For the begining of our relationship it was completely great.  I remember when I first saw him i was like " dayam thats my boyfriend?!?!" I was in complete shock that a guy like him, would like a girl like me.  Our worries in the begining was our age difference.  I was 15 and he was 19 then turned 20.  We would go hang out at his house or at his friend's house.  We would just drink or watch movies.  Just spend time together.  I really loved it.  Except that fact that i did have to sneak out, but it was well worth it.  I remember one time we were sitting on the couch at his friends house and my pager was on vibrate.  I looked at my pager and saw a text that said " hi baby"  i immediately deleted it because i didnt know who it was.  Usually when he would page me he would put his code at the end.  He was sitting right next to me and asked who paged me.  I said no one but he knew right away someone did.  Hes like "no what did it say" i was like "uh someone paged me with hi baby."  He's like "are u cheating on me?" and im like "what the fuck no."  Couple mintues later he started to laugh and kissed me and said " baby that was me, I paged you"  I hit him, but i still forgave him. 
       Importantly, he was there for me when i really needed someone in my life.  One night in October i was caught by my parents for sneaking out.  The very next day, i found out that my dad was sick again.  We weren't sure exactly what it was yet.  A couple days later, we found out what it really was.  My dad's cancer had come back.  I really didnt know what to think.  I kept crying and crying.  I called anthony and i told him what happened.  He was speechless he didnt know what to say.  He didnt know what would make me feel better. 
      We really had good times together.  He was my first a lot of things.  As for him i was his first a lotta things to.  We Shared things with each other that we never shared with anyone else.  In Feburary 2002 , we broke up for the very first time.  I thought my life was going to be over.  We broke up for the fact that it was hard to keep our relationship going when i was so young.  He said it would have been different if was 18 years old.  We didnt talk for a month, then we talked again.  We tried to have a relationship again, but it didnt work.  We then didnt talk for about six months. I knew then i fell in luv
Us together at his place....
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