At times I think I am destined to be a non achiever never accomplishing anything in my life worth mentioning.
But then I look around and see my children my family and realize if I have accomplished nothing great and noble in my life. I have accomplished one thing, bringing life and love into this world although it be a small contribution it is yet a great one in this vast world of darkness and hate. I might have made a difference with the lives I brought forth here. One may be a great scientist the other a humanatarian the possibilitys are endless for all my ten children absolutely endless. so even though I did not cure cancer or write a great novel or solve world peace. I may have just given the world a second chance at it. So if you feel the way I do stop and look around you at the little things you do and you will see it is something it really is. The kind words offered a stranger in trouble. When the simple touch of your hand calms a frightened child. When the prayers you offer another are answered. The dollar you gave the bell ringer at christmas. All of it makes a difference in this world. All of it brings light to darkness and love to hate.
Light to Darkness and Love to Hate
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