I got this from my friend's webpage.  I got it from the same email he got, but I trashed thanks Jeff!  you the coolest.  Yea, yea, definitely the coolest, yea.
Name: David  Kawaye
Nicknames: Dave; Dave K.; Erin's brother; Kamikaze; hey you
Siblings: Erin (older sis...3 years older, and three inches shorter!)
School: San Jose State University graduate in 2002; San Jose Christian College graduate in 2003 with Youth Ministry certificate
Best Friends: I quote my friend Jeff Chun with his answer to this question: "I'm one of those people who doesn't like to call any one person my best friend...I just like to say I have a few really good friends."
Pets: Peeves...other than that...none
Hobbies: Laughing at Wade Chan's jokes, trying to convince people why SURVIVOR is sooooo good, collecting playing cards
Words/Phrases you overuse: groovy; spiffy; good deal; sick; I wish I had your height
Best advice ever given: "Just do your best."
Coolest experience in life: As lame as this may sound, running the flag during all the football games that the band played at.  I have one story in particular...if you want to hear about it, ask me.
Dream job: Getting paid to breathe, blink and play video games.
Scariest thing you've ever done: Told a girl in fifth grade that I liked her...she laughed at me.
Little known talent you possess: I can make funny/cool voices
Funniest people you know: Wade Chan is TOTALLY number one on this list; Derek (he likes the A's...THAT'S funny!); Anh (if you've ever seen this man spell, you know why); Jeff Chun (my "mexican brother")
Favorite CDs: Disney Classics (I have the whole set of 5 CD's); All of the CDs put out by Steven Curtis Chapman, Audio Adrenaline, Rebecca St. James, O.C. Supertones, dc Talk, 4-Him, Point of Grace....and the list goes on.
Favorite Sports teams: SF Giants, SF 49ers, Seattle Mariners
Favorite Athlete: David Robinson, Rich Aurilia, Alex Rodriguez
Favorite Book of the Bible: Philippians, James
Favorite Book: Max Lucado is a great author...anything by him.
Favorite Food: Olive Garden's Zuppa Tuscana and their breadsticks; Philly CheeseSteaks; Garlic Fries
Least fave food: AVOCADO......YECK!
Fave Cartoon Character: Tigger (Taz is the runner up)
Fave Toy: Game Cube (yay Monkey Ball!!!!)
Fave Movie: oh many.  I'll give you just a little sampling:
Princess Bride will ALWAYS top this list; Steel Magnolias (simply for its SOUTHERN humor), Runaway Bride; A Few Good Men (Can you handle it?); Good Will Hunting (How you like THEM apples?); Face/Off (or is it Face/Anh?); Lion King; Breakfast Club; etc...

Fave Thing to wear: underwear (don't leave home without it)
Fave Day: Friday
Least favorite day: any day that has an exam in it
Fave Toothpaste: toothpaste?
Thing you're most scared of: Heights is my number one fear.  I'm also scared of being a bad example to the junior highers of my church.  I had never thought of this next one, but ever since Jeff put it as his answer, I have been scared of it.
"Melting while taking a shower and then going down the shower drain.  The water would still be running and people would think I'm taking an ultra long shower and nobody would know where I am."  Thanks a lot Jeff.
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