The FI Zone!'s Very Own Version of the Impronovel

Okay, so technically nothing is here, yet, but it will be soon, the FI Zone's unique twist on the impronovel. While searching the webs, we came to see the numerous impromangas and impronovels out there, most of them dead by now, most of them with the only apparent reason being that one person didn't submit, and for some reason, the webmaster didn't skip.

Well, to circumvent that problem with our impronovel, we're getting rid of the fixed list and turning the story into a monthly, or possibly weekly, contest. But this will begin when two things happen: we write the first chapter, and we find out if any of us can draw well enough to give out prizes. If not, we have to learn to draw first ^^;;.

Anyways, here's how it works. We write the first chapter and post it for you to read. Then, using that chapter, you write how you think the story should go in the next chapter. Send it into a set e-mail address (which has not been designated yet), and the judges will each be given a copy to decide. The winner of that month's round gets their story posted, plus a prize (a picture of their choice). On the downside, you can't submit a story for the next two rounds, which has been decided to keep diversity in how the story goes.

Now, what are we looking for? First of all, spelling and grammar. If your chapter has terrible grammar and spelling, we will not even consider it (although we may send it back to you with an attached message suggesting a spell check). Second, we're trying to keep the story as plot hole-free as possible, so check the details in other chapters. Also, characters should remain in character, and not do something that their previous actions suggests they wouldn't. The rest is all obvious. Is it entertaining or boring? Have you progressed character and story development? You can figure that part out.

On the subject of your original characters, you can go ahead and add them into the story if you want to. In fact, you'll have to add them into the story for it to progress, since we are going to give you only about three or four characters in the first chapter. But try not to go overboard, and remember, they can be interesting characters,but we will have a definite main character, so don't try to overshadow him/her with your characters. Oh, and no Mary Sues (aka annoyingly perfect characters). Those will kill the story, and if we let them through anyways, the next author will probably try to kill the annoying critter off.

One last thing. We like details. They give the story life. If you put in really good details, big or small, to make the story seem more alive, your score might be a little better. And add details that seem like they have no place in there, if you want. Bonus points if you can take seemingly insignificant details and make them into something interesting.

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