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directed by Les Mayfield

I was disappointed after watching this movie. I did not see The Absent-Minded Professor (on which this movie was based) but even so, I could see that it wasn't a good movie. Perhaps somebody should tell Walt Disney Productions to quit with the adaptation of old movies while the going was still good.

In this movie, Robin Williams plays Professor Brainard who is so absent-minded that he even forgets his wedding - three times. The third time, he had an excuse: he had created a substance that could 'amplify energy' (don't ask me to explain it, please because I don't understand it either) dubbed flubber (flying rubber - though why rubber was chosen I have no idea as the substance does not resemble rubber to me).

Brainard uses it to make golf balls and bowling balls and basketballs fly all over the place and even uses it to help his college basketball team beat a rival team in an attempt to win back the heart of his fiancee (the one he left standing alone on the altar three times). Later, he uses it in his car and tries to save his college from closing due to lack of funds.

About the only fun parts in the movie was the flying robot (Weebo) displaying sections from various shows to express its emotions. Other than that, there is really nothing to distinguish it from the host of other 'good guy invents X, bad guy sees X and wants it, good guy fights to get X back' stories. Even Williams doesn't seem to be playing his usual maniacal self in this movie, being too somber and straight.

But I did have a good laugh seeing Wil Wheaton (who plays Wesley Crusher in Star Trek: The Next Generation) get clobbered at the end of the show (he plays a spoiled brat in this movie), though I have no idea why. Manic reaction perhaps...<grin>

Unless you really want to see every Disney movie ever made, give this one a miss. It wasn't worth the money I spent on it.

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