Until You Come Back to Me

chapter 7

Hey everyone,

Well, I didn’t get any reviews on my last chapter. Did no one like it? Or was it just that no one got to read it? Anyway, I’m too big of a softy so I’m gonna put the next chapter up. This is one of my personal favorites (kawaii!!!) and I hope it will be yours too. Be on the look out for more chapters heading your way! I’m going to start chapter 11 soon and it should be really funny ^_^ Well, come to think of it….the end might be sad… but the beginning will definitely make you laugh! I hope. ^_^ I know I’m babbling now so I’m going to shut up and let you read this chapter.


Chapter 7 Love Heals

The hair was prickling on the back of Syaoran’s neck. This wasn’t any normal rain. He sat by the window, watching it fall and praying that nothing would happen to Sakura that night. Ever since it started, he’d been trying to decide weather or not he needed to go watch her. “Sakura…please be all right…” he whispered. Something outside caught his eye. A tiny speck of pink heading for the glass. He opened the window and a weather beaten butterfly landed on his chest. Syaoran stared at it. Since when did butterflies fly in the rain and land on people that way? The creature trembled in fear but didn’t let go of his shirt. It almost seemed to be trying to tell him something. He looked more closely and when it looked back at him he heard something, “She needs you….she needs you now….” The voice echoed over and over in his head and his heart nearly stopped. “What?” “Help her! She needs you!” The butterfly shook itself and fell into his hand. He lifted it and held his hand close to his face. A faint pink shimmer was emitting from it’s wings. “Sakura? What’s happening to her!?” It’s tiny eyes bored intensely into his own. He wished it could tell him what was happening. “Help her!” The voice cried. “I know! I’m going!” he answered. Then it started to hail. Huge balls of ice began falling from the sky as heavily as the rain. He rested the butterfly on the bed and prepared to jump out of his window, but- “What’s going on!? Why can’t I move!?” No matter how hard he tried he couldn’t get the rest of his body out the window. It was like an invisible force was holding him back, not wanting him to go to Sakura. “No! I have to help her, let me go!” Syaoran went back inside and tried to exit by every door and window but all attempts failed. He felt the tears but refused to cry. He sat down and picked up his friend. “How do I help her? Tell me! I have to get out of this house! What do I do!?” It fluttered in front of him, not darting away but staying in one, solitary place. The movement of it’s wings seemed off beat, the air that it pushed away shone with a pink glow. The butterfly looked so sad, Syaoran only wished he knew why. “Please…” he whispered to it and the voices in his head died away. The antenae of the creature twitched slightly and suddenly it fluttered to the tip of his nose. It’s wings lowered slowly to rest on his skin and in his mind Syaoran heard it say, “Think of her…” Darkness. Then two red eyes. Eyes glaring at her. A glare she could feel right down to her toes. She cowered back, trying to get away and ran into…nothing. That’s all it was. Nothingness. This place was all too familiar, but at least she knew. The eyes peered deeper, prying into her very soul. But she wouldn’t let them. She closed herself off to anything and everything. No one could get inside. “Stay away from him,” a voice echoed into the nothingness. “NO!” she screamed. “You do not realize…it is dangerous, you must stay away…” “That’s not true! Stop it!” She stood up and looked around. Her eyes strained to see something. Anything. She strained so hard that the darkness began to swirl and she fell down from becoming dizzy. She shut them tight trying to squelch the prickling feeling coming from behind her eyes. She would go blind in this darkness! “If you don’t-,” “No! You’re not real! None of this is! Why won’t you just leave me alone!?” “But this is real. Very real, and if you don’t agree you will stay in here forever!” She took her hands away from her eyes, “I will not agree! You can’t take Syaoran away from me! I won’t let you!” The eyes blazed, “If you do not agree, then you will die here and now! And this time, your Little Wolf isn’t here to save you!” “I won’t! You can’t make me! Let me go! I haven’t done anything wrong!” Tears stung in her eyes but she pushed them back. ‘Be strong,’ she told herself. “So be it!” The voice boomed. “Who are you!? What do you want!?” It laughed evilly, “What do I want? What I want is to be the most powerful sorcerer of all time, and the two of you are the only ones standing in my way! So you can either agree never to see him again of I will prevent it myself by killing you both!” “No! Don’t hurt him!” She ran up to the eyes and screamed. “I will do as I please. A pathetic