Cheeta Tips
FACT - The cheeta is the world's fastest animal - around 70 m.p.h; 0-40 in 3 seconds.
SUGGESTION - NEVER try to outrun a cheeta unless your name is Travis M. (fastest man on earth)

FACT - Cheetas have 20 - 25 foot strides.
SUGGESTION - If being chased chased by a cheeta, hope that you are driving a Jaguar.

FACT - Cheetas can only run flat out for 400-700 yards.
SUGGESTION - Never try to out-spring a cheeta.  Your best chance on survival rests in outlasting the cheeta in a lon-distance chase.

FACT - Cheetas generally prey on small antelope and ungulates. 
SUGGESTION - NEVER dress like an impala in the middle of Africa
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