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Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone
directed by Chris Columbus

J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books are major bestsellers so it should not be surprising that movies would be make from the books, starting from the first one. The resulting translation of the book to the screen is competent and true to the book.

In Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone (note: the title of the book in Britain is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone which makes more sense to me), we follow the life of Harry Potter. We learn that Harry Potter is the child of two wizards who were killed by the evil wizard, Voldermort. Voldermont also tried to kill Harry but mysteriously fails and is defeated instead. This makes Harry a very important child to the world of wizards.

Harry is put into the care of his 'muggle' (non-magical folk) relatives who, aware of his wizard parentage, abuse him and attempt to bring him up to think that he is just a normal boy. But strange things keep happening to him, culminating in a barrage of letters of invitation to study at Hogwart's School of Wizardry.

Harry goes off to school, makes some friends (and enemies) along the way, as all normal school boys do, and finds some strange going-ons at the school that may be related to rumours that Voldermort may be attempting to make a comeback. Harry is determined to find out what is happening as well as get his revenge on Voldermort.

Tales of wizards and school boys growing up in school are not uncommon but Rowling has put them together well in her Harry Potter books and it shows in the care and detail put into this movie. Those who have read the book would probably be going, "Ah, I remember this from the book," plenty of times while those who have not would probably be intrigued enough to go and and get the books to get more background.

Where the movie fails to deliver is the director's own vision for the movie. Columbus appears to be more concerned that the movie be very faithful to the book, making the movie somewhat long. Fortunately, the cast is competent and manage to keep the audience interested in their going-ons for the duration of the movie.

This movie is quite watchable with a good mix of wonder and entertainment to be found. Hopefully, the rest of the movies to be made from the rest of Rowling's book are, at least, just as well produced.

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