his Captain, seeing him like this was even more arousing. Perhaps it was the vulnerability ...the lack of perfection, which made Spock more at ease with his own appearance. Whatever the reason, Spock was becoming more aroused by the minute ... and was somewhat surprised that Jim had not taken note of the fact, seeing that Spock was completely naked. But Kirk had turned away at Spock's words, trying to voice an explanation. "You see, Spock ... when I heard of the trouble Earth was in, I knew the ENTERPRISE was the only ship that could deal with the problem ... but I couldn't let Decker do it alone. He never would have been able to pull it off." There was a slight pause, then he continued, "Since Lori and I split six months ago, I let myself go a bit ... but I knew I needed to be perfectly fit if I wanted this assignment, so I cheated a bit." As he said this last, he reached down and picked up a corset-like contraption that was on the floor with his uniform. Holding the corset up, he sucked in his gut, and said with a slight smile, "This thing sure beats the hell out of sucking it in all day." He then dropped it once again to the floor and pointed to the counter beside the sink, saying, "I've been wearing one of these things for years ... even before our last mission ended." At his admission, Spock raised an eyebrow, saying, "Indeed ... I never realized." Kirk turned to pick up the toupe from the stand it was on, so that he could put it back on. But as he lifted it up, Spock's hand came to rest on his shoulders, his body pressed against Jim's back, as he said, "Don't ... I find you ... quite attractive ... just as you are." There was no denying Spock's words. The persistent erection pressing against his backsides was proof enough that Spock was aroused. Jim did not turn, but lifted his eyes to meet Spock's in the reflection of the mirror. "Spock, do you have any idea how long I've waited for this moment?" "Most likely, for as long as I have had these feelings for you, but had been unable to express them." Spock slipped his hands beneath the robe, and slid it off of Jim's shoulders, stepping back just long enough to let it fall to the floor between them. He then slid his hands down Jim's body, until he touched the towel tied around his hips, and removed that, as well. He was pleased to note that Jim was as fully aroused as he was. Jim was breathing heavy as Spock's hands roamed over his body. Finding it increasingly difficult to remain standing, he whispered, "Spock, let's go to bed." "Yes ... but first ... " and Spock hesitated. Reaching up to touch Jim's bald pate, Spock seemed to come to a decision, saying, "If we are to be completely honest ..." and proceeded to remove his own hair. As Jim's smile widened, Spock's brow rose ... "Do not be too smug over this... *mine* will grow back in time." And so it would, for it had been shaved off while Spock had been at Gol. ================== Vignette Three - TNG P/C - PG-13 ************** It was good to be home. Not that Jean-Luc Picard didn't treasure every moment of his years in space, nor that he wouldn't jump at the chance to return to exploration. But there was something about those first few days and weeks when one returned to terra firma. Of course, his time had hardly been his own since their return ... physical exams, meetings and debriefings seemed to take up every day for the past week. In the evenings, he had been with Beverly ... the relationship they had judiciously avoided while on the mission simply falling into place once they were no longer captain and subordinate. He had finally had enough ... he would be spending this weekend alone. In a way, he felt a bit guilty, for he had told Beverly that he had family business to attend to, and would be away until late the next day. The twinge of guilt quickly subsided as he contemplated his plans for the weekend ... after all, he didn't want to hurt her feelings by telling her that he needed some time to himself. ******* Beverly was disappointed. With meetings and debriefings finally over, she had been planning a romantic weekend for herself and Jean-Luc. His sudden announcement of 'family business' came as a surprise to her ... but she tried not to show her disappointment too much. Resigned to the lack of companionship for the weekend, she spent her day shopping ... a few sexy nightgowns, teddies and other such items to entice Jean-Luc. As she was heading home, she had a brilliant idea. She made a couple of stops on her way home, so she could surprise him when he got home the next day. It was a restless night. By mid morning, she was becoming eager, so she made her way up to Jean-Luc's apartment. With champagne, caviar, and other assorted food items in hand, she then chose the sexiest teddy she had bought the day before. She would be lying there, waiting ... she knew he would be unable to resist her. ****** As the door to Jean-Luc's apartment opened, she could hear the sound. At first, she did not know what it was, but it was obvious that it was coming from the livingroom. Carefully placing her bundles on the counter, she made her way into the other room. She froze at the sight before her. Jean-Luc -- dressed only in boxers and a t-shirt, reclining on his