
In May 2005 I was travelling back from a mission's trip to Cambodia and had a few days to spend in Malaysia. The church we atteded while in Malaysia had a link from their  website to the First Place website, and that was the begining of a new journey for me.

For nearly 10 years, i had experienced difficulty in losing weight. I would lose some just to regain it all over again.  Due to a medical condition, I knew I had  sensitivity to certain foods. In particular carbohydrates  and sugar. If I ate just a little more than normal on a given day my weight would be up 1-2 kilos the next day and while it was easy for the weight to go it, it was always so hard to get it off.

Our trip to Cambodia was fantastic, but the foods we ate while there were high in carbohydrates, and if good drinking water wasnt available, often the only other source of fluid was sugary soft drink or juice. Although our trip was only for 2 weeks, I knew I had gained weight as my clothes were feeling tighter. When we arrived in Malaysia, I knew that coming back home would mean quite a few changes, and I needed to start as soon as I arrived home.

After I came across the First Place webiste, I had a long plane flight back home to decide whether or not this was the plan for me. I spent time praying and thinking and by the time we arrived home. I couldnt wait to get back online and order my First Place Members Kit.

Not having a local group, I signed up for the Australia online group. I was able to start straight away. The girls in my online group were fantastically supportive and gave me so much help getting through the begining stages.

While i havent lost a great deal of weight since starting my First Place journey, I know I am eating healthier. I am exercising more regularly, I am keeping a regular food journal, something I never really did in the past but by far the biggest change has been my walk with the Lord. I am reading my bible regularly and spending time in prayer. I feel closeness to the Lord that is greater than it was 12 months ago.

If you were considering starting your First Place journey, I would encourage you to start. The holistic approach far exceeds any other program on offer from a worldly standard. I could not succeed on this journey without the help of my Lord.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
(Written June 2006)
Left: "Before" & Right: "After" Photos 2005
In  2007 Suzanne gave birth to a son Joel her second child. Then 3 months later God lead her and her husband and 3yr old daughter to moved from QLD,  over to Indonesia to do missionary work with Warm Blankets for orphanages. Suzanne has been continuing her first place commitments in Indonesia and is still a active member in the Australia Oceana Online grou from Indonesia via the Internet.

In 2008 Suzanne continues the First Place 4 Health program via Online Group. her missionary work is taking new calls from God in a new direction as she is being obedient to Gods call on her life along with Craig and their children Ebony and Joel.
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