First War- Stie Information Back to First War

This web page was created in November of 2002, but did not get any real attention until October of 2003. Although it can be found on any search engine that uses the Google Directory, such as AOL or Yahoo, it its hard to find and the page receives little traffic from them. Most of the traffic comes from the web rings American Colonies and The American Revolution. Using the web ring system September of 2004 has had the most hits per month.

As you browse around the web pages you may notice you jump around from to, that is just a little trick I use to give me more megabytes to create the web page. Also at one time Angelfire did not display banner adds so it made some of the pages look better. But now Angelfire has made it so everyplace has at least one banner. On some of my other pages Angelfire displays two.

I have gotten my information and pictures from many sites, including Its been awhile so I cannot provide exact information on were I have gotten this information, so if your doing a report you should note that the information has not all come from this site.

If you have any questions please e-mail me.

Thank You,
Ryan Rogers
Webmaster 1

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