
Name: Adrianna
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Birthday: May 22
Home: Lendor'elth Titles: Friend of the trees
Strength: Above average for a woman
Intelligence: Pretty smart
Appearance: Blond-white shoulder-length hair, fair skined, large blue eyes, tall, slender, willow-like body dtructure.
Movement: Agile
Weapons: Bow and arrows, sword, belt knife, dagger.
Magical abilities: limbo, ability to acquire appearance of surround area, small healing and defense magic, fly short distances.
Physical attributes: long endurance, fast runner.
Flaws: Tends to jump into things, takes everything to seriously, doesn't know the meaning of "chill out", is suspicious of everyone.
Best points: good fighter, smart, very agile.

         Adrianna has spent her entire life in the forest, as long as she can remember. She stole from the villages during the winter when she was a child, but learned to live off the land when she got older. She made her own weapons from the best wood of the forest and has several animal friends, not human ones. She doesn't know who her parents are, or if they were even both human.

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