Our Second year,was way more better.  After Six months we started to talk again.  November 27, 2002, My dad passed away.  I didn't know how to tell him.  Since he knew what i went through while my dad was sick.  I finally told him three days after, my dad passed away.  He was a little angry at me, that i didn't tell him right away, the very day that he passed away.  Ever since that  we've  always make a attempt to talked to each other.  During our second year, when we would go on breaks we wouldnt talk to one another.  We would date other people.  It just didnt feel right though.  It felt so different without having him in my life.  by now i was 16 years old dealing with my fathers death and the fact that my boyfriend and i were always off and on.
      I went throught alot during our second year.  I went through rape, i went through putting myself in the hospital because i couldnt take the fact, that i was so alone.  I went through physical abuse by another guy, and my best friend moving, and all these other little things.  All in all i always had my best friends  jamie and nikki  by my side. i had other best friends through out the time, anthony and i had been together. Yet, it was more comforting for the fact that i had and needed anthony.   In ways i was so dependent on him for pure happiness. 
       No matter what i was going through, no matter what i was feeling, if i saw him or talked to him, i would be happy.  Even him calling me would make me smile for days and im still like that.  The first time i saw him, i had butterflies and everytime i saw him i did to.  I was really lucky for the fact that i turned 17.  The whole summer we were together and it was great i was soo happy he was back in my life.  Offically we were back together.  We've always have been togetherm but not offically at times.  We broke up again as usually.  LIfe was still going on though. 
us Holding hangs...
My baby and his dog.
Me..finally growing my bangs out
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