tHe fiRst piCture thAT he sEnt mE
tHe fiRst piCtuRe i sEnt hIm
So where did it all start between Anthony and I? Well its pretty interesting actually.  I never thought of online dating too much.  Nor did i ever think about getting with a guy who was 5 years older then me.  During the summer of 2001, I had dated a guy who was super shy, and it honestly just didn't work out between the two of us.  After that i really didn't care much for finding a boyfriend.  Or even dating someone for that matter.  I was 15 years old, of course I was boy crazy.  Begining of August 2001 I had gotten an IM. Back then it was all about AOL.  So i would chat with this guy.  We exchanged pictures [ the one above and the one to the side].  We would talk to each other as much as we could online.  He didn't have a cell phone, nor did i.  All we had was our house numbers.  Even, still that was a little scarey.  After more then a couple weeks, i really started to look forward into talking to him.
We would talk about how each others day was.  Everytime we would have to brb we would tell one another where we were going.  After a while we both confessed that we liked talking to one another and that we both knew it was going to go beyond being friends.  We also had to ask one another, weather we wanted to go further then friends.  I remember, when school just started there was a ice breaker dance and he was suppose to meet me there.  Yet his friend thought it was weird to meet at the High School, so we didnt.  On SEPTEMBER 11,2001 I woke up on a Late Start day, my father waking me up going a tragedy has happened.  I sat down in the room watching the Tv news about the twin tower collapsing.  I didn't know what to think.  All i wanted to do was talk to him.  I went to school and right when i got home, I went online and talked to him.  We talked about how it was sad and all .  Even still the with the tragedy, we got together on that  day offically.  Many people would think thats bad luck because we  got together on a tragedy.  Yet, I honestly don't think so. 
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