Click Here For The 2008-2009 TRESTLE BOARD (Printable EXCEL FILE) 



Welcome Back to the Lodge !

I trust that you all had a summer to remember and enjoyed every minute of it. There were some events over the summer that were well attended and I thank everyone for their support.  We started out with the Wantagh July Fourth Parade sponsored by Wantagh Morton Lodge.  Not only did we have Brothers marching in the parade, we had two cars carrying those who were not able to march.  W Mike Catapano hosted the after parade BBQ which was well attended.  The next event held over the summer was the District Golf Outing.  We had 77 golfers present and enjoying the afternoon.  Again this year we were able to raise funds for Camp Turk in the amount of $1,000.00.  Thank you to all for supporting this event and of course to W Mike Catapano for all his efforts.  Hopefully, the future DDGM will continue this event.  And finally, Wantagh Morton Lodge held their annual picnic which was also well attended.  These events are only successful with the support of all the Brothers, not only from the Lodge but the District.

Now that we have reviewed the events of the summer, let's roll up our sleeves and get ready to work. September starts quickly with both Valley Stream and Spartan Lodges. Spartan will have a Junior Past Masters night on the 2nd and Valley Stream will have a business meeting.  Wantagh Morton will have a welcome back BBQ at their first meeting and will have W Todd Devestern at their second meeting to give a seminar on the Child ID program.  He will have a machine that night and will do some ID's of the Brothers present.  As always, I urge all of you to review the District Website and the calendar for upcoming events.

On event that I would like to see as many of you as possible is on Monday the 14th.  This is usually the night we have the Wardens and Officers meeting at RVC. Cassiopeia Chapter OES is hosting a Master Mason night and we have all been invited.  We have many good relationships with this Chapter and I would like to see as many Masons as possible that evening.

Spartan Lodge will conduct the Second Degree on the 16th and South Shore Long Beach will conduct a first Degree on the 23rd.  As always, the fourth Monday will be the School of Instruction.  With all the new officers in line, this is a great opportunity to learn the roles of the new stations.  Come down and support each other and test the DD on his knowledge.

Part of what we do is support Grand Lodge and their programs.  There are a number of events that are coming up and I encourage all of you to attend if able to. On Friday October 9th, Garibaldi Lodge will be conducting a First Degree in the Grand Lodge room. Our District has 25 seats reserved.  If any Brother would like to attend, please contact me to secure your seat.  I must give a final head count on October 1st, so call early.  The next day will be the Grand Master's Day at West Point. For those who have never attended this game it is a great day.  If you are interested in attending please contact me ASAP. The weekend is still not over as the next day is the Grand Master's Day at Tappan.  I will be going to this event and encourage all to consider attending as well.  And finally, to end the Holiday weekend is the Columbus Day Parade.  The Grand Lodge will be marching up Fifth Ave and all are welcome to join.

As you can see, we hit the ground running and keep the pace up well into the next month.  I know that life gets in the way sometimes, but I would like to see as many of you as possible at these events and help support our Grand Lodge, our Lodges and our other fraternal bodies.  Our great Fraternity is only as great as we make it.  With the support and dedication of all the Brothers, Free Masonry will prosper and hit new heights here in the First Nassau District.

As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns please contact me.



RW Charles Catapano

DDGM First Nassau Masonic District  




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