First South Carolina Company

Jamestowne Society

November 7 at the Carolina Yacht Club, Charleston, South Carolina


11:00 Board Meeting

11:30 Social

12:00  Meeting and Lunch   


 Speaker: Nicholas Butler, PhD

 Manager of The Charleston Archive of the Charleston County Public Library

                              “Colonial Music”


For reservations contact Theresa Johnson (843) 347-7677


of the

Next Meeting:

March 1, 2008

             Our March meeting was held at Columbia Country Club.  Tables were decorated in patriotic colors.  Dr Edward Beardsley, a professor of history at the University of South Carolina was dressed in costume impersonating Benjamin Franklin.


Past Meetings:

November1, 2008      

              In November, our meeting was held in historic Charleston, South Carolina at the Carolina Yacht Club. The speaker was Dr. Kyle Sinisi, a professor of history at the Citadel who specializes in the study of the government and military of the Civil War.  Dr. Sinisi gave a Powerpoint presentation of the first days of the Civil War with an emphasis on Fort Sumter.  From the windows of the meeting room, the fort could be seen in the distance.

Saturday March 7, 2009

     The meeting was held at Forest Lake Club at Columbia, South Carolina. The speaker  was Temple Ligon.  The topic of the lecture was “Jamestowne’s Influence on South Carolina”.

He compared the early South Carolina law with that of Jamestown.  Early South Carolina settlers were encouraged to bring families.

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