Mrs. D'Annecy's Daily Schedule
8:15-8:20 Arrival
As the children enter the classroom, they will find some morning seat work on their desks.  They are to get started on it right away.  When they are finished they may quietly read a book from the book pocket on the front of their desks.

8:20-8:30 Morning Business
Attendance, dress code check, pledges, calendar, and morning message.

8:30-9:00 Bible

Prayer requests, teacher led prayer, and Bible lesson.

9:00-10:15  Reading Block Number 1

This time includes phonics lessons, review, shared reading,and phonics workbook practice.

10:15-10:30 Snack

10:30-11:25 Math
This time includes direct instruction, working with manipulatives, and guided workbook practice.

11:25- 12:00  Literacy Centers
Literacy centers include reading around the room, word work, buddy reading, independent reading, big books, listening to books on tape, and accelerated reader computer quizzes.  This time may also include other centers such as math, computer, puzzles/games, and art.

12:00-12:30 Reading Block Number 2
This time includes reading aloud, guided reading groups, buddy reading, and independent reading.  As the year progresses, this time will be lengthened.

12:30-1:00 Lunch

1:00-1:15 Word Wall / Spelling / Handwriting Practice

1:15-1:35 Writing Workshop

This will include shared writing and mini lessons on the writing process and the mechanics of writing.  The students will sometimes choose what they will write about. Other times they will be given a prompt.  As the year progresses, this time will be lengthened

1:35-2:10  Science/ Social Studies
Depending on what we are studying, the activities here will vary.  They will include listening, reading, writing, hands-on experimentation, observation, and data collection.

2:10-2:40  PE

2:40-3:00  Read Aloud and Dismissal
     Our schedule must remain flexible because each day the children have a "special" class or two.  They have a 30 minute PE class everyday with the PE teacher. The other specials are as follows:

                                        Monday:               Art                        9:20-10:15
                                        Tuesday:             Spanish                 8:30-9:00
                                                                    Computer             11:05-11:35
                                        Wednesday:        Chapel                   8:30-9:00
                                                                    Music                    11:35-12:05
                                       Thursday:             Spanish                  9:30-10:00
                                        Friday                  Library                  10:20-11:10
                                                                    Music                   11:35-12:05

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