sofa, surrounded by dozens of empty beer cans, bags of chips, and a half eaten pizza -- was yelling at the rugby match he was watching on the holovid. He had not noticed her, of course. Beverly stood there for several minutes, appalled ... how dare he lie to her! As he continued to yell his encouragement to the players on the screen, she contemplated her options. At last, she decided on a plan. Returning to the kitchen, she picked up the bag with her teddy in it, and went into the bathroom to change. Emerging minutes later, black lace teddy, silk stockings and stiletto's, she returned to the livingroom and made a b-line for Jean-Luc. She was nearly in front of him when he finally noticed her ... the look on his face was a mixture of horror and lust. Horror over her seeing him as he was ... lust, just because. He fumbled with the controls, trying to turn off the game as he frantically tried to come up with an explanation for his condition. But before he could make a coherent statement, Beverly interrupted. "Had what you told me been the truth, this would have been waiting for you," she said, indicating herself, as she stood before him in a sexy pose. "And had you told me the truth, that you wanted the weekend to yourself, this," she made a slightly different pose, "would have been waiting for you the next time we planned to get together." She then turned and picked up her coat, and putting it on, added, "But lies do not deserve a reward ... too bad, really, because there was more where this came from." She turned on her heal, and left the room, calling back as she did, "Perhaps Deanna will appreciate me more." Jean-Luc sat, surrounded by empty beer cans, bags of chips, and half eaten pizza. "Merde." =============== Vignette Four - DS9 Sisko/Kasedy - NC-17 ********************* Captain Benjamin Sisko had been in a never ending struggle with Constable Odo since the day he took over command of Deep Space Nine. That struggle had been over where to draw the line when it came to personal privacy ... especially where certain civilian personnel were concerned. Eventually, they had come to an agreement whereby 'private quarters' were off limits for surveillance equipment. But today, the old argument was resurrected. Odo was once again overstepping his bounds as far as Sisko was concerned, yet Odo argued that Garak's 'back room' was part of his shop ... no different than the store room or office. The fact that it was set up as 'living quarters' was beside the point, as far as Odo was concerned. After all, Garak *had* separate living quarters ... to Odo's way of thinking, this room was obviously used for illicit affairs and shady deals ... there was no other explanation. Of course, Odo knew that he would need proof of said activities, to justify the surveillance ... proof he could not get without the use of the very same equipment. A lovely circular argument, if ever there was one. So, Odo went ahead and used the surveillance equipment to gather the evidence he needed to justify its use. Sisko was no pleased. But Odo was adamant about him viewing the tape he had made. Since the day the Cardassians departed from DS9, he had been convinced that Garak's 'exile' was a front ... that he had been deliberately left on DS9 by Dukat as a spy. And now that the Cardassians were allied with the Dominion, he trusted Garak even less. He was also finding it very difficult to trust Doctor Bashir these days. The very thought that there had been a changeling imitating the doctor for an unspecified period of time without being detected was galling to Odo. Even now, he was unconvinced that the *real* doctor was the one that was with them on a daily basis. So when Bashir started making daily visits to Garak's shop, spending anywhere from thirty minutes to two hours at a time in the 'back room' ... well, Odo knew he had to find out what was going on. The tape he handed Sisko was a bit more revealing than he expected ... but for the safety of the station and all aboard, it was his duty to inform the captain of the situation. ***** Sisko sat, contemplating the tape Odo had handed him this morning. He had not been very forthright over the contents, simply stating that he had been observing some rather odd behavior between Garak and Bashir over the past few weeks. This tape was a compilation of several days worth of clandestine visits. The earlier visits were only recorded in the outer rooms of the shop, but the last one ... the one that concerned Odo the most ... included footage from the back room. As Odo handed him the tape, he added that, although there was no sound, it was quite obvious by their actions what was transpiring ... for the safety of the crew, he thought that Sisko should be made aware of the situation. Reluctantly, he placed the tape in the viewer. The first image to come up was of Doctor Bashir entering the shop, and handing Garak a small package. The smile that lit Garak's face told Sisko that he was pleased by the transaction. A short conversation ensued, and Garak slipped into the back for a brief moment, returning with what looked like a book ... after handing it to the doctor, they exchanged a few more words, then Bashir left. //so far, nothing unusual in this// Sisko thought, knowing