Double the Power of your Immune System

We live in a world populated with microbes, bacteria, viruses and parasites that linger in the air, water, soil and on the living things around us.  Most of these organisms hold little interest in people, but a few find the human body and inviting place to take up residence.  Some choose the nose and ears for their house , some settle on the skin, while others nestle in that hot , swampy place we call a gastrointestinal tract.  

Renegade bacteria and viruses enter our systems through a number of different ways.  They may come into our lungs from the air if someone sneezes, from the lips of someone we kiss, from food our fingers touched , and even from utensils in restaurants that haven't been properly sanitized. No matter how they get there , once there they are ready to stay. 

Front line defense:

Nature intended for everyone of us to have a sophisticated and efficient system that works around the clock to make sure microbes do not rob us of our health or steal our vitality away.  It is known as the immune system which is a network of cells and organs that respond instantaneously to the presence of any intruder. This protective system musters its forces to halt the process of a simple cold or flu virus  to help combat menacing bacteria. We depend on this system to constantly patrol us internally to seek out harmful microbes, but also to preserve balance.  Health and well being a dependent on order and consistency between body cells, tissues and organs.  The immune system preserves this state of harmony by removing dead or damaged cells and eliminating bad cells.

Recognizing friend from foe:

The immune system has a remarkable ability to recognize friend from foe. It recognizes and kills cancer cells, transplanted tissue cells and a wide range of organisms from exceedingly minute viruses to parasites visible to the naked eye.  At the same time it generally respects the body's own tissues.  The distinction between a normal cell and a cancerous cell is a mere molecule or two. The body is so remarkable that it cant detect the chemical marks of every single molecule and cell within the body.

Welcome to "Immune City"

The immune system is different from all the other body systems because the elements are strung out over great distance.  Beginning in the top of the throat and moving downwards towards the hips we have these various scattered immune organ defenses: adenoids, tonsils, thymus, lymph nodes, spleen, peycris patches, small intestine , appendix and bone marrow. They are all hooked together by lymph fluid which is propelled along by physical movements and by muscle contractions.

Supplements are the rest of the story:

When it comes to a vigorous immune system you need supplements in addition to everything else you do to keep yourself fit and ready for action at all times. Shape Rite has created the ideal Immune Formula for you. It consists of two types of echinaceal herbs and Oriental medicinal plants like ginseng (two types) gotu kola, astragalus, schizandra berry and licorice root.  This unique product achieves several marvelous actions within the immune system.

First frontline resistance to microbial infiltration is enhanced. A health lock is put on all of your immune corridors so that microbes cannot just walk in and steal away some of your precious physical health. Finaly your immune detection system becomes more finely tuned to be able to distinguish decent cells from bad cells.


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