The Haikus of June

Things are different
I live in apartment K
I still get hungry

Gepetto the cat
Plays inside boxes and bags
She chases my feet

Haiku and haiku
All day and all night, haiku
That's the way it is

Two different socks
But it's too late to match them
My feet are tired

I don't sleep at work
I don't think or eat or breathe
I just work and work

My love has green eyes
He sleeps at night while I work
Alone in our bed

I miss my mother
I wanted a birthday cake
I didn't get one

I have an Icee
It makes it seem like maybe
Life is worth living

No work till thursday
So many margaritas
Limes and limes and limes

Pages of haiku
So many pages, haiku
It's boring to me

These are some of the haikus I wrote over the summer. I would take my spiral notebook to work and write haikus on my breaks to keep from falling asleep. The structure and the counting of the syllables soothed me, I think, and kept me from walking out of there and into the dark.

Going somewhere ?

(date: 10.17.03 All works property of Fish and Candy Productions, a division of JessCo.)

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