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El Salvador

MAP     El Salvador was enigmatic. It's beautiful, with volcanic mountains, lush valleys, long beaches, and land for farming. Plus the people there like Americans and they are friendly, generous and helpful.
We had to surf big waves to get into Bahia del Sol, where there is a resort that gives cruisers a free room for one night. No strings attached. Plus you can use the hotel's pools, beach, bar, restuarant, fuel dock and water anytime for free. From here, several of us cruisers hired a guide with a van and went sight-seeing. We visited ancient Mayan ruins, had lunch in a volcano that contained a big lake, and shopped in San Salvador, the capitol.
After several days, we left for Barillas Marina, thirty miles away. The worst part was motoring out through those breakers. Very scary stuff. A big one got us soaked but we were all right.
Barillas is a small cruiser resort that has a restaurant, pool, internet, moorings and transportation into town for shopping. Now for the downside of El Salvador. The place is a mess. There is trash everywhere, and they still have not recovered from a recent earthquake and war. There are armed guards everywhere.
Next stop : Costa Rica

View from the restuarant Ancient Mayan Ruins

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