Steroid profile

Steroid use should be legal and, at the very least, decriminalized. steroid profile America obesity age. (2) The medical evidence is not clear but the best indicators are that the dangers of steroid use are exaggerated. (3) The argument that steroid users have an unfair competitive advantage over nonusers turns out to be superficial and false. Second Installment: The Propaganda War. steroid profile Muscle-young. Here is a clear-cut case of paternalism in action - you are deprived of a substance not necessarily because it is thought to give an undeserved advantage but because the banning gang is worrying about your health. Our "leaders" could simply send athletes notices that read: "WARNING! Although steroids may improve your performance, the dangers of taking them are well-established. Among these dangers are gynecomastia, liver diseases, cancer, baldness, severe acne, decreased sperm count, shrinking of the testicles, unbearable headaches, and undesirable voice changes. steroid profile Low sodium diets. " It might also mention the usual litany of side-effects that are found with every medicine including the contradictory ones meant to cover all bases such as insomnia and drowsiness, constipation and diarrhea. What else is new? Do we really need daily washings and scrubbings of our brain? There are, literally, dozens of steroids that athletes know about. They know which are injectable and which are taken orally. They know the possible and likely side effects of each. They know these things much better than 99% of all physicians for reasons to be explained shortly. We need a moratorium on brain washing just as we need one on control and power. Third Installment: The Case from Unfairness / Unnaturalness Most people unthinkingly suppose something like this: "If a certain kind of behavior is illegal then it is wrong. Using steroids is illegal so it is wrong. Good people abide by the law and those who don't are taking unfair advantage. " That is all there is to this slender argument. We must always consider whether the laws are right or wrong, stupid, cruel, or discriminatory, or in many other ways, moral failures. Suppose taking steroids was legal but using vitamins was not, and suppose vitamins are, as they seem to be, essential to good health and hence to superior performance.

Steroid profile

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