Historical Sketch -- THE EARLY YEARS

1968 - 1997

First Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
Pawnee, Oklahoma

[The following is from the booklet Centennial Celebration of First Christian Church.
This booklet was published for the 100 year celebration of the congregation 1893-1993.]

       In 1968 the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) formally entered into a new stage of its development.  Like with the denomination, our congregation saw new changes.

      Beginning on the first day of a new year, Rev. Graham F. Riggs began his service to the congregation on January 1, 1969. During this time the congregation would burn the $30,000 mortgage on the educational wing during the morning worship service on 15 February 1970. 

      Serving as interim prior to the arrival of Graham Riggs, James O. Michael is called as an interim to follow Graham Riggs in 1972. 

      Dr. Albert Johns was called as pastor. Dr. Jones would serve the congregation for five years. Rev. Elbert Whitwell was called as an interim in 1978. Rev. Ernest Leierer was called as the settled pastor for the congregation in 1978. It was during this period that the church would acquire their third parsonage. The new structure was built in the Reeves addition southwest of town. This structure remains today the parsonage for the church [though our present minister owns his own home and the parsonage is rented out. 

      Following Brother Leierer, Rev. Ed Butler was called as an interim in 1982. Later that year, Rev. Steve Churchill would be called as minister. Brother Churchill would serve the congregation until 1988. Rev. Neal Kentch was called as interim in 1088 and would serve the congregation until Easter, 1989. During his time, the congregation would call Rev. Tom Scott who was at the time serving as an oversees missionary to New Zealand. 

      Brother Scott began his ministry on April 2, 1989 and continues to Pastor our congregation. During these years a new roof was added to the Education wing at a cost of $22,000 and the narthex/foyer of the Sanctuary building was remodeled at a cost of $5,000. 

      On July 9, 1997 following choir practice and board meeting an arsonist struck at the building around 9:40 p.m. Pawnee Volunteer Fire Department worked hard and diligently to save the building.  The next morning, in the light of day, it was discovered that the new narthex/foyer was completely damaged, that inside, all parts was covered in soot. The heat and smoke had been so very think during the fire. 

       Initial examination of the rebuilding costs was as high as $1,300,000.  However upon further examination it was hoped that a more reasonable estimation would range from $500,000 to $750,000. 

       The congregation decided to help reduce the dollars needed for the project they would do as much of the “demolition” stage of the rebuilding as possible.  The sanctuary area had to have all the plaster removed from the walls, the ceiling had to be torn down.  Above the ceiling was so much insulation material that it nearly filled the chancel area when it was dropped down.  A number of the members (old and young alike) ripped down, torn out, shoveled up in the sanctuary area.  We also had to tear off all the walls in the upper education building area.  This task was accomplished also by members of the church as well as youth working in the area on another project.

        An estimate of the value of all this work was over $100,000.  We will forever be grateful to all the people who worked on this phase of the project. 

       Construction work began in early 1998 to restore the building.  The work would continue until early 1999 when the major portion of the rebuilding phase was completed and the Oklahoma State Fire Marshall allowed the congregation to return to the building to continue serving Pawnee. 

       During the approximate 20 months away from our building, the congregation held worship services in the Church of the Ascension Episcopal Church in Pawnee.   Our congregation will be forever grateful to our sisters and brothers in this congregation for opening their building and arms to us.  During this time, we did, however, hold several services either on the grounds of the building or the fellowship Hall.  These services included the service noting the first anniversary of the fire, Christmas Sunday School program, Christmas Eve program, 


For more history follow these links!

 History: Estabilishment to 1900
 History 1900-1968
History 1999-present

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at [email protected]

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