little girl like you can’t stop me without your love!” The pink glow around her began to fade as it was pulled off in long strands into the redness of the eyes. She wrapped her arms around her body, trying to keep herself together. As more and more of her aura was taken away, the colder she got. When would the pain of this coldness end!? The eyes sighed in satisfaction, “Ahh…your power…I can’t feel it!” She groaned and turned around to run away from the cold, the evil, the torture. But instead she fell to her knees, loosing the concentration of her protective shell. “You can’t win, don’t try to fight it. Give yourself up to me and then you can be at peace!” It taunted her but she didn’t give in. On hands and knees, she slowly inched away, ignoring the fact that she was growing weaker by the second. What could she do? There was no where to go! But her spirit was too strong. No matter how much pain she went through, she would not give herself up willingly. She thought of Syaoran and how it would feel to never see him again and pushed on. Her hands were turning numb and her breath was like ice. The faint shimmer around her body was nearly gone. How much more time did she have? Her arms collapsed under her. She tried to get back up but their strength had burned away. She cried out in pain as the eyes fed off her magic more easily. Her eyelids began to droop. ‘No!’ She screamed at herself. She had to stay conscious at least! Her hair fell into her eyes. It felt like a million tiny icicles scraping against her face. A last glimmer of hope allowed her to look up. At first she thought she was dreaming. Or that she really had died and was starting her spiritual journey. But there it was. A pink and purple speck, flitting about and growing larger as it came closer to her. With her last ounce of strength, she reached out to it and the butterfly landed gracefully in her palm. A blast of warmth surged through her veins and she realized something the voice had said. Standing up and facing the eyes she bravely stated, “You’re wrong. I do have love. Just because he isn’t here right now doesn’t mean I don’t love him!” “What?” “I do! I love Syaoran and nothing you do can ever change that!” Her aura began floating back to her and her voice became stronger. “And even if you do kill us both, our love and powers will still exsist!” “Well, after I kill him, we’ll see if you still feel that way!!!” “NO!” she screamed as the eyes disappeared and the dimension shattered. Sakura’s eyes shot open and she scrambled to get up from the floor. The weather had gotten even worse from the fury of her demon. Stones of ice pelted against the window and the wind howled through the trees that were twisted in agony. She covered her ears, trying to drown out all the terrifying sounds and didn’t even notice Kero who was yelling next to her. Standing up, she walked over, opened the window and reached for the tree. “Sakura! What are you doing!?” “Syaoran…” “You can’t go out there! Come back!” She pulled the rest of her body onto the branch and hopped off. She was immediately soaked to the bone. Looking around, her hair became plastered to her skin as she found the direction she wanted to go. Water splashed around her ankles and her tears mingled with the rain. The muscles in her legs fired up as she pushed faster. Faster, faster the wind and her breathing seemed to whisper. Her head was filled with horrible thoughts and she tried to push them away. The glaring, red eyes followed her everywhere she went. Every corner, every turn, they were always there. “Go back,” they said. “Faster!” said the trees. “Go back!” “Faster!” “Stop it!” she cried in hopes that she would drown out the voices. But they persisted, so she went faster. Unusual objects seemed to appear out of nowhere and she just barely missed hitting them. Her eyes were down, always down. Too afraid to look up. The balls of ice pounded on her body and tore through her clothes. Her skin stung as the rain hit her open cuts. The pain. Why was there so much pain? The thunder boomed but it only pestered her with angry words as well. Huge gusts of wind pushed against her, her body longed to stop; to rest, but she wouldn’t. There was no time to rest. Sakura screamed as she looked up to see that a tremendous bolt of lightning had struck a tree and it was falling on top of her. She flung herself to the side and the tree landed next to her with a deafening crack. Instead of moving, she lay there, just listening to her breathing and her pounding heart. Her body didn’t want to go anymore, it willed her to stay, to give up. But she looked at the tree and saw its sadness. “Go to him,” it urged, “you have to go…” Nodding, she tried to push herself up with the help of its branches. Her legs burned and ached and the bruises made by the storm didn’t help either. “Syaoran… I have to get to Syaoran! Don’t give up on me