I have decided to add a page for the best friend that I have had.
On Feb. 17,2007 I went through with the hardest decision that I have had to make, to euthanize my dog, Princess.
   I got her in 1989. Shes a Doberman/ German Shepard mix. She belonged to a person that I rented a garage from and when I would go to the garage, she would be chained to a clothesline pole and had wrapped herself around it where she only had 2 feet of usable chain. Her owner was evicted and she was going to be taken to the pound, so I took her instead.
   When I got her home, she didnt know what to do with a fenced in backyard and for about 2 weeks, she wouldnt go more than 20 feet from the patio. I bought the book "No Bad Dogs" by B. Woodhouse and it gave me insight to what a dog wants to do, that is, to make the owner happy.
     I taught her the usual stuff (sit, stay, shake,etc) and I also taugh her the heal command. she would eventually heal with out a leash.She was a very intelligent dog and when I built a garage with a driveway through the backyard, the gate to the fence was removed, and she would never go out of the backyard with out permission. She would even put herself in the backyard and stay there when told to "Go home".
     She loved to go for rides in my truck and she would go to the shop with me on most days. At the shop  she would never be chained or restrained and she never wandered off. She would stay on her corner that she loved to lay on and keep an eye on me. She loved going to the shop to meet people and some people would come to the shop just to see her. When the neighbors at the shop would arrive, she loved to escorting them to their shop.     I taught her to wear glasses and she would wear them when we walked to the store next to the shop and sit patiently outside while I went inside. When I would come out of the store, she would usually carry what I had bought (cigs,etc) back to the shop. She would even carry an empty gas can to the store (it was too heavy for her to carry back). Sometime when we would leave the shop, I would give her a snack and tell her to "Carry" and she would carry it out to the truck and wait until she was in the truck to eat it.
   In the summer of 2006, she really started to get old. Up until then she used to be a "Pup" and showed excitement and happiness. She started to loose control of her back legs and would fall down on ocassion. I carried her up and down steps for a long time. The vet gave her steriods and it helped for a time. As time progressed, she lost more and more control of her back legs and would fall down more and more, and she also lost the "Pup" attitude that she had always had.
    It finally got to the point where she would fall down every 10 feet or so. It was very hard for me to make the decision to "put her down" as she would unquestionably follow me to the end of the earth.
    Feb. 17,2007 - It was a very hard day for me and the wife. I feel like I had betrayed Princess, but how can this process be explained to a dog. We went to the vet and all went "well" and it was very peaceful.
    In life you often fine people, places and things that change you forever. Princess has changed me and I am very thankful to have shared in her life.
                 Thank you Princess, You will never be forgotten.

ABOVE- Thats her in the Avatar I use
RIGHT- Early Summer 2006
BELOW - Christmas 2006
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