Fishing Lore
Here are some things to keep in mind as you fish.

"Even the thousandth trip to the same old, fished-out stream begins with renewed hope, with unfailing faith" - Zane Grey

"Next to prayer, fishing is the most personal relationship of man" - Herbert Hoover

"Many men go fishing all of thier lives without knowing that it is not the fish they are after" - Henry David Thoreau

"You can't make fish bite just by wanting them to" - Rancid Crabtree (Patrick McManus)

"Adopt the pace of nature; her secret is patience" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Fishing is the eternal Fountain of Youth" - Herbert Hoover

"Wherever the trout are, it's beautiful" Thomas Masaryck

"Fishing isn't always about fishing"- Greg Milner

"Love of nature is a common language that can transcend political and social boundaries" - Jimmy Carter

"He that would catch a fish must first venture his bait" - Ben Franklin

"The charm of fly-fishing is that we are always learning"  - Theodore Gordon

"All things come to those who bait" - Ageless fishing saying
Big-Mouth Billy Bass
Gone Fishin'
The Swamp
Odd Information
Art by
Alan B. Hayman
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