July/August 2000

Henry Drummond once remarked regarding the church: "How many prodigals are kept out of the kingdom of God by the unlovely characters of those who profess to be inside!"

What an indictment!  What words of truth!  Our shameful lack of encouragement with one another is almost in the epidemic stage.  We are such a busy people.  Busy with organizational structure.  Busy with church.  Busy with programs.  Busy with committees.  We busy ourselves so much that we do not have time to truly encourage someone who is calling out from their struggles in life, those who are shouting through their pain.

Let me illustrate this:

When did you last encourage someone else?

When did you last interrupt your schedule to offer a helping hand to another who was in deep need?

When is the last time you went out of your way along the Jericho Road to offer healing to one who has been beaten by life and left for dead?

What were the last words of encouragement that you spoke?  To whom?

There is such a crying need for this ministry in the world around us, and yes, in the church  Is there not someone that you can impact with words of encouragement?  Someone struggling for healing - a teen searching for significance - a missionary aching for a word from home - someone in need of a word.

You can make a significant difference in someone's life.  Give it a try.  Pick up that pen and write that note!  Dial that number and share your love!  Open your arms - expose your heart - fulfill the ministry of encouragement!

Do it today!  Do it now!  Over the vacation months look for opportunities to minister for the Lord in a ministry of encouragement!

Someone has well said: "You give but little when you give of your possessions.  It is when you give of yourself that you truly give."

Until September - may God bless!

Pastor Bob

June 2000


September 2000

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