Until You Come Back to Me


"Li-kun!" Who was calling him? "Li-kun, wait!" It couldn't be. The boy slowly
turned around only to meet a pair of bright emerald eyes rushing toward him.
His breath caught in his chest and his heart began to pound. He swallowed,
hoping she wouldn't notice that a light pink blush had begun to spread across
his face. The girl with the sun-kissed amber hair finally caught up to him and
put a hand to her chest as she tried to catch her breath. Syaoran began to
smile at her while the girl's eyes were still downwards. Only then did he
notice where they were. He looked up at the young cherry blossom tree where he
often came to think why he couldn't get * her * out of his mind and began to
blush even deeper.
Sakura's brow creased with concern, "Li-kun? Are you all right?"
He was taken aback, "Wha? O-oh uh yes." She was worried about him? His heart
skipped a beat.
"That's good," she breathed, "you've been acting kind of strange all day so I
just wanted to make sure nothing was wrong. There isn't is there?" She looked
up at him hopefully. His amber eyes were drawn to hers and suddenly he couldn't
breathe. She didn't know how much was wrong. How he didn't think he'd ever be
able to tell the girl he loved how he felt. He just wished he could stay like
this forever; staring into the bright green pools of the one he adored. He
began to blush again and immediately left her gaze.
"Hoe?" Sakura whispered.
"N-no, nothing's wrong." He said softly still looking at the ground. If he
didn't look at the girl maybe he could get away without telling her. If he met
her eyes he knew he wouldn't be able to lie.
"I'm glad!" She exclaimed. "Um.....um...L-Li-kun?"
"Today....in the elevator.....you called me Sakura, right?"
Syaoran's head shot up.
"Ah." He answered. Still not meeting her gaze. He had forgotten about that.
What was she going to think? Panic started to spread through his body and
suddenly he didn't think he could stand any longer. His legs buckled under him
and he sat with his back against the tree. 'Oh no.' He thought. 'Oh no, what am
I going to do now?'
Sakura sat down next to him on her knees and faced the boy. She smiled.
"It made me really happy when you called me by my name. That's how I got the
courage to use the Float card. Because of you....." Syaoran's amber eyes
widened immensely. She was....happy? A rush of pure joy overtook the panic in
him and he could breath again. Sakura continued, her cherry lips still smiling,
"So I wanted to say thank you and......" She put a small hand on his arm and a
bolt of electricity shocked both of them inside. Syaoran's breathing increased
rapidly and his heart had turned into a little bird trying to get out of it's
"I wanted to know if......if I could call you Syaoran-kun and you could still
call me Sakura."
Syaoran turned to her afraid his voice might fail him.
"Y-you really want to?" His mind whirred. All he could hear was her saying his
name over and over again. Syaoran. She had actually said his name! His heart
took another leap as she answered.
He smiled softly, "Then I will call you Sakura."
Sakura's eyes shone and made her whole face light up. She lifted her hand from
his arm and his hopes lowered. But suddenly she threw herself at him and
wrapped her arms around his neck as she cried for joy.
"Oh, Syaoran-kun! I'm so happy! Thank you!"
Syaoran's arms came protectively around her and he blushed lightly as he
whispered, "Me too."

Sakura walked in her room and sighed happily as she closed the door behind her.
Kero flew out of his drawer and crossed his little arms.
"You're sure back late. Did you bring me a present?"
"Hello to you too!" Sakura laughed and dug around in her backpack until she
came out with a piece of chocolate cake wrapped in a blue napkin that she had
saved for him. She put in on her desk and sat down on her bed while Kero tied
the napkin around his neck.
"I'm still wondering why I got that for you after you ate all my cookies
yesterday," she said remembering the teddy bear cookie she had shared with
Syaoran in the elevator.
"Mmmmmm....Wai!!!! Cake! Cake! It's sooooo good!"
"and you're lucky I still had it. We almost ate it beca...."
"WHAT??? YOU ALMOST ATE MY CAKE????" He flew up to her face with a pained
expression plastered on his yellow head.
"SA-KU-RA.......WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH A THING???" He asked, his voice lowered
and strained.
"Well I was TRYING to say that after I felt Clow-san's aura..."
"Yes! Now let me finish! After I felt his aura, Syaoran-kun and I got locked in
the elevator."
"WHAT??? Oooooh that brat! I'm gonna kill him the next time I see that gaki...."
"No Kero-chan please don't! He was really swee..." She clapped her hand over
her mouth. Is that really what she thought?
"I mean he helped me!"
Kero looked at her curiously, "What do you mean?"
Sakura frantically searched her brain. She couldn't bring herself to tell him
how she felt when he lit the ofuda and told her not to cry or how it squeezed
her heart when he called her name. So instead she pulled out the Float card
that she had just transformed and handed it to him.
He took the card and looked at her strangely.
"Now please. No more questions."
Kero was about to protest until he looked her in the eye. His face softened.
"All right, Sakura." He flew back to his cake and started eating while Sakura
curled up on the bed with her back to him. When he was sure she couldn't see
him, he put down his spoon and stared at her. He knew there was something
wrong. No matter how normal she tried to act her voice always failed her. He
looked at her aura and gasped. The pink light surrounding her was swirled with
white indicating confusion. But her aura wasn't the only thing that startled
him. At that same moment he remembered that she had called the boy Syaoran.
'What's wrong with me?' Sakura asked herself. 'Why do I feel this way? I'm so
happy but.....I feel like crying at the same time. I feel so cold.....' She
closed her eyes and tried to remember how it felt when Syaoran held her in his
arms. 'I was so warm then....inside. Now it's like something's....missing.
Syaoran's my friend so why do I feel so different when I'm near him? I don't
feel like that around my other friends. And why is he acting so nice all of a
And.....why did he call me by my name? 'She tried to tell herself that he just
wanted to be her friend. But deep down she knew something else was going on.
She just didn't know what it was.
"I'm so confused." She whispered as a troubled tear slid down her cheek.

Please review for me, I'm very lonely!!!!^_^

chapter 1