that Garak and Bashir exchanged books on a regular basis, usually discussing them over lunch in the replomat. There was a slight pause in the tape, then the scene seemed to play over again ... it took a minute for Sisko to realize that this was a different encounter, for although it started very much the same, with Bashir giving an item to Garak, it soon took on a slightly different tone. Bashir seemed to be returning the book from the previous encounter, and as he did so, Garak grabbed hold of his arm, as if to keep him from leaving. The look on his face was one of serious intent ... almost sinister in nature. Bashir, however, did not seem to put up any kind of struggle as he was led into the back room. As Sisko watched, he noted that there was a time index at the bottom of the screen ... every few seconds, there was a 'jump' in the playback, and the time index jumped ahead by 10 minute increments. At last, some 40 minutes later by the time index, Bashir reemerged from the back room, slightly rumpled looking, and carrying a small parcel. There was no sign of Garak. //curious// Sisko thought. But before he could contemplate the situation too closely, there was another pause, and a third encounter between the two started on his screen. Like the first two, Bashir came into the shop bearing a package of some sort ... Garak's smile was very predatory, as he took the preferred item, and motioned for the doctor to follow him. This time, when they made their way into the back room, there was a change in perspective on the camera view, and Sisko was able to 'follow' them ... what had appeared to be a clandestine exchange of items for an unspecified purpose soon took on new meaning as Garak pulled the young doctor into a fierce embrace. Sisko sat, appalled, as he watched the Cardassian tear at the uniform the doctor was wearing ... there was no denying that the uniform was in shreds in seconds. He watched helplessly as the doctor was thrown to the bed, face down. Garak was soon just as naked as Bashir, and was upon the young man, holding his hands above his head, as he forcefully spread the doctors legs, and entered him. The lack of preparation appalled Sisko, yet at the same time, he found the violent act slightly arousing ... there was something about the power Garak had over Bashir that Sisko found appealing. He was shocked to discover this about himself, yet at the same time, he continued to watch. That's when it hit him, he realized why he wasn't bothered more by the image before him. Bashir was not struggling in the least. Suddenly, Sisko wished there were sound to accompany the images he was seeing, then he could determine if this was 'rape' or 'consensual' ... he was beginning to think it was the later, regardless of what his eyes were telling him. Now fully aroused by what he was watching, he could see that Garak had climaxed. Rolling off of Bashir, the young doctor rolled onto his side, and Sisko could now see that this had, indeed, been a pleasurable experience for the young man. Bashir was still aroused, and Garak shifted his position so that he could offer some relief to the swollen cock. Why Odo would assume there was a danger to the station because these two were lovers was beyond his comprehension. He would tell Odo as much ... after he was done here. In the meantime, Sisko had released his own cock from it's confinement and was jerking off, as he continued to watch the tape. As Garak gave Julian a blow job, he got ever closer to his own release. Just then, he heard the door to his quarters open, and Kasedy called out, "Ben, are you here? Our rendezvous with the Captrialian freighter was canceled two days out of port, so we turned around and ..." Sisko swore, fumbling with the remote, trying desperately to shut off the recording, as her words trailed off. He was sitting there, pillow in his lap, as she said, "What ...? Is that Garak and Bashir?" Caught, he turned and said, "It's not what you think." Realizing how lame that sounded, he frantically tried to find the words to explain, but then saw the look on her face ... apparently, watching the Cardassian sucking on the young doctor had a similar effect on Kasedy as it had had on Sisko. As she sat beside him on the sofa, she turned and said, "You can explain later ... but first, let me take care of that for you." Removing the pillow, she bent her head, and proceeded to imitate what Garak was doing to Julian, adding a soundtrack to the image on the screen. ================= Vignette Five - VOY J/C - NC-17 ***************** Chakotay was a happy man. It had taken time, and perseverance on his part, but he had finally convinced Kathryn that they belonged together ... regulations and protocol be damned. For the past seven months, they had been lovers. They had been the happiest months in Chakotay's life. The only thing that would make him even happier, aside from getting home, was if she would consent to move in together ... but on that issue, she was adamantly opposed. As a mater of fact, her insistence that he not spend the night with her one night out of every five was also troubling to him, but he had accepted her terms in order to be with her. At first, he assumed she needed the 'space'... a night to catch up on her rest, as it were. But after a few months, he started to notice than the mornings after her night alone, she seemed more listless and tired ... unable to comprehend the simplest request or comment until at least her third cup of coffee. It usually only took a cup and a half for the cobwebs to clear. Curious, he set out to discover what she did on her 'night off' ... after all, as First Officer, it was his duty to see that the Captain was fit for duty at all times. Well, that's the excuse he would use if anyone caught him spying on her. A simple inquire to the computer informed him that on the nights in question, she had spent several hours in the holodeck. Another search told him the program she was using ... the 'title' was less than helpful. A generic code, with a privacy code number included ... it could only be accessed by Kathryn. Luckily for him, there was a Jeffries tube access port almost across the hall from the holodeck entrance where he could wait for her to appear. If possible, he would try to sneak in before the door closed ... although that was highly unlikely. It was more likely that he would only observe from a distance tonight ... and maybe confront her about it in the morning. So he sat, and waited. It didn't take long for him to hear footsteps coming his way. It could only be Kathryn at this hour, but something sounded different about the step ... as she came into view, he realized what it was. She was wearing black leather boots, with very high heals ... the rest of her was engulfed in a flowing black cloak made of some shiny, shimmering material. He wondered what it concealed. She stopped at the entrance to the holodeck, and punched in the code to access her program ... "Program running," said the computer, and the door opened. From Chakotay's vantage point, he could see in ... what he saw startled him, and he gasped. Kathryn turned at the sound. "Who's there?" she asked, as she whirled around in search of the intruder. Chakotay stepped out of his hiding place, curious, and highly aroused by what he saw. "What are you doing here?" she asked, as he came into view. He noticed that she was blushing, which seemed at odds with the scenery behind her in the holodeck ... leather, chains and devices of bondage. Instead of answering her question, he said, "You're embarrassed. Why? Did you think I wouldn't be interested in your sexual fantasies?" He watched her face the whole time he spoke ... she could not make eye contact with him. When he realized that she had spotted his arousal, he smiled. "Tell me Kathryn, if it's a bit of Dom/Sub you're looking for, I'm willing to play along." Stepping towards her, he reached out for the front of the cloak, eager to see her dressed as a dominatrix. As his hand touched the cloak, however, she stepped back. "You may want to reconsider your offer," she said, as her blush seemed to increase. Then, very slowly, she opened the front of the cloak. Chakotay was looking at her face when she did, lust in his eyes. As his eyes traveled slowly downward, the lust was transformed to puzzlement and curiosity. The woman standing before him was completely transformed ... a black leather vest- like corset was tied tightly enough to render her nearly flat- chested. The leather boots he had noticed before covered her entire leg, to mid-thigh. But most startling of all was the black leather harness, and the large, black dong it held in place. Suddenly realizing they were still in the hallway, Chakotay stepped forward, grabbed Kathryn and moved them both through the open doorway beyond the sensor, so it could close. As he did this, their bodies came together, and he found the strap-on cock pressed against his own erection, adding to his arousal. He kissed her, hard ... it only took her a second to react and return the kiss. But she was the first to pull away. "No, Chakotay ... you should go." She knew he would never understand her need to fuck a man, as a man ... he probably thinks she has a female love slave in the program, or something. "Don't make me go, Kathryn ... I'll do anything you want." Chakotay was eager to be her bottom, if only she would let him. Of course, he had never told her about his male lovers, so she had no way of knowing this. "Do you have any idea what it is I want to do to you?" she asked. "Yes," he answered, then dropped to his knees in front of her, as he continued, "it's been far too long since anyone has touched me like that. I'd be more than grateful to you for it." "Very well." She then turned and walked away. He looked up, curiosity in his eyes, as she turned back to him and ordered, "Strip ... and make it fast." He obeyed, and allowed her to have her way with him, eager to follow her every command. ***** Chakotay was a happy man. It had taken time, and perseverance on his part, but he had finally convinced Kathryn that they belonged together ... regulations and protocol be damned. They had finally 'tied the knot' a few months ago, and all was right with the world. Four nights a week, they spent in Kathryn's quarters, tenderly making love. On the fifth, they were in Chakotay's newly transformed quarters, complete with all the latest in s/m devices. Who could ask for a better life than that. ~ende~