Welcome to our Guestbook!

roberto borden - 12/28/00 16:54:06

good luck in your music, definitely one devoted dude.

amanda - 07/30/00 00:04:17
My URL:http://www.heavenataglance.get-2.com
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Band: Audio Adrenaline
How did you find us?: Just surfed on


Almost Hip - 04/25/00 11:04:35
My URL:http://download.at/hipfan
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Band: The Tragically Hip
How did you find us?: I am Ginish, I know All

Your dumbass banner showed up on my site. People should not broadcast religon. Mainly because it is irrational. Believe whatever you want, but leave me out of it. If you believe in mythical beasts and Gods, then you have issues.

Kernzy - 04/17/00 01:00:31
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Band: third day
How did you find us?: crusing


Joanna - 03/28/00 07:01:48
My URL:http://home.hiwaay.net/~eduard/christ/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Band: Scarecrow and Tinman
How did you find us?: CrossDaily

Hi from Huntville, AL. You have a cool site, but my computer was not cooperating with the music.

Jan Wagner - 03/09/00 10:18:12
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/ccmlyrics
How did you find us?: Webring

CLA Updated ! Hello! I just wanted to inform you, that the CCM Lyrics Archives is now updated! If you haven't linked/bookmarkt it yet, you can do it now! -> http://members.xoom.com/ccmlyrics In Christ, Jan (: P.S.: THE CLA is one of the biggest archives for christian songlyrics

JACQUELINE - 03/01/00 22:13:23
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find us?: FRIEND


Matt Wales - 02/22/00 15:51:54
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Band: Who knows???
How did you find us?: E mail notification

Brian, I just got your e mail about your web site. Your site really looks great! I'm anxious to hear what your doing musically these days. Anyway, take care. MBW

Stephen Boursy - 02/08/00 00:53:53
My URL:http://www.churchstate.net
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Band: Tom Waits
How did you find us?: Jesus told me about you in the supermarket

Nice site.

bubba borden - 12/30/99 02:30:14
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Band: newsboys
How did you find us?: friend

Hola! Hey Brian, this is Bubba. Thought I'd check out the web site, pretty neat.

beadchaser - 10/26/99 12:46:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/beadchaser
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Band: anything with a great beat and a Christian message
How did you find us?: geocities banner exchange

nice work. lemme know if you want me to put you on my links page. Also, if you check out my gallery, there's some neat graphics there. if you want me to design something for the site, let me know. would love to help with whatever you need help.

- 10/11/99 22:49:26


Big Daddy Sax - 10/07/99 00:05:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/gizmoa
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Band: Limp Bizkit
How did you find us?: I followed a link that appeared on my Geocuide

Wow, I feel really guilty putting Limp Bizkit as my favorite band, but they are! I don't nesecarily agree with what their sayin, but I like the sound, you know? I guess what I'm tryin to say is it's really great what you guys have goin. You should make some mp3's so I can hear ya!

-Big Daddy Sax

Hammy - 07/15/99 10:08:16
My URL:http://www.audiogalaxy.com/bands/hammytech/
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find us?: Webring


chris north - 07/03/99 08:16:19
My URL:www.geocities.com
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Band: Living Sacrifice,Zao,Strong Arm,Embodyment,Training For Utopia,Focal Pointmtrong
How did you find us?: I screamed for F.C.T.!!!!!

Greater is he that is within me than in the world!!!!!!!

Alan Sears - 06/18/99 02:27:46
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Band: Zao,living sacrifice,mindrage,FCT of course!,Embodyment,training for utopia,N.I.V.,P.O.D., and Project 86!! and soon my own when i get a drummer!
How did you find us?: chris sup cuz!


HAIR - 05/28/99 19:11:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Venue/9755/index.htm
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Band: OUTRAGE*my band* Living Sacrifice, Blindside, P.O.D. and MINDRAGE
How did you find us?: LS page


joan elmore - 05/21/99 01:33:42
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Band: you of course!
How did you find us?: talked to chris

guard your heart with all diligence, for the issues of life spring from it. (:

Hammy Technoid - 05/12/99 04:40:21
My URL:http://www.audiogalaxy.com/bands/hammytech
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find us?: Christian Music Ring

Nice site. Cool background. God Bless Ya!

sally griner - 04/08/99 23:38:20
My Email:[email protected]

Hey Amy, Brian, and Jordan! I finally found your web page. It is wonderful!!! I love the pictures. Talk with you soon. Sally