now!” She gritted her teeth and heard the tree’s branches moan under her weight. Cuts formed on her hands from the bark flaking off but finally she managed to drag her beaten body to her feet. “I can make it…” she whispered as after a few weak steps she began to run again. Running for her life, for Syaoran’s life. Nothing could stop her now. Her heart thudded in her chest as his house came into her view. Syaoran held his hands against the frozen air through his bedroom window. “Why can’t I get out of here!? Is something happening to her? What is it!?” He pounded his fist against the air and hung his head. He couldn’t help her. Why couldn’t he help her? Who was holding him back? If only he could see Sakura. Take her in his arms and know that she was all right. Feel her soft, brown hair and see her sparkling eyes looking at his. Why? Why couldn’t he!? Sakura’s lungs were about to burst, she could barely breathe anymore. It was like that underwater feeling where you know you have to get more air but you can’t until you’ve surfaced. She wouldn’t be able to breathe again until she felt Syaoran’s arms around her. He gave her air, he gave her strength. He gave her life. Her eyes became blurry with tears but she could still make out his open window. ‘Open?’ She thought it strange that he would have his window open in weather like this. She blinked away her tears and ran up to his house. His aura. She could feel it. He was terrified like she was! Her muscles were turning limp but she still had a little energy left. With the last bit, she pushed herself up, jumped through the window and tackled Syaoran to the ground. “Sakura?” he whispered. Sakura let all the tears out and clutched him tightly to her trembling body. The pain finally started to subside and she knew she was safe. Syaoran blushed when he noticed she was lying on top of him and he lay his hand on her back. He felt her give a jerk at his touch and quickly pulled it away wanting to scream when he looked at it. His hand was streaked with blood. With a start, he sat up and tried to look at her. Sakura struggled, not wanting him to pull her away. Syaoran couldn’t believe what he saw. Her entire body was covered in scrapes and cuts and her hands were muddy and bleeding. “Sakura, what happened to you?” She whimpered and kept her eyes tightly shut. Those things could be forgotten now. She didn’t have to see them again as long as they were together. “Stay with me…” she pleaded between sobs. “Sakura…” He wanted to look at her face. “No! Don’t let me go!” She pulled his shirt to her and breathed into his chest. “You’re hurt…” Syaoran was afraid to even touch her. Any little movement might cause her pain. “I don’t care…” She whispered. He swallowed and brushed the hair out of her eyes. She sighed and he saw that her cheeks were scratched as well. Anger built up in him at the thought of her beaten body and he quickly scooped her up in his arms. Her form hung limply over them but her hands managed to keep a hold on him. He sat on the bed and rested her on his knees. He traced his fingers lightly down the farthest side of her face. “You’re freezing!” he gasped. Sakura rested her head on his shoulder and breathed on his neck, “You’re warm…” He swiftly tucked her under the blankets and handed her one of his shirts to change into, but she just hugged him harder and shook her head. “Come on, Sakura! You have to get those clothes off! You’ll get sick!” He thought for a minute and sighed nervously. She was too weak, there wasn’t any other way. Gently, he lifted her arms and she allowed him to slip the shirt over her head. He tugged it down as far as it would go and pulled the bedspread up to her neck so that it covered most of her body. Suddenly he jumped back. He didn’t want to do what he was about to. The thought of touching her that way made his mind reel. It was just wrong. She was a delicate blossom of a newly born flower that was not ready to open yet. Did she even know what was going on? “Sakura, I don’t……you have to help me…” He willed her to understand. To know how important this was. Reluctantly she let him go and helped him pull off her soaking clothes that could now pass for rags. He tossed them onto the corner of the room and pressed the covers around her, trying desperately to warm her up, but she only shivered more and he realized how much her wounds would be hurting her. So he picked her up in his arms and cradled her close to his chest as carefully as he would a feather. She curled up into a ball and turned towards him, inhaling deeply his comforting scent. “Shh…it’s all right. I’m here with you now, you don’t have to be afraid.” The dream still terrorized Sakura’s mind and she was too afraid to open her eyes, afraid that the visions might start again. But eventually, Syaoran’s soothing words reached her and she began to relax. Her spasms ceased and she took long, deep