Final Fantasy Charas

The young 17 blitzball player is a wondering vibrant and energetic man in Spira from Zanarkand. Sin attacked Zanarkand and Tidus woke up in Spira 1000 years later. He joins Yuna to find Zanarkand and destory Sin.

17 year old Yuna is the daughter of High Summomer Braska. Becoming a summomer, she will go on a pilgrimage and fight in order to fight for Spira. As the same as her father.

Wakka is this dude with weird hair and a true follower of Yeven. He was the team captain of his Blitz ball team. Pretty weird yet hates the Al Bhed. Great Blitzball player yet an great gradian for Yuna.

Lulu is a very strong black mage. Even though she has a very short fuse, she helps Yuna for her training for becoming a summoner. Lulu is like an older sister to Yuna. She's very smart and will do all she can with her magic when a fight comes.

The COOLEST hero is always Auron. He's the BEST fighter in the game! Yeah!!!!! *waves flag that says Auron* He was a former bodyguard for Yuna's father, Braska. Really calm and will always kill an ememy with a good overkill.


This powerful thingy is a noble bodyguard for Yuna. Sence he protected her sence childhood. He actually belongs to the "Ronso" tripe. Weilds a great Spear and can take your abilites from monsters and use it.

Rikkus is a cheerful Al Bhed with lots of tricks up her sleaves. As Yuna's cousin, Rikku is protective over Yuna. Rikku wants to stop all the bad things Sin does and wants happiness not just in Yuna, but all of Spira as well.

Seymour The coolest enemy in the game! He's this half and half dude (human and Guado) and has the coolest hair! Yet bloting veins on his face. Likes fighting and pretty things.

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