BriZZell @ Light Force Records - 04/02/99 07:28:35
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ab/lightforce/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Band: looking...........
How did you find us?: http://www.gateseven.com I'm # 1350

�_�_� Light Force Records �_�_� P.O. Box 149711 Orlando, Fl 32814-9711 U.S.A. �_�_�_ [email protected] _�_�_� �Rocking for God� That none shall perish Anything else just AIN'T HARD ENOUGH WELCOME, TO THE EDGE!!!!! I'd like it if you could send me some demos. Light Force Records (a part of A.H.E.) is looking for Christian bands, comics, & other artists. We're looking to do some shows & maybe sign some bands. So if you can please help & pass it on. Please send a full media pack including: *Photos *Byos (band & it's members) *History *References *Lyrics *Your music, of corse, preferably a C.D.(including some live music is a plus) *And info on where God is leading you. *Don't forget to give $rates$ for gigs & so-on!!!! Light Force Records is devoted to intense music, music that challenges both the musician & the listener as well. (2 Timothy 4:1-2) We're primarily geared toward Heavy Metal & Worship & are a devoted resource to the growth & expression of our musicians. Most of the time I am available online 6 days a week: Mon. 2am-3am, Tues.-Sat. 10pm-3am (Eastern Standard Time). In sending E-m. messages, please, always give a subject for all of your E-m messages. (Otherwise your message may be deleted without one). Alw ys reply to my E-mail unless noted otherwise. Thank You!!! May you go and build your Bible reference library, enhance your Bible study, and increase your Biblical understanding. May you grow in grace, knowledge, and wisdom as you utilize the fruit of your own intensive study of GOD's precious Word. FEAR HAS NEVER BEEN AN OPTION Numbers6:24 BriZZell owner: [email protected] AIM (AOL Instant Messenger):.. T BriZZell

Rod Carroll - 03/17/99 20:16:36
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Band: B.T.R.
How did you find us?: Brian

Hey Brian, Cool Site!

allenpeppers - 03/15/99 01:53:55
Favorite Band: metalica
How did you find us?: my best freind little eddie whitley


Eric Taylor - 03/13/99 07:21:00
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Band: Stavesacre, Living Sacrifice, POD, EDL, Klank,Embodyment,Zao
How did you find us?: from you all

hey, How are ya? Blessed i hope ��� thanks for allowing me to come to your practices every tuesday and thrusday. hanging out with you all is helping me out ALOT. More than you all will ever know!!!!! TO Brian: keep on the great guitar play and nice web page. You need help?(I'll be willing to help you if you do need or want help) To John thanks for all the great uplifting words and keep the faith. To Chris Thanks for sharing your testimony at the conce t at The Fire Escape it's helped me with my faith and it's showed me how Great and WONDERFUL God's love really is. To Jeremy I've know you longer than the rest of the 5 memebers I haven't heard all of you testimony but what i've have heard has help me re lize how blessed i am for not ever been addicted to any kinds of drugs or alchol(oh ever you spell it) To Ben i have know you that long and haven't talk to you that much but you seem to be a Great guy and a man trying to do what's right with God and To Ti B. thank you for just being there for John, Chris, Ben, Brian,Jeremy and me and also thanks for your willingness to help us when we need it, what i'm trying to say to you all is that i thank God everyday that for allowing me to meet and hang out with you all. You all have help me out alot with my walk with God more than you will know. Before i started hanging out at your practices i wouldn't hardly ever read my Bible or Pray. But now i've started reading my Bible more haven't gotten to everyday yet but ith God's help and your i will be getting to everyday and i've started praying more i've prayed twice yesterday(3-11-99) while i was driving both of them was only 5 mins each but that's better than nothing at all, and i've thank God about 3 times yesterd y(3-11-99) for not allowing something that could have happen--happen. I've prayed awhile back for God to send me some good Christian friends to me and look how he answered me he send me 6 good Christian friends Thanks be to God. well that's all i want to say i just wanted to let you all know how i was feeling about you all. see ya later God Bless, Love you all, Eric <><

John Stallings - 03/12/99 17:46:40
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Band: ???
How did you find us?: surfing


Samantha Harmon - 03/09/99 20:36:10
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Band: Elder
How did you find us?: Fire Escape

You guys rock. One day, I will be putting gigs together and I will be calling you guys up!

Brian Montgomery - 03/05/99 15:35:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Farm/1407
My Email:[email protected]
Favorite Band: Living Sacrifice, Project 86, EDL
How did you find us?: I play for Firstclasstrip

I praise God for every person that visits our page.

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