breaths. Yes. Now she could breathe. “Syaoran…” Sakura mumbled and lay a hand on his shirt. He felt his eyes sting. She was in so much pain. He stroked her cheek with his thumb, “Sakura, what happened to you?” His touch against her skin made her melt into his arms. “Came…back, they came back…” Her brow creased with fear. “No…” he breathed. They had tried to hurt her again! He pulled her closer, wanting to take away the hurt and she listened to the beat of his heart against her ear. “What did they want?” he asked hesitantly. Her body became rigid and she held her breath. “They wanted me to stay away from you…” she began quietly, “but I wouldn’t let them, I wouldn’t let them!” Sakura wrapped her arms around his shoulder and cried into his neck, “I’d die without you…” Syaoran’s breath shook. Those two statements effected him like nothing ever had before. He stared straight ahead, into the rage of the storm caused by the ones who wanted to keep them apart, and his fury struggled to mix with is and destroy it. To kill the evil that had dared to hurt his precious butterfly. But he had to stay with her. He had to stay with the one who had said four words that meant more to him than almost anything in the world. They let him know that she felt the same way he did, and that was a joy in itself. His hand reached up and got lost in her hair as he leaned his head against hers. “You and the butterfly saved me…” she sighed happily after calming down once more. “They almost had me, but you rescued me again…” Kero’s words rang in Syaoran’s head, ‘There’s a powerful bond between the two of you.” How had he done it? How had he saved her in another reality when he wasn’t near ever, much less even known what was happening? Just a butterfly that they had both been in contact with that day was enough to give one another their strength? The thought seemed impossible, but there it was. That was how they had done it. Were they really that strong together? “Sakura,” he whispered softly, “ why do they want us to…” he swallowed, “stay…apart?” The words left his tongue feeling limp in his mouth. Sakura furrowed her eyebrows and thought carefully, her eyes still closed. She didn’t really want to remember what they had said, but for Syaoran she would. “The eyes said that we were,” what was it they said? “we were in his way of him being the most powerful…powerful sorcerer when we’re together and that…” should she tell him the rest? “that’s all….” Syaoran was puzzled, “Are you sure there wasn’t anything else?” She nodded furiously and grasped his shirt in her fingers. How could she tell him what they really had said? But….how could she lie to him? Sakura felt her heart tearing in two. Those words the eyes had uttered bore her a fear. A fear that she would loose Syaoran forever and her life would become worthless. So she didn’t tell him. “But I’m all right now, I’m all right here with you.” Then she began to sob hysterically. She had lied to him! And now she could never tell him the truth. “Sakura! Sakura! It’s ok!” He pulled her away and held her shoulders so she was facing him. “I won’t let anything happen to you ever again! I promise!” Her face was twisted in distress and she choked on her tears causing hiccups to rise up in her throat. “I……….I……..I…-,” She couldn’t get the words out. Between her gasps for air and the cuts on her body she thought she might just collapse. She fell forward onto him and he slowly stroked her back. “Shh….don’t try to speak. You’re all right, just calm down.” She gulped and her shallow breaths gradually grew back to normal. He slipped a hand under her chin and brought her head up. “Look at me…” he whispered. Slowly she lifted her eyelids and her dazzling green eyes stared into his warm amber ones. But that only made her heart beat crazily and her rapid breathing start up again. They both heard the wind whistling through the trees and they knew that the storm had just ended. Syaoran’s heart caught in his throat as he looked at her eyes, sparkling with tears. No matter what happened to her, she’d always be beautiful to him. They could feel each other’s breath blowing on their faces and he noticed that hers had begun to warm back up. He smiled in happiness and that just did her in. She became completely limp in his arms and looked up desperately at him. A heard of wild horses wouldn’t have been able to pull their gaze away from one another. They were in their own world filled with joy and bliss. One where they knew they’d always be together. “I love you…” she whispered to him. He bit his lip as his eyes filled with tears and put a hand lightly over her cheek. If only the marks would go away, if only he could stop the pain. She shouldn’t have to go through this. ‘Disappear!’ he urged silently, ‘Stop hurting her!’ Sakura’s eyes became large as she felt her skin begin to grow warm. Not just from the warmth of his hand, something…else. It was a glowing feeling. A glow of love, so much love and she smiled up at him. He could feel it too. The warmth, the feelings flying freely back and forth, the electricity. That’s what it felt like, a jolt of lightning gradually pouring its energy from him into her. He could sense his power slowly being drained and his hand moved to the side a little. Then he jerked it away but she quickly caught it in her own. “What?” Sakura asked with concern. Syaoran looked like a deer caught in headlights, “It-it’s gone!” he said softly. Sakura lifted her other hand and brought it to her newly formed skin that tingled with the “glow.” It felt so smooth, even smoother than it had been before. “Syaoran…” His heart swelled and he brought his left hand to the other side of her face. He wanted to heal the rest of her body just as he had done her cheek. He wanted her to feel everything he felt inside of him with just a gentle touch. But she stopped him and now held both of his hands in her own. “No, Syaoran. Don’t. You’re losing your strength!” “But I have to…” “Not if it means you getting hurt.” Syaoran blinked and slightly tilted his head, “I know another way…” He freed his hands and cupped her face in them, pulling her towards him until their lips met. Sakura closed her eyes and slowly moved her mouth against his. His lips were feather light against hers as if he was afraid he’d taken her too off guard, so she pushed herself up to him and he relaxed. She traced her fingers softly down his chest but everywhere she touched him he felt like she was trailing fire on his skin. Words echoed around them and then they began to glow. “Don’t leave me…” “I love you just the way you are…” “Do you like it?” “I’d be a graceful butterfly…” “I’ll never let anything happen to you…” “It’s all right, you don’t have to tell me…” “I’m sorry…” “Don’t be…” “I’m in love with you…” “I’d die without you…” “I love you…I love you…I love you…I love you…..” A bright light encircled them, a rainbow of colors, and it swirled and danced in harmony with their words. Then she felt it touching her. The light felt like Syaoran’s fingertips brushing gently over every inch of her body, and she felt herself start to change. The dazzling display of colors began to whirl around them, faster and faster like a merry-go-round that had lost control and was spinning into an oblivion as he willed all of his love into her through the kiss. He could do it. He had the power to heal her and no matter what happened to him, that’s that what he was going to do. Even if he was weak afterwards, it was worth it for this. Her soft and sensual lips flush against his was enough to send him over the edge. But this… There weren’t words to describe what was passing between them. It was like he could hear her very thoughts and her touch spread throughout him so he was completely devoured in it. Sakura pushed her hands against the back of his neck and bathed in his warmth. “Syaoran…” she mumbled into his mouth, “save your strength…” But he only responded by pulling his arms around her waist and putting her body right up to his, making their mental connection even more intense. ‘Syaoran, please…’ she begged silently, ‘I don’t want you to get hurt…’ ‘I won’t be if you’re all right…’ ‘Syaoran-,’ ‘Shh…’ She tried to control the light entering her body, not wanting him to give up every ounce of his energy. But she couldn’t hold it. His love was too strong. Her torn flesh continued to disappear and reform under the light which felt like millions of stars flooding into her skin. She could feel herself glowing both inside and out. There could never be a more perfect feeling. Sakura tried to pull away but Syaoran caught her lips again and held them there for a moment before letting her go. He breathed hard and shrunk down a little, overwhelmed by the enormous amount of power he had exerted. She opened her eyes and rested a hand on his face. “Thank you…” she whispered. He looked up and his eyes fell on her shoulder where a tiny scar still remained. Syaoran brought a trembling hand towards it but Sakura took it down again. “Leave it…” she moved her upper body down a little and looked up into his eyes, “so I can remember…” His gaze met hers. She smiled and kissed him softly on the lips before tugging him down as she curled up on the bed. Syaoran lay a protective arm across her and leaned over to whisper in her ear, “I’ll be here, whenever you need me…”

*sniff* Kawaiiiiiiii!!!! What do you all think? If any of you are wondering about Eriol, don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about him (even though I personally hate it guts!) and he is in this story. I wasn’t going to put him in at first, but my friend said he should be there so Syaoran would get jealous heheheheeee^_^ More coming within a day or two! Bye for now and S+S forever!!!

~Stars from Above

chapter 8

fanfiction page 1