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Starship Troopers
directed by Paul Verhoeven

When I first heard that Robert A. Heinlein's book, Starship Troopers, was going to be made into a movie, I got somewhat interested. But when I heard that Paul Verhoeven was going to direct it, I got that sinking feeling in my stomach. Verhoeven is not exactly a director who likes to stick closely with the source material.

So, when I finally got to watch it, my expectations were not that high that it would retain Heinlein's vision of the future. And, you guessed it, it did not. Well, as first I thought it might, up to the point when the war broke out. After that, it was a pure bug hunt movie.

Unfortunately, even then, it was a disappointment to me. Oh, the effects were great and realistic. But the effects only try to hide a story that was not working with scenes and actions that looked very contrived to me without a hint of suspense (you just know) a lot of bugs are going to turn up in this or that scene).

What made it worse were the number of physics and logical howlers that made me want to shake my head. Fires in space? A species that can launch asteroids across the galaxy with pin-point accuracy at Earth but can't put up defenses in space? A ludicrous debate between two people, one of whom refuses to believe the bugs are intelligent despite the above mentioned asteroid launching capability? A ring defense system built around the moon which cannot protect more than 50% of Earth (what happens when an asteroid appears on the other side)?

Sure, I suppose I could suspend my sense of belief and just enjoy it and in the past, I have done so, picking movies to pieces afterwards. But in this one, so little was happening that requires concentration that the mind wanders and started to think.

In short, a real disappointment. I suppose I could tell you to go and watch it just for the effects, but after watching so many badly done movies with good effects, I can't do that anymore.

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