Mount Rainier View Trail #1155

This is probably one of the worst road to the trailhead that I've ever encountered.  Definitely bring a 4X4 for this!  Michi, Jan, and I had different agendas for that day.  Michi and Jan were on a quest to capture picture perfect wildflowers with their new Cannon EOS Digital Rebel camera while I just want to write a trip report.

Once reaching the top, Michi, with her bad nose couldn't smell the stinkin' bathroom while Jan and I practically keel over from the smell 25ft away.  I guess they couldn't keep the bathroom clean because of the bad road coming up here.

Many signs of life were all over the place.  Can you spot the butterflies in all three pictures?

Mount Rainier.

The three of us.

That's the end of the trail.  Behind the trees are steep rocky combs leading to Castle Mountain Trail.

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