

You have very cleverly found your way into the Pookington Page.

Yes indeed! This is where I do my fun html practise, and where you get to find out everything you could ever be remotely interested in knowing about me, where you'll probably find out a whole heap of stuff you couldn't give a flying shit about, and most importantly where you get to download my music!!!

Oh yeah, and there should be some nice photos and stuff too.

��So, without any further arsing around, let's get started,shall we?

That's me, playing a Native American flute at my father's 70th birthday party in June 1999. His birthday is actually December 18, but for reasons then and now unknown, we had the party 6 months early. This is the only online photo of me, but there will be more fairly soon. Just as soon as we find them.

Now for other stuff:

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