This is my 1/2 Barrel Pond. I got the idea from Jeff's Half Barrel Pond Page. It seems to be easy, so easy that I've started another pond. We had a late cold spell, later than normal so everything is kind of sorry looking. The weather is picking up and I hope the ponds will too. I have planted in this pond (for now);
            2 - Water Lily Nenufar Red and White
            2 - Pickerel Rush
            1 - Water Canna
I'm seasoning a second barrel because of the plant numbers I have or am adding. I'm planning on adding Water Hyacinth, Milfoil and Anacharis.
I'll update the pictures when I add them and after they adapt to my pond.
I planning on adding some fish, probably gold fish for a start. There will not be any filteration so the population will be low. Probably two in each tank. Enough for mosquito